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You and Arny finally fell asleep around 4:50 in the morning talking the whole night. You woke up and walked to the bathroom. A little surprise met you. The red lady was here and your bag is in Arny's room maybe he's awake. You text him to bring your bag with stuff in it hoping he's awake.

*knock *knock

"I'm coming in" he says handing you your bag. "Everything okay" You nod "Yup" He squints his eyes at you and heads out the door you lock the bathroom door and quickly take off your clothes. You take a shower and set yourself up the way you normally would you bring your bag and head back out to Arny's room. You slightly pushed the door open to peak at him. He went back to sleep. You check if you leaked on his bed thank god you didn't. You climbed over him to the corner of his bed and watched YouTube videos while waiting for him to wake up. Your stomach starts to hurt. You didn't bring your pills with you. You nudge Arny he's still fast asleep. You take the hoodie you were wearing before you took it off so you could speed up the process only to get the idea turned down. You pulled it over you and head out the door saying goodbye to his mom that was in the kitchen. You drive home run upstairs and unlock the door. "Hannah! I'm home for a little bit do you need anything before I go" You rush to the bathroom and grab your pain killers. Hannah blocks you when your about to leave the apartment. "When are you coming back?" "Soon why?" "I'm bored at times and I burnt toast" You hold back your laughter she can tell. "Y/n im serious I can't cook" You roll your eyes. "Order food then" "Please Y/n" You sigh and head to the fridge she does a happy dance because she got her way. You make her breakfast and lunch then put the lunch in the fridge. You also made yourself something to eat. "Warm it up if your hungry". "Okay thank you" She rubs to hug you but you push your arm out and she stumbles back. "It was just a hug" "Exactly the point. I don't want a hug from you" "But I know you want one from Arny"

You leave the apartment and head over back to Arny's house. You still had his key so you let yourself back.

Arny was still sleeping you snook next to him. And rubbed his back while he slept. You went back to sleep out of boredom.

You woke up to his arm around you. You scooted down so he can smother you. You stare at him for a while twisting his curl with your fingers. He's a beautiful specimen you think to yourself. You payed their playing with hair for an hour.

He finally brings to wake up. "Good morning love" He says in a rusty voice which makes your heart patter a little. "Good morning your majesty" you kiss his cheek and rub his face. "Can you move your arm?" "That's not my arm" You turn your head realizing what's touching you. You quickly scoot away from his causing him to laugh. "Didn't you want it last night?" "We can't" "Why not? Afraid we might go the whole day" he smirks and you roll your eyes. "Red lady" "who?" You roll your eyes again. "Time of the month ring a bell" You grip your arms around your stomach. "Want me to stop it" "I'll punch you in the nose don't try me" He sits up. "Don't try you?" "I will make November the hardest month of your life don't play with me" "How so?" "NNN" He squints his eyes at you and you lower your head. "Arny go start your day and leave me alone" "Okay okay" He gets out of bed he was naked the whole time you cover your eyes. He laughs and puts on his pants then leaves the room. You uncover your eyes and bury your face in the pillow. Kicking your feet in the air. You sigh when you sit back up. He comes into the room after five minutes. "My moms not here right now" "Aww bummer" "are you hungry?" "What do have in mind?" "You want to eat me?" "I want something to sip and it's not coming out of you white and creamy" He smirks, "Ooh maybe you did want it like that" "Hey Hey Hey keep your eyes on the reward of what's to come" You say grabbing his face and dragging him out the room with the blanket swaddling you. "I ate already cause you were sleeping". He sighs "Aww now I can't cook for you" "You can but it won't make sense since I'm already full. Would you like me to wait on you or fall asleep waiting on you to give me snuggles." "Your choice"

He starts cooking and you head back to his room. You sit at his desk and put your glasses on. You don't know what you really wanna watch or see but you turn it on. "Arny what's the password for your PC!" He texts the password to you. You opened it and went to YouTube. You sat for a while contemplating what you want to watch. You found Danny's YouTube and decided to watch him read fanfics about himself.  You finished two videos before Arny came back in the room. He hovered over your shoulder looking at what your doing.  "What you watching?" You freeze. "Someone reading fanfics about themselves" "Just someone random" You stay still. He grabs your face and turns it to him looking into your eyes. You turn your eyes to focus on something else. "Looks like your watching Danny read fanfics about himself" "If you knew that why tease me about it" You turn your head and continue watching the video. "Arny I'm spending the rest of the week at home" "Why?" He whines. "I don't want anything to happen to your sheets or I cave and get horny and we make a mess" "Fine but you can mess up my sheets and I wouldn't mind" "Yeah but I would feel a way". "So when are you leaving?" "Later today with two hoodies plus the one I'm wearing" "might as well take the closet at this point." "Don't temp me". You unpaused the video. He was still hovering over you watching it with you. "I don't get it" "Get what?" "Why people like reading them or watching us read them" "There funny most of the time" he's very confused, "how?" "You wouldn't know because your a guy" "Hey that's not true" "Oh really I dare you to read a whole Wattpad story and the comments" "Challenge accepted" You gestures to his phone. "Give me" He hands it over you install Wattpad on it and use your own phone to find one of the smuttiest stories you read. "I bet you can't read this" "I can too" "Let's put a wager on it then. If you can read that without quitting Your my sub for 24 hours if you can read it I'm your sub for 24 hours" "I can totally read it so be prepared my love" He takes his phone and shoos you out his chair. You roll your eyes and get up. You sat on the bed and watched him start reading it a good twenty minutes pass so you know the smutt part should be coming soon. He looks up at you with a look that says it all. "Do I win yet Arnold?" "That's Arny to you. And no I'm no quitter, but how do you read this?" "By scrolling and analyzing words. How do you read?" "This whole chapter is smutt. And he kidnapped her that's a crime!" You nod and try to hold back your laughter. You left him to continue reading and watched him as he did.

You didn't know if he finished the story or not. But you felt it was time to go and your teacher uploaded more work. You took his comforter off and spread the bed you then gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving. "I'll text you when I'm home". "Okay bye my love" You didn't look at him cause you knew he was sad to see you go. You drove home and went up the stairs. "Hannah I'm home!" You tell when you lock the door. The place was a mess you searched the apartment for her but found her nowhere insight. You brushed her off and played your cleaning playlist. You finished cleaning and got a bowl of grapes. You set it on the coffee table and put some chocolates next to it. Your phone starts to ring. It's him.

Baby🥵💗:"Hey my love are you home?"

You:"Yeah I'm home safe. I forgot to text you cause Hannah left the house a mess"

Baby🥵💗:"Okay well I'll come over when I feel like it just so you know"

You:"Do you feel like it now?"

Baby🥵💗:"Maybe, so what are you doing now?"

You:"Oh I'm going to watch Umbrella Academy so I'll talk to you later"

Baby🥵💗:"Okay love you"

You:"Love you to your majesty"

You sit in your couch and started watching Umbrella Academy. You accidentally fell asleep and didn't wake up until you heard a key. It was Arny, "you have a key. How?" "Hannah gave me it I found her outside sitting on the step crying and she gave it to me." "So why was she crying?" "Something about rejection I don't know" "Oh. Did you finish the story" "Well...I actually did not too willingly but just know your a loser" "Okay fluffy" "fluffy?" "Got a problem fluffy" "No" He set next to you and you placed you head on his lap. You curled up next to him and fell back asleep. This happened very frequently now that Hannah have him your spare key.

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