DDD (Christmas)

860 17 2

You woke up on top of him your head on his chest. You didn't want to move but when you did you felt something like you. It's up. You sneaked out of bed and took a quick shower. You left the house to buy breakfast and coffee. "Morning babe" He said walking out the bedroom rubbing his eye. "Hey......" He didn't notice it was up so you started to laugh. "What's so funny?" His morning voice shocked you. You pointed down and he spun around to the bathroom. "Wait Arny...I can help you with that" "Then stop talking and do it" He sat in the couch with a smile. He thought you were joking and you could tell. Knowing this information you didn't back down from your challenge. You put your hair in a ponytail and walked to him. His face changed to be a surprised look. "What didn't think I'd come did you?" You kneeled in front of him. "Not really" He held your cheek before kissing you. You pulled his pants off and stared at it before putting it in your mouth and vigorously sucked. You went up and down while trying not to look him in the eye but he kept making eye contact until he threw his head back. You sucked faster until his moans became louder. You took your shorts off and unclipped your bra. He was close to finishing so you let him cum in your mouth. He rubbed your lip and held your chin. "Swallow like the pathetic human you are" "Bold of you to think I'm human" "Hilarious joke". He started to kiss you passionately and dragged you on top of him. You move your hips and slowly brought hi into you. You moaned as he grabbed your hips and moved you swiftly on top of him. "My cowgirl", he says as you pushed him to lay down flat on the couch. "Is that a nickname now?" You laughed before he grabbed your hips and moved you faster on top of him causing you to be a moaning mess. You started riding him faster and lock your lips with his. He moves to your neck making your moans louder while leaving hickeys. You rode him faster with his help of hands on your hips. You threw your head back in pleasure. "D-d-d-don't stop. P-p-p-please don't stop" "I won't stop unless you want me to" He stayed inside you as he lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom. You held on tight so you wouldn't fall but still moaned as he moved inside of you. He pinned you down as he kissed you and sped up. You wrapped your legs tightly around his waist and dug his nails into his back as he sped up. Your moans were so loud you must've gotten a noise complaint by now. He sped up until you reached an orgasm as he came inside you. You caught your breath as he slipped himself out of you and carried you to the shower. "Are you okay? Can you stand up okay?" You clung to him. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm dripping though". You both looked down as he starts to wash you off.

After your shower you both lay down on the bed happily cuddling. "Arny can I tell you something" He rubbed your head and kissed your forehead. "Yes you can my love" "I love you" "I love you too". You wrapped your arm around him and started to kiss him as a mini make out session.

You panted when your lips parted before trying to get up for clothes. "Your majesty I need to wear clothes". "No you don't" "Yes I do you can't control yourself around me". "Pfft yes I can". You dropped the towel and pointed to the hickeys he left for you to cover when needs be.  "Okay but look at this". He turned around and pointed to the nail marks. You bursted out laughing and he mocked you before grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder. "It's not funny". He threw you on the bed. "Let's wrestle with clothes on". "I agree". You put on a black mid waist distressed raw cut jean shorts, with a blue solid cami crop top. "Okay let's wrestle now that I'm clothed". You pounced on him and he grabbed your waist pinning you down to the bed you squirmed your way out and grabbed him. You sat on his back not letting him move as freely. He lifted you up threw you on the bed and pinned you down.  "Wetzel pretzel" You said it quickly to distract him. "What?" You pinned him down and smiled. "I win". "No you didn't". He grabbed you and pinned you back for one minute. You tried to fight your way out but it was to late he already one by the time you were free. "I win my love". You rolled your eyes and flopped face down on the bed. "Leave me alone" "I'm sorry? Did I mess up?" "No I'm alright". "Are you sure?" "Yeah I'm sure. Cuddle me". He made a confused face. "Okay I guess so then". He layed next to you and threw his arm over you. He then layed his leg over you before you slowly moved closer to him. "Are you sure you're okay?"  "Yeah I'm fine". "Just know I own you". "You'll regret saying that". "No is don't think I will. I'm pretty sure I won't". "If you think so".

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