So you think you can run

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There was bedlam in the hall. The people scattered and ran away for cover. King Boaz pulled priel and the priest away to continue the wedding somewhere else where rudev wouldn't follow them. Amid the turbulence, he snuck out with priel forcefully, but Joza spotted him and followed him.

"Have you seen what your cousin has caused?" he grumbled. Priel didn't know whether to struggle or go willingly.

Rudev began a sword fight, but they were too many. They all surrounded her., she stood looking at their faces, thinking of what to do next. She turned around in circles until someone shot an arrow from behind. One man fell down bleeding.
Rudev looked to see who...

"You know I got you," Eve said, putting her bow down. Rudev smiled and somersaulted out of the circle. Eve ran close to her and they stood beside backing each other. The other knights pulled out their swords to prepare for round two. They exchanged blows, slashing and parrying until the knights seemed to tire and their blades sagged. Rudev rushed to take advantage, raising her sword to deliver a mighty cut"Stop!"eve said

"Priel is gone!"eve added. They both ran out immediately.


Boaz sat priel down and told the priest to go on ."Stop!"Joza said. Boaz turned to them in shock"How did you..." he muttered,priel became glad even though it was her decision."Stop interrupting my wedding, the bride clearly wants to get married to me" Boaz said. Priel immediately stood and ran towards Joza"I changed my mind, if rudev could escape your dungeon to save me then it's a sign that we're not meant to get married" she took off her ornaments and threw them on the floor.

Boaz wasn't taking no for an answer again, for an old man he is a very good sword fighter even better than most knights. He sneered at Joza as they both assumed a high guard, and threw an overhand cut. Joza parried quickly, reflexively. Boaz cut from the other side, and Joza again parried. They moved, back and forth, until, realizing he wasn't dead yet, Joza began to remember his training. He started to think, to act instead of reacting. Boaz kept throwing overhand cuts. Artyom could use this

Priel would scream at every movement." I wanted to help your pathetic kingdom"  boza said throwing in another cut, Joza threw his hands up, and parried high, with his point towards Joza's face. In his pleasure at his success, he nearly missed the moment to thrust but thrust he did. Boaz, surprised, leapt backwards, slapping Joza's blade aside. Joza did not fight the blow but turned the deflection into a moulinet.

Boaz parried, and cut againstJoza. He dodged to the side, throwing a crooked cut at Boaz's hands, which made him scream. Boaz stared in shock at his pinky finger, lying on the ground, while the rest of his hand was about his sword grip.

Wasting no time gawking himself, Joza pressed in, keeping his blade against Boaz's to close the line, and pressed his point against Boaz's throat. Boaz glared at him but said the required words. "I yield."

Priel sighed and ran towards them"I'm sorry Boaz for even thinking of getting married to you" she said.

Boaz hissed and stood"I'll leave now" he muttered and walked away. Joza hugged priel tightly,."Thank you so much," she said


Boaz did as he said and took his men and evacuated the kingdom."Well, at least priel didn't end up marrying that man" Rudev said smiling.

"Yes, and our citizens hoarded enough food to last them till our next plan, which is?"Priel turned to rudev.

The landline immediately rang. It has been a long time since they received a call from their anonymous so they wasted no time picking it up.

"Hello," Rudev said.

"Long time. I can tell you missed me"The voice replied.
"We know who you are're from armageddon..."rudev replied. The voice remained silent for a while, the person later replied"Good to know, I've given you people so many chances but instead, you chose other ways that don't go as planned. Tomorrow we strike..."rudev gasped when she heard that, she looked at priel, Joza and eve and shook her head, this meant bad news. The voice continued"Prepare for us cause we'll be sure to attack when you expect it"

The person hung up.

Rudev dropped the phone slowly and turned to them "Get the knights ..." she said to Joza. They all became confused"What did they say?"eve asked.

"They're attacking tomorrow"

They all stared in shock.

"But if you have noticed, these people aren't trying to kill us..."priel said. They all looked at her. She continued"Ever since they have been tormenting us, they have never actually threatened our lives, all they ever asked for is for the jaguar and for mom to bow"

They pondered on what she said and nodded.

"Maybe it's not the kingdom's enemy but mum's enemy"Joza concluded.



"Yes, I'll do as you say"Talia hung up the phone."What are you up to now?"Dan asked her.
"We're attacking your kingdom tomorrow, our boss wants us to do so" Talia replied.

"Who's your boss," Dan asked.

"Calm down. Dan, you'll find out soon" Talia tapped him on the shoulder and screamed "Load the cannons, sharpen your swords and gather our horses, we'll be paying Kingdom Persia a visit"

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