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This morning I woke up and felt like the world was falling on my head.

My anxiety attacks started as soon as I opened my eyes, woken up from a bad dream. My first reflex, as my throat was too tight to even breathe normally, was to call Ingrid - in a matter of seconds, she immediately knew what was going on: after all, my anxiety crises were already bad enough in high school, and she and Alexia were there for me even if they didn't understand what was happening to me quite yet. Eventually, they ended up getting me completely and being there the best way possible.

Even after all those years, Ingrid called work to take a day off and immediately came to my place at 7:30 AM with breakfast and something for us to cook whenever my appetite would be back. 

After a few hours, as the crises were getting less and less intense, Ingrid and I were sitting on the couch watching Friends, laughing our asses off because the Norwegian had chosen her favourite episodes for us to watch, and would imitate Phoebe singing Smelly Cat to perfection. To be honest, it has been a long time since we hadn't laughed like that... not ever since... 

Setting my jaw, I watch as Ingrid comes back with pancakes, almost forgetting about reality...

... that came right back knocking at the door.

Ingrid goes and opens the door, and quite immediately I know who it is only by the sound of their voice:

"Oh, hi... Is Leah here? She didn't show up to work and I'm kind of worried 'cause I know she has anxiety sometimes..."

"You must be Lia..." Ingrid slowly says, throwing me an amused look, before adding: "... Leah's told me lot of things about you..."

Feeling the tension building up - and getting annoyed at Ingrid's not-so-subtle way or telling Lia she should shoot her shot with me because I'm too much of a chicken to make it myself - I just cough to get the two girls' attention.

As soon as Lia makes one step inside, I shyly wave at her, and when she waves back, Ingrid rolls her eyes, grabs her coat and says:

 "Alright, this is it: you two should have some space to talk about the affective tension between you, so I'm gonna head out and go to work 'cause, well... Bye-bye, lovebirds!"

Before I can say anything fiery at Ingrid, she walks out of the apartment, pushes slightly Lia inside, and closes the door behind the Swiss, who stands there in surprise and shock. 

As she blushes a bit - I am not too innocent myself - I just say in a weak voice:

"Uh... I'm sorry about Ingrid, she's a bit... too bitchy sometimes, she's been messing with me since we were teenagers so..."

Shut up, you're digging your own sentimental grave, I tell myself, growing silent all of a sudden. Realising that must be very weird for her, as well as surprising, I just crack a shy smile.

Dumbass, I think to myself, as Lia finally breaks her own silence:

"It's, uh... It's okay..." she slowly says, before staring at me from head to toe, before adding: "Are you, I mean, o-okay? Are you alright, I mean?" 

"Um, yeah... Sorry I didn't tell you I was about to miss work today, it's just-"

"Anxiety, I gathered from what you've told me the other day" the brunette interrupts me clumsily, before nervously playing with her own hands. 

I frown.

"Are y-you okay?" I ask, stressed out all of a sudden. 

"Um... See, I really wanted to talk to you... It's about Pernille, we had an interesting discussion this morning..." Lia slowly says, stammering even.

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