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While Alexia's mother was being taken care of by Shelina and a handful of other people that were her long-time friends, Ingrid and I followed Alexia straight to the only place in Saint Ives where she'd go when sad: the cliff over the sea. Indeed, she was sitting there, all by herself, crying her heart out: losing a sister was terrible as it is, but having her grave blasphemed was a whole other level of hurt. We both sit on each side of her, wrapping our arms around her, letting her cry on our shoulders - just like old times.

During the whole time we hugged her, she stammered in a weak voice:

"It's all my fault... it's all... she d-d-doesn't deserve that, she's the best person out of us both... S-she... I can't believe this is happening, and I can't do shit about it... I don't understand shit..."

"Shh, calm down" Ingrid gently says, her chin relying on the top of Ale's head. Since we weren't used to seeing her break down - last time being when her sister died - we knew this one mattered the most: "We will discover who did this and punish them, trust me."

"Ing's right" Leah adds, trying to be encouraging, "we're not leaving until we figure everything out."

After a while, Alexia finally looks up at us, before saying in a rather dramatic tone:

"I've kept a terrible secret from you, girls..."

"Whatever it is" Leah is quick to react, "you can tell us. We've all done some stupid shit, but we will always have each other's back."

Alexia takes a deep breath, before declaring:

"I used to be part of Pernille, Ada and Sam's little drug industry, back in high school... (as we both stare at her with wide eyes, she doesn't leave us time to respond and instead immediately explains:) In the beginning, it was Pernille's idea, but she had no idea how to gain new clients, so we decided to work together. I stopped after Mapi's death, mostly because Pernille was synthesising a new type of drugs - some evolved shit, and I think that's what drugged you that night, Leah... I'm so sorry I didn't tell you - I wanted to help my parents financially, and I made the wrong choices..."

But as Ale was about to continue beating herself up, Ingrid takes the lead and reveals:

"I killed Jason McCabe after he assaulted me for wanting to protect you guys..."

"Oh my God..." I let out, in shock.

"Let her finish" Alexia says, visibly shocked by this reveal.

Ingrid takes a deep breath, before saying: 

"It was him or me that night - I panicked, 'cause he was a cop you know, and I was just a teenager, so nobody would've believed my versions of things, so I hit his head with a rock, and he died immediately... He was about to frame us for Mapi's murder..."

"Thank you" Alexia immediately settles, surprising both Ingrid and I. As we both stare at her in confusion, she continues: "for protecting us, I mean. I would've done the same."

"Same..." I say, before taking a deep breath and saying: "by the way, while we're at confessing our secrets... Turns out I regained some memories of Senior Prom Night..."

Ingrid immediately hits me - not too hard, fortunately enough - before exclaiming:

"What ? Why would you not tell us?" 

"Because I was ashamed... Before I blacked out and woke up next to Mapi's body, we got into this huge fight, and she told me she did not love me... not like that, not like I loved her... And I guess I wanted to forget all about it... But then I got drugged and really blacked out..."

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