What Are We?

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It's been three weeks since you and Arny have been texting back and fourth going on dates for a month when you were laying in bed on a late Saturday night. You decide to text him after you take your self care bubble bath. But while laying in the tub he texts you.

Him:(What you doing?)
                                                       You:(Nothing y?)
Him:(Are you sure sure?)
                                                      You:(If you must know I'm in the tub)

Him:(Can I join you?)
Him:(So what are you doing after the bath?)
                                                       You:(idk probably going to sleep)
*You put your phone down and get out the tub. Your wearing a pink boy shorts with a black cami crop top. The question of what we are is lingering in your mind again. You want to talk face to face but it's late. So you decide to video call him. He answers. "Hey my love what's up?" "What are we?" "As in?" "Are we dating? Am I your sneaky link? What's are relationship really about?" "If you really want to know. Your mine, you will always be mine" "Okay your majesty that's what I wanted to know" "Do you want to meet Apollo?" "Who's Apollo?" "Yes or no question my love" "hmm sure" "okay that's good enough for me. Don't be too revealing by the way" "Uhm okay" "Byebye my love" "Night night your majesty" You didn't hang up but set the phone we're you could watch him game and he can watch you sleep. Not long after you slip into sweet unconsciousness. But you wake up to rage around two in the morning. "COME ON.....I WAS SO CLOSE..." You rub your eyes trying to figure out why he's screaming. You look at the time 2:48am. "Hey fluff boy go to sleep" "I was so close to the end though" "GO TO BED!" "Fine" You turn on your side and snuggle your pillow and drift off to sleep. You didn't wake up until the morning.  You looked at the phone he was finally sleeping. You brought your phone into the bathroom and started to get ready. You didn't want to hang up so you played music using your laptop instead. You played your shower playlist and vibed to it. You brushed your teeth, wash your hair, put your hair in a bun, and took a shower. You got out put on your towel and headed to your closet. You set the phone up on your dresser. You decided to wear a black denim jeans with a black V neck crop top. You pick out your black gladiator heels for the day and walk over to your dresser so you can put on your mascara and lip gloss. You put on your hoop earrings and choker. You look at your phone to see if he's still sleeping but he wasn't there. Must've decided to get ready. You head to your kitchen for breakfast and leave your phone on the counter. You decide to have French toast. You have time to kill because your waiting on him so you put the phone down on the coffee table and turn on the TV so you wouldn't be bored. An hour goes by and he calls out your name. "Y/n! Are you there?" You pick up the phone. "Yeah why?" "You can head over now" "Uhm okay!" "Alright see you soon my love" "Okay your majesty" You grab your mini backpack and car keys. You go downstairs and head over to his house. It was a 20 minute drive there. You saw the house and smiled. I'm pretty lucky to have him. He's standing outside the door when he sees you pull up he waves. You park the car and walk over to the door. You hug him and kiss his cheek. "My love you came a good time come in" "Aww really why?" "Well I want you to meet someone very important to me" "Uhm.....okay" He leads you into the house to the kitchen. You see a women in the apron chopping something up.  "Y/n this is my mom" She turns around and smiles at you. "Well hello there y/n your a pretty girl aren't you" You smile and blush a little. "Hello Anry's mom you look so beautiful. It's hard to believe your Arny's mom and not sister" He squints his eyes at you and takes his hand out of his pocket to put it around your waist. "Oh sweetie. Your making me blush a little." "Well mom, we will be going to my room now so bye" She smiles and waves at you then goes back to chopping. He leads you to his room. It's your first time being in here. "Are you ready to meet Apollo?" "Yeah" You put your bag on his bed and take off your shoes. He texts someone on his phone and then the door opens. A small little mostly brown and white dog comes running in. "This is my son Apollo" "Aww he's so cute" He smiles. Apollo sniffs your shoes and then comes over to you and starts sniffing you. You rub under his chin and behind the ear. You can tell he's pleased with your rubbings. Arny walks over to you and pats your head. "If you feel bored let me know" "okay your majesty" You lay on his stuffed animal and gesture to Apollo to come to you. Arny has his headset on and is playing the same game from this morning. You go on your phone scrolling through TikTok while snuggling Apollo and give him head rubs. About 15 minutes go by and you come across the white haired guy that was with Arny when you met him. You look at his profile. Danny phantom.exe hmm interesting. Most of his videos are thirst traps it seems. You went down a bit deep to see the other guy that was with him that was the third tallest. You click until you eventually found Arny's TikTok page. You giggle as you start to watch his videos one after the other. Arny's focused on the game and your focused on the phone. You didn't even notice that Apollo had left you and was laying under Arny's legs. You finally put your phone down. You went over to Arney's desk. "Your majesty" you say seductively. "I want cuddles" "Give me one second okay" you roll your eyes. You take off your crop top and head to his closet. He's still focused on the game. Your in your bra and jeans. You find his black and blue hoodie with Killua on it your put it on over your bra and lay down back on his bed. You drift off to sleep waiting for him to come cuddle you.

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