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You put on a bear print drawstring waist pants with a black cami crop top. You headed over to his house. He let you in and gave you a kiss before leaving you to do something. "No" "excuse me?" "No, your always overworking yourself and you never relax" "not true" "our cuddle times and devils tango doesn't count" "I relax other than those times". You put your hands on your hips. "Don't give me the disappointed mom". You tapped your foot as you gave him the disappointed mom look. "Fine what did you have in mind?" "Yay!!!!" You did a small jazz clap. Bringing him to his room. "Okay so first you're going to wash your face then come back" "but.." "no buts unless you're touching mine". He quickly pulled you in by grabbing your ass. You sighed as gave him a forehead kiss and pointed out the door. After he came back you laid him on the bed. You sat on his lap and put his hair in a bun. Then you put a head band on him. You smiled as you sighed into the bag of stuff you bought specifically for him. After fixing his face up you laid next to him. "Was all these masks necessary?" "Yeah". You cuddled him like he was a little baby laying his head on your boob. "Okay I'll stay like this". "So the eyes stay for ten, the face for fifteen, and the lips-you fixed his lip mask- no talking but five on the lips". You played with his hand tracing the tattoos. Rambling on in between each timer and mask removal. Straddling him as he laid back you wiped his face with a towel before moisturizing it. "All set, what should we do now?" He pulled you in closer. "You didn't know what you were doing". Appalled you ask, "when I was doing what?" "Being this cute". You looked in his eyes. "I'll strangle you". "Or I'll choke you while giving you hickeys". You stared into his pupils. His eyes are so beautiful you thought to yourself. "I love you". "I love you more" "I love you most of the more" "I love you the mostest of the most more". You hugged him real tight not letting go so you could whisper in his ear, "Let's be honest I love you so very much to the point where looking at you gets me riled up and well..." you trailed off. He slipped his hands up your shirt twiddling with your bra. "Continue it's just us". "About that I'm going to get Apollo". You got off him but he grabbed your hand. "My love it's best if you continue. You know for my sanity. And something's sake". You shake him off. "I'm going to get our son". He smiled. "Okay.." you walked outside and looked around for Apollo stumbling upon his mom after a small conversation you lifted up the baby and went to Arny's room. "Here comes the baby. All dressed in fur". "Wow love way to be your own cockblocker". He chuckled as you put Apollo down with the door open so he would be at full will to do what he wanted. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you want me". You sat next to him leaning back on the bed. "You veered thought about our future". He laid on your lap, "All the time. I think about where we'd live and who we would invite to our wedding". You played with his hair. "I think I like you". He looked up at you. "I think I like you too". You both need up taking a midday nap. Awaking at six with a call from your friend who wanted to spend some time with you. You told him about your plans and he insisted on coming with you.  You put on a black cami dress with a cropped denim jacket and white sneakers. She wanted to get drinks you were hesitant but decided to go regardless. "Hey Y/n! Sorry I dragged you out at this time but the girls hadn't seen you in so long we thought something was wrong so we planned to see if you were good". "Oh well I'm sorry for going off the grid". You sat in the booth as Arny slid next to you and some of your others friends would later come sit. "Who's this?" "My boyfriend. He was bored so he came along". He put his arm around your waist as another guy had came to the table and dat next to your friend but was staring at you. "Who's this?" One of your friends grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. "My situationship". You and Arny looked at each other. After ordering food and eating, you and your friends would talk for half and hour before you felt your social battery drain quite a lot. The new guy wouldn't stop staring at you though even though Arny had his arm around your waist. "How about we get ice cream?" The whole table agreed so you went on your way to separate cars driving to an ice cream parlor near by after paying. After buying the ice cream the group noticed there wasn't a lot of room left on the benches so when Arny sat down you sat on his lap. Your friends also sat on each others lap and new guy saw you sit on Arny and went for a walk. After talking until it was dark you said your goodbyes and went home. Your social battery was officially drained and would need a lot of recharging.  Upon your arrival at home Arny gave you a long and passionate kiss. "What's up? Everything okay?" "Yeah. I can't kiss my queen anymore?" You blushed, "I never said that but you the way you kissed me was like asking for something more". He smiled, "When you sat on my lap I got super hard". You laughed a little, "Us that why you kept mi big me around and shifting me to the side?" "Yeah". You smiled and looked at the time. "You still hard?" "My love, when I'm around you it's hard not to be". You leaned o ee and kissed him. "Come up. You should've said something. I would've taken you somewhere even if it's in the car to fix it and you know that". He grabbed you and kissed you again. "You were with your friends. And I don't want it to seem like I'm only about your body". "But you're not and I know that". "But I don't want you to ever feel that way. I don't just live your body I love everything about you. I love how you dress. I love how you do a little happy dance when things go your way. I love how you blush when I say the slightest thing to compliment you. You my love are so important to me. And you are something I never knew I  needed". You stopped kissing his neck, "Why are you being mushy? Are you dying!? Are you planning on leaving me!?" He laughed, "No my love. I just felt like being mushy". He smiled as you fixed your hair. "I love you too. And I think I longed for someone like you but buried that feeling because of heartbreaks. How bout we go upstairs and I tel you more about what I love about you when I get out of these clothes and into a onesie or something". He smiled, "How about we get matching onesies?" You gasped, "We should do that. Come on let's go to Walmart". He laughed before starting to drive. You played music. After buying the onesies he drove you back to your house. You both went inside and took a shower then put the onesies on. After putting on a movie he laid in your arms. Head on your chest, "I love you Y/n" "I love you more" "I love everything about you. Even the fact that you cuddle me in your sleep. And always find me when I move away". "I love everything you do. Ugh this feels weird. I want to be romantic and all but it feels so weird. I don't know. I guess I just love you so much that I'd do anything for you but I don't want you to know that". You giggled. He kissed your boob before you started playing with his hair. You later drifted to sleep and so did he.

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