You Won

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"Babe wake up" You sat on his back and sided him as your pony holding his hair as reins. You pulled a tad bit at it to get him awake. "Babe wake up we have places to be" He finally awoke. "Let go of the hair" he said in a deep voice that gave you butterflies. "Fine" you let go and hoped of his back. "The appointment is today. And I set it for 10:30" "Why?" "Because early birds get the worm" He sat up and looked at you. "But was there no other times though" "Arny just get ready it is 7:29 I have to get ready and if we're late past ten minutes we lose our appointment and have to push it down" "Uhm do we need that much time to get ready" He gets up and you see it all. "Would you please sleep in clothes" You covered your eyes with your hands and be laughed. You bury your face. "But you've seen it already" You didn't lift your head up until you heard the door. You waited for him to come back and looked through Pinterest for nail ideas. You came across one and saved it. When he finally came back he was wearing a towel. You didn't look and stayed on your phone. "Be a good boy and chop chop" He walked over to you.  "What did I say about good boy" he grabbed your neck. "Not to call you that" "And what did you just do" "I called you a good boy" You smirked, he pulled you closer to his face. "Watch your tone. You are to not call me a good boy" "just put your clothes on dude" He let your neck go and you burger your head in his pillow taking a deep breath as you smell it. He called out to you when he was finished "ready to go my love" "Yeah I guess so". You grabbed your phone and keys. You left his room and headed to your car. You drove him to your house and rushed up the stairs. "Hannah I'm home" You called out and went to your room, you grabbed your towel and went to the bathroom you put a face mask on and went into the shower. You took your shower stepped out and brushed your teeth. You stepped out the bathroom and looked down the hall to see Arny on his phone. You closed your bedroom door and went to your closet. There was a knock on your door and  a fluffy head poked through. "What you doing?" "I'm about to pick out an outfit why" He came in fully and came to the closet. "Wear nothing and we stay home all day" You give him a sarcastic laugh. "Funny joke but I'm serious" He shuffles through and finds your black drawstring waist skirt. "How about this with" He hands the skirt to you and shuffles through the closet some more. "How about this?" He hands you a graphic tie dye crop top. "I'll wear them" You head to your underwear draw and Arny sits on the bed watching you. You pick out which panty you want to wear and which bra. You put them on along with the outfit he picked out. You look in the mirror and sigh before slowly taking up your hairbrush and pulling out your pigtails. You brushed and combed then slid it back into a neat low bun. "Impressive. My love you look stunning " Arny looked at you and you smiled. "I can do yours in a bun too if you want" "No thanks I'm good" You got your fluffy slippers from the closet and your mini backpack. You made sure to have your wallet, phone, charger, and lipgloss. You put on mascara and subtle eyeliner before grabbing your keys and heading out the door. "Let's go" He got off the bed and followed you into the car as you drove to your favorite salon and got your matching nails. You made him get a smiley face on the middle fingers although he was curious why you didn't tell him. The appointment was over and you drove to your house. You kicked your shoes off and walked to the fridge. "Are you hungry?" You searched but found nothing that interested you but some fruits and whip cream. You grabbed your fruits to make a fruit bowl. "What are you making?" "Fruits with whip cream" He turned his head to the side. "As in a fruit bowl with whipped cream poured over it and if I feel like it chocolate syrup" "Oh give me on of those strawberries " "Sure" You took one out the bowl and placed it in your mouth biting it with your teeth to keep it in place but not hard enough to chew it up. You walked over to him leaning on the counter and stood on your tippy toes. You kissed the strawberry into his mouth. You walked to the fruits bowl and shook the whip cream. "Thanks" You know that you left him a bit shocked about what you did. You sprayed the whip cream over the fruits grabbed two forks and tugged his arm for him to come with you. You made him sit on the couch and rushed to your bedroom. You took your skirt off and put on a waist drawstring shorts. You went back to the kitchen and made popcorn. You sat next to him on the couch. "What are we watching?" You stuffed a bunch of fruit in your mouth getting a little whip cream on your cheek. "What show haven't you started?" You swallowed before speaking, "how about The Way of the Househusband" "what's it about?" "You'll see" You started the show and shoved fruit into Arny's mouth. "You should try some babe" he choked a little and you giggled trying to hold back your laughter. "How does it taste?" "The whip cream makes it sweeter" "that's the point" You shoved more fruit in his mouth despite him moving his head back. You laughed at him when you saw the mess on his face. He mocked your laugh. "I'm not the only one who's face is messed up". You scoff, "yeah right" You brushed him off and finished the fruit shoving some into your mouth and then his. You put the bowl in the sink. "Do you have anything you wanted to do today?" "Not really why?" "Perfect" You did a mini hand clap. "Your mine for today I'm kidnapping you" "it's not kidnap if I willingly came here" "actually it is because I'm not letting you leave" "no it's not" "yes it is" "no it's not" You turn your head to him to let you know your serious but you didn't look him in the eye. "It isn't kidnapping if I can willingly but if I didn't it wouldn't be willingly" "but what if I kidnapped someone and they wanted to stay that would still be kidnap" "it would be but that's also serious issues" "be honest with me if Raven kidnapped you and you wanted to stay would it be kidnap or not" He had a look that said you trapped him with the question. "I would want stay proving that it's not kidnap" "but it is kidnap!" "No it's not get over it". You frowned and crossed your arms to let him know your upset. "It still is kidnap though because Raven didn't ask if you wanted to go with her she took you!" "But I want to stay so it doesn't make it kidnap" "yes it does" You grab the neck part of his hoodie and shook him. "It is kidnap why won't your feeble mind get it. Is the fluffiness getting to your head" You stopped shaking him, you made fluffy boy angry. "How could the fluffiness get to my head? You really like to push your limits don't you". "Sorry?" "Too late". "Calm down dude it's not that big of a deal that I'm right as always" He got even more enraged. "Don't tell me to calm down". You held back your laughter and kissed his cheek. "Okay your majesty" "your not off the hook" "what you gonna do about it" He grabbed your neck and pulled you to him. "Would you really like to know" You shook your head, "no thanks". He let his grasp go on your neck. You scooted closer to him. "I'm sorry for shaking you up and telling you to calm down". He smirked, "how sorry are you". "Not that sorry" "then how sorry are you" You bite your lip, "pause what are you trying to do here?" "I don't know what do you want me to do here"

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