Marriage is the last thing on Tee's mind. But he reluctantly agrees to marry the Kreeporlerk heir to make his father happy.
KISMET prequel
The story of TaeTee
The events in this story happened five years before KISMET GodtBas story. You d...
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I ran the comb through my wet strands. Sitting in front of the vanity dresser, which has a direct view of my four poster bed through its large oval mirror. I couldn't help wondering what P'Kamnan wants from P'Tae.
It's been more than a couple of minutes. What could they be talking about? In fact, I even had time for a warm leisure bath – it's beside the point that I was half expecting P'Tae to join me like he did back in China.
Thinking of that night makes my stomach flutter, not in apprehension or with nerves but with anticipation and desire.
My first kiss, the very first time I was touched, sexually, and the loss of my virginity all rolled on to that one night.
I wished that I had complete coherence during that time - to properly remember, what his kisses taste like, the scent of his skin, warmth of his breath, the stretch and the burn when he'd buried deep inside me. I wanted to imprint those memories onto my brain.
For, before he showed up at the manor, I made up my mind to let him go.
It had been hard for me to make that choice then. Yet, after much deliberation, I took that decision. It would have ripped me apart to see him with Pavel. But I wanted P'Tae to be happy. I've learned that the happiness of the one you love places above everything.
I didn't expect him to rush in, just to see me so soon. But I was pleased he was here. I've missed him, if I'd be honest with myself. To learn that he missed me too? I didn't anticipate that, though.
I kind of knew that P'Tae cares for me. But he claimed that he loves me. Do I believe him? Yes, one hundred percent, for the fact that P'Tae never lies. He was honest when he said he might still love Pavel and I know that he was telling what he really feels when he said that he loves me.
If not, I'm willing to make him fall in love with me. My altruism has its limits. I'm not going to sacrifice my man – yes, he's mine now and I will never let him go - just because a certain Russian Ice Skater used to date him.
It's my turn to be possessive.
Funny how I forgot all the religious teachings of letting go, the moment I heard him say that he loves me, not Pavel. In my defense, I'm only human.
"Khun Thanapon?"
I was awakened from my reverie and turned on the stool to peer through the wide open door of my bedroom – I kept it open so that P'Tae won't get lost.
Manu stood at the entrance to my living room with a tray balanced in his arms.
"I don't want milk today, Manu," I got up and walked out to meet him. He used to bring glasses of milk and plates of cookies for Bas and I, every night before bed. He just continued to do that when I returned home a few weeks back, like nothing changed, like I never left, ever. Even though I've outgrown drinking milk before bed, I didn't have the heart to tell him that. I still drank it without complaining. Besides, it brought some normalcy to my then chaotic mind. "I already brushed my teeth." I smiled at him, trying to turn him away. I'm in no mood for milk tonight, I told myself. And my life is right back on track where it's supposed to go.