The Hangover Fixer

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You walk up with a splitting head ache. You were in your nightgown. You rubbed your head to try and soothe the pain. You smell a whiff of bacon causing you to get out of bed and put on your house slippers. You walk to the kitchen Arny's in a apron cooking. He's wearing pajama pants and Hannah's hurling her life out in your bathroom. "Good morning my love how was your sleep?" "It was meh what are you making?" "Breakfast" He sets a plate of food on the counter you sit on the stool where he set the plate. Eggs and bacon. "Regular toast or French toast" "French" "How much?" "Two" He places two from a pile and hands you some syrup with a fork. You take them. "Thank you" "My pleasure" You start to eat Hannah comes out of the bathroom. "Remind me not to drink again for a while" You giggle. "What's so funny Y/n" "Your the one who made the plans" "Whatever mom" She rubs her stomach and walks over to Arny. "Chef Arny when will breakfast be ready for me?" "French toast or regular toast." "Regular toast please" He hands her a plate and she sits in the couch to eat. "If you don't want to eat up here with me I have a dinning table for a reason Hannah" "Calm down mom" "Don't tell me to calm down." Your headache was starting to linger. "My love what's on the agenda for today?". "Graduation pictures" "Oooh that seems fun" "Not really the only fun thing about it is being done with school and getting on with life" He rubs your cheek. "Oh well I dropped out so I don't have to worry about that type of stuff" "I want to be an editor" "oooh that's seems boring yet fun, why?" "I don't know I guess I thought it would be something nice to do since I like to critic and edit peoples work." "But why?" "I don't know! It just interests me" "Okay" "So what are you gonna do for today" You finish your food waiting for his answer. "Well I was just going to edit a video and do some other things" "Arny Arny Arny ARNY" "Yes Hannah" He's a bit irritated by her interrupting your conversation. "Don't you want to know what I'm going to do today?" "Not really" "Ouch! Well I'll tell you anyways. I'll be looking for a new job" "Again!? Hannah what is wrong with you?" Arny stays silent. "What do you mean what's wrong with me?" "You can't keep a job at this point. You either quit or get fired" "Well I was fired for a good reason this time. I punched a sexist in the face" "Oh really?" You walk over to her. "He asked me if I needed help when I was lifting something heavy" You slap her upside her head. "Idiot! He was being polite" She rubs her head, "that hurt asshole. What did you do that for?" "Why did you really punch him?" "He was cute and didn't like me" "You toxic ass bi-" "My love shouldn't you start to get ready" "Yeah I guess so" You squint your eyes at Hannah and walk over to your bedroom. You grab your towel and take a shower. You picked out a black turtleneck and a black pleated skirt. For shoes you put on a black platform wedge. "Arny I'm heading out soon!" "Okay" You grab your mini backpack and put on your make up. The hickeys are finally gone. You step out your bedroom and grab your keys from the counter and start to walk out the door. "Hey babe do you want me to grab you anything from the cafe?" "Oh your coming over today?" "Well yeah if I have time" "Can I have you?" "Maybe" You head out and close the door you get in your car and start driving to your college.

While your getting your pictures and doing what you need to do.(Your coming home soon)

Hannah finishes her food and is washing the dishes. "Arny why do you like Y/n?" He was getting ready to leave. "Why do you ask?" "I'm curious she's a bit annoying from time to time" "Her smile, personality, just everything about her" Hannah squints her eyes at him. "Okay bye". Arny leaves and and hour later you come through the door and kick your heels off. Hannah's not in easy eyesight. Maybe she left?  "Arny! Hannah!" You walk around the apartment Hannah was laying on the floor. "Did you get an interview?" "Yes I did they would like to see me tomorrow at 9:00am" "Okay that's fine" You step over her and go to your bedroom. You take off your shirt and sit in front of the mirror. You switch your bra into a more sexy red laced bra. You take off your skirt and put on a matching red thong. You put on a black dolphin shorts. You set your self to kneel down in front of the mirror. And twist your body at an angle to show everything. You made sure your thong strings were showing. And took a picture, you sent it to him. You waited a while before taking off your bra and putting on a cami crop top and his jacket. Your phone starts to ring.

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