Taking care of him

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"I'll be over in ten". You rushed to put a dress on as you ran through the door. You drove over to him. Running to his room after saying hi to his mom. "Are you okay?" "Yes I'll be fine you overthink too much" "no I don't" "yes you do you always overthink". You rolled your eyes as you sat next to him. He laid with one hand behind his head and the other now rubbing his stomach. You placed his head on your lap and rubbed it. He was always there for you so now it's time for you to be there for him.

He refused to not stream but if he wasn't in pain to the point where he could hurt himself you saw no wrong. "Hey Y/n, how much coffee have you had?" "Uhhh..purple". You laughed nervously as he called you over. "Lord Arny needs to sleep. Lord Arny needs to take his medicine. Lord Arny needs to give me snuggles". He pulled you closer from the chair you were in. "Normally Y/n would be in my lap but my stomach is being a little bitch" "stomachs are overrated". "Yes they are". You kissed his forehead and stared at the screen. "Chat give me a ring and a bunch of purple and black heart emojis if you think Arny should if we get to that stage propose with a nose ring. And we get matching tattoos as my first one." "You don't have a tattoo?" "No" "let's get inked" "maybe" "wait for real?" You kissed his forehead. "How could you forget?" "Maybe it's because you haven't sh-nvm". "I haven't...ohhhhh". He laughed. "Okay ready to play some games chat?" It wasn't hard taking care of him. He was so cheery even when he was in pain. You were his nurse. He streamed and you'd remind him to take his meds. "Don't forget to take your drugs!" That was the line. Notes taken and time set. He's the best to you so you were going to be even better for him. Although he did ask for boob squishes a lot.

He was getting better. "What do you want today my lord?" "Put 'em in my mouth! I want to squeeze em cheeks and suckle of your tittle". You sat on his lap in a short skirt. You took your shirt off as you let him suck on the nipple. He squeezed and had you making little noises. Gripping your ass. He could feel your wetness and the heat. You slipped your hand down their and started pleasuring yourself. The noises became louder as one of his hands slipped down there. His fingers made you grab onto his shoulders. You kept yourself up and let him pleasure you as you rubbed it,him,the thing. In circles you could hear his groans. You pulled it out going up and down before riding his thigh as you took his length in your mouth. He threw his head back then cummed in your mouth. "Let's stop here I don't want to hurt you" "shut up and ride me" "bu-" "if you don't want to we don't have to but down there says something otherwise so I say, shut the fuck up and ride me". You kissed him and left a small neck hickey before riding him. You sped up as you rode. It felt so nice god this man's the best. You were careful not to go near his abdomen until you heard your alarm.

"Why the fuck do you have on an alarm?" "I don't know I get like it I guess. Wait no. It's for my material gworl hours" "what material gworl wakes up at the time I'm going to sleep" "I have material gworl work to do". He turned as you played with his hair. One hand on his head the other writing down schoolwork. This man is so great that you even try to fuck in your sleep. Love is a real pleasure.

He's so amazing.

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