Things fall apart 2

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In the Sivan's tower

"We have held this gathering to welcome our new King!" a man said, holding a crown. He was standing next to Alfred, who was putting on a robe and tunic. There was a large gathering to celebrate him. 

"I introduce you to the new king. King Alfred! " People clapped as they placed the crown on his head. He smiled and waved. His dream was finally taking place. This was the best day of his life, and no one could put an end to it. 


Rudev was sitting on the floor scribbling on a piece of paper. She sang to herself, "Lonely... I am so lonely... I miss my daddy... I miss my mum..." she sang again to herself, even louder this time with some sad beats. Suddenly, she heard loud drums and musical instruments approaching the castle. They were welcoming Alfred into the living room, dancers were dancing and people were chanting his praise. Rudev ran downstairs as fast as she could, Alfred spotted her and danced towards her, he sought to irritate rudev. She sighed and folded her arms. 

He bent down and whispered to her "Welcome, meet your new King " he smiled sinisterly. She clapped in his face and replied"You know, I never thought you would ever progress. I'm proud of you, honestly." This comment disturbed him."I so want to kick you out of this house for good but I don't know how.  But I promise you, I would "He threatened her.

Alfred took some guards with him to the site where his brother was shot. He told amira that he was going to investigate, so he had to go. When they got to the site, he got down and they all split up  During the search, what he saw shocked him.

"Three arrows?" he asked himself. "But I only hired one man, this story  just got too interesting and..." he examined one of the arrows properly

" can't be !" he was shocked. He continued "...The arrow of Will? what is this doing here?" he looked round to see if anyone saw him, he hid the other two arrows and took the arrow of will and left for home. 

As soon as he got home, everyone expected answers. Amira stood up with curiosity and gazed at him. Alfred began his formulated story, he pulled out the arrow of will. Everyone gasped in shock. Amira took it from him

"This arrow came from the arrow of will, how come ?" Everyone shared a glance. The kids ran down to see what the commotion was about 

"Who knows how this arrow left this house?" Amira asked. Priel, Dan and Rebecca all turned to rudev. 

"It is I" rudev replied.

"Well, well, well, now I have an alibi. This foolish girl will take the fall for this" he thought to himself.

"Who gave this to you?" Amira asked her. 

"My dad! he knew I was worthy of it !" she boldly replied. 

"Of course he did, you are also worthy of killing him!" Alfred said.  Amira was confused, everyone looked at him to explain further. He started 

"Mum, during my investigation. I found just this arrow with a stain of blood on it, I went to have it tested and...." Rudev's knees started crumbling in fear. She was paralysed while standing, her heart raced faster and she struggled to remain sane.

"Go on !" amira yelled in frustration.

"I ran a test and it is just what we are looking for" That was what it took for rudev to collapse on the ground. Everyone froze, what news. They were astonished, amira tried to reason it "How did this happen!!!!!!" she screamed. No one said a word but priel silently rose her hands up. 

"Yes, dear?" Alfred grinned.

Dan stuttered and explain the whole incident carefully. At this point rudev lost her mind, she faced amira "...Grandma, this is all a misunderstanding... I would never..." A slap was what kept rudev shut. Amira cried badly   "You killed your dad !"

Rudev shook her head "No, That's not possible. "

Amira beat her up and dragged her to the ground again just like before"You and your ego will leave my house !" 

The  maidservants had to interfere"Rudev can never do a thing like that !"

"She is just a child !"

Alfred glowered at them "If you don't mind your business!..." They all subdued. Amira wasn't done with rudev." Grandma let me go !" rudev screamed. The news hurt both amira and rudev

"Mother, let me punish her, she's used to you beating her up. She killed the king so she has to suffer for it "Alfred said calmly.

Rudev looked at him with a curiosity about what her fate could be, he began"Rudev Epraim Mary, you are found guilty of killing the king and patricide. I king Alfred hereby sentence you to 21 yrs imprisonment in the Accult Jail of Babylon"Everyone gasped. The accult jail was the biggest in Jeroboam and only serious offenders were sent there. It was only allowed for people over the age of 21 but rudev's case was different. She was sentenced by a king and had no choice. Rudev froze and glared at him, she panted and looked at everyone slowly, how would she forget these faces. The atmosphere turned solemn. 

That was it for rudev, rudev was escorted outside, she didn't struggle at all. She was placed in a chariot. After all, what did she have left to fight for? She sat looking wan and dirty, she was tired of life and lost all hope. Then priel came running to her"Hey rudev" Rudev looked at her slowly

"What do you want to say? Say it?" rudev muttered. She didn't have the strength to speak loudly. Priel sobbed and brought out the arrow of will giving it to her. 

"I believe you now go, take this and return with it," priel said smiling.

Rudev regained hope immediately and asked, "Why are you being good to me all of a sudden?"

"I just believe you " she replied. They hugged. Rudev took the arrow and said with all seriousness"Prepare a place for me in my father's house, I'll be back soon."

RUDEV MARYWhere stories live. Discover now