Chapter 39

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The day Chaeyoung and Mina went with Seulgi was really helpful for the youngest girl.

Seulgi greeted them with a smile while she waited for the two in front of the place and it surprise Mina and Chaeyoung that they are the only people inside. And when they asked Seulgi why, to their surprise, Seulgi owned the place.

The place was like where Chaeyoung used to bring Mina to smash things and break glasses. To be there feels ironic for Mina. Chaeyoung, as Mina remembered used to smash things and break glasses back then. She remembered that was the shorter girl's way to release stress, but now breaking glasses is what stresses Chaeyoung the most.

So before they start that day, Mina reminded Chaeyoung that she used to do this exact thing when they were in high school. And shockingly, that helped Chaeyoung go through it.

They've spent almost half of the day smashing plates, and Seulgi was just happy and satisfied at the result of their work.

Chaeyoung finally faced this fear. And Mina couldn't get any prouder.

"Unnie. Are you heading off now?" Ryujin asked as she saw Chaeyoung closed her locker. "Let's get off together."

Chaeyoung nodded as she waited for the younger girl to finish collecting her things.

"All done." Ryujin smiled. "Let's go, unnie."

They both walked out the café from the exit after saying goodbye to the other staff Nayeon and Jeongyeon hired. Namely, Yeji, Chaeryoung, and Lia.

"Yuna would be back tomorrow, right?" Chaeyoung asked as they walked through the alley. "Is her mom okay?"

"Yes unnie. Her mom's fine now." Ryujin answered. "She don't have a choice than to go back. She needs money for her mother's medicine."

Chaeyoung just nodded. She admired how these girls all worked hard for their dreams and family considering all of them are still studying.

While walking, they passed by an old lady selling some keychains and stuffed toys.

"Oh, unnie look." Ryujin pulled Chaeyoung towards the old lady and pointed the keychains and stuffed toys. "They all look cute!"

Chaeyoung agreed and her eyes were glued on a penguin stuffed toy. Instinctively, it reminded her of Mina. And how the latter had helped her since day 1. Buying her this stuffed animal wouldn't pay Mina's effort but it could atleast make her feel how thankful Chaeyoung is.

She then reached for her wallet and saw that she don't have enough money to buy it. She sighed remembering she lend her salary for this cut off to Yuna to help pay her mom's hospital bills.

The old lady seemed to understand what's going on and pointed for the keychain that looks exactly like the stuffed toy.

"I'll take this." Chaeyoung smiled and the woman gave her the keychain.

After buying some keychains, the two bid their goodbyes to each other for they live in different blocks.

Chaeyoung walked happily while looking at the penguin key chain she have in her hand. She entered the house excitedly and was greeted by Mina who is still in a formal attire.

 She entered the house excitedly and was greeted by Mina who is still in a formal attire

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"Hi." Mina greeted. "You're home early?"

"Oh, am I?" Chaeyoung laughed nervously, and she tries not to look at Mina. Her erratic heart can't take the sight.

While trying to avoid Mina, Chaeyoung's eyes caught the flowers on the table. The bouquet looks expensive. And her smile instantly faded into a flat one as she held tightly on the penguin keychain she bought for Mina.

Mina followed Chaeyoung's gaze and panicked. She was about to speak when her phone rang and she immediately answered it.

"Sorry, that was Lisa." Mina said, putting her phone down. She then put up a big smile. "I got in the job I applied, Chaeng."

Chaeyoung should be happy. She knows the company where Mina applied is a big one and people say it's hard to get in there. So she should be happy for her. But then she had a glimpse of the bouquet again and with this changed mood, she just can't express it sincerely. "Wow. That's great. Really. Congrats, Mina."

"Thanks." Mina smiled, "What should we order for dinner then?"

"Sorry, Mina. I've already eaten with Ryujin before I went home." Chaeyoung lied. "Sorry, I thought you'll be home late."

"Oh." Mina said sounding as if her heart just dropped. But she tried to smile nonetheless. She don't want Chaeyoung to feel bad. "It's okay, Chaeng. You can rest now if you want to."

Chaeyoung nodded before entering the spare room she is now staying in as part of her trying to be independent. Seulgi suggested it, so Chaeyoung can practice being alone. And Mina just supported her with it.

Chaeyoung hardly swallowed her guilt. She hates being cold and distant with Mina. She hates that she's treating her poorly because she feels.. Jealous. She would rather stay away from Mina than to let the latter feel how uncomfortable it's making Chaeyoung feel.

Mina sighed in defeat as soon as Chaeyoung closes her door. The latter is so near yet so far. She stared at the bouquet she bought for Chaeyoung after learning from Nayeon how great Chaeyoung is on her job. But how can she give it go her? How can she do that if Chaeyoung doesn't seem to get involved with her.

She thought they grew much closer after the day they went out with Seulgi. But maybe Mina just made that up on her mind.

She opened her phone once more and ordered chinese takeouts and even though Chaeyoung said she already ate, Mina still ordered meal for her.

Mina just wish she can just come to Chaeyoung  and tell her how much she's proud of her. She wishes she can just hug the shorter girl like how their friends hug her when they misses Chaeyoung. She wish she don't have this fear inside her and just tell Chaeyoung that she still loves her. She wish she's not this coward. Only if she can say these words to Chaeyoung.

"Minari." Chaeyoung called quietly. She went out of her room, feeling all guilty. Mina doesn't deserve to be treated this way and since she loves Mina, Chaeyoung should be happy for her and stop making things about her. So before going out of her room, she have decided to just support Mina on everything. Even if it would be hurtful for her.

"Oh, Chaeng?" Mina stood up, "You need anything?"

Chaeyoung smiled and shook her head. Mina always take care of her and she knows she should too. "Nothing. I suddenly felt hungry. Have you ordered already?"

"Yeah." Mina's smile grew wider. Forget the flowers. Sharing a meal with Chaeyoung is always better. "Don't worry, I've ordered you too."

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