Someones Jealous

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You wake up to your body covering most of him. You try to get off the bed without waking him up. You get up and go to the bathroom. But get lost on your way being that it's your first time here. You stumble upon his mom again so you say. "Good morning" She looks up at you and smiles. "Good morning. How was your sleep?" "It was nice, how was yours?" "It was very good" You feel as if she knows something's up. You also really want to pee. "If it doesn't bother you can I call you mom?" She stops what she's doing and walks over to you. She holds your face. "Yes you can" You smile. "The bathrooms that way just so you know" You giggle a little and she goes back into the kitchen. " did you know I wanted to find the bathroom?" "I could tell" You giggle and head to the bathroom. After you finished peeing you go to Arny's room. He's awake. "Where's your shirt?" You walked in and the first thing you see is his bare chest. "Don't you like seeing me like this" You squint your eyes at him. "That's a trap. I'm not falling for it". He chuckles and gestures for you to come to him. You waddle over to him and bend over. He sat up and grabbed you by your waist and pulled you on the bed. "What do you want to eat for breakfast?" "I don't know what do you want to eat?" He tries to pull you on his lap. "I'll crush you I can't sit on your lap". "It doesn't hurt just sit" You ponder it for a minute but then you sit and wrap your arms around his neck. You lay your head on his shoulders and circle his chest with your pointer finger. "You like waffles?" "Sure" "Maybe we can go to your place?" "We have to go to my apartment though" "Okay that's fine" You guys cuddle for an hour before he finally lets you go. Hs gets ready while you figure out which hoodie you'll take next, a souvenir basically. He finishes getting ready and you guys head over to your apartment. "You should know your way around so I'll just go get ready". He sits on the couch you head to your room and take off his clothes.  You went to the bathroom and started the shower.  You stepped out of the shower only to realize you forgot your towel. "Arny can you bring the black towel on the bed!" You called out. This could be a possible mistake.
*knock *knock
"I'm coming in!" Arny opens the door and sees your stretched out hand through the shower curtain. He comes over to it. "Thank you so much" You peek your head out to see what's taking him so long. He's standing outside the shower curtain like a little kid waiting for a cookie but the kid has something he wants to do to the cookie. "Are you going to give me the towel or not" "I don't know yet" You roll your eyes and get ready to step outside for him. He has a smirk. He's definitely planning something. He runs out the bathroom and comes running back. He put the towel back. "I want to come in" He says assertively. You sigh "Go get me my towel". He's still standing there. You bite your lip staring at him with fire in your eyes. He starts to take off his clothes. You step back into the shower. He's bold to assume you'd do it in the shower. He starts to step in. You step back. As he takes a step forward you take a step backwards until your trapped between him and the shower tiles. You were at first saying you wouldn't but with the way he looks down at just start getting butterflies. He holds your chin and raises your head with his left hand. He brings your face inches to his. You guys start to passionately kiss. Your lips don't part for a moment. You throw your hands around his neck. He wraps his hand around waist and pulls you closer to him. You feel it poking you. He starts to lift you up and press you against to shower tiles without noticing it slips in and you moan. He realizes what happens and starts sucking on your neck leaving little hickeys whilst thrusting inside of you. You moan at every thrust. Your eyes roll into the back of your head. He thrusts vigorously while you try to hold on to him and end up scratching his back. He sucked on your neck more. You were both panting while kissing. You feel your close to coming and he is too. He finally does his last thrusts and cums inside you. You both try to catch your breath but he's still inside you. He steps out the shower while holding you and pins you down on the bed. He starts to kiss your neck again you moan. He holds your neck and starts to thrust again. You moan, he starts to thrust faster while choking you. You pant and moan at the same time. "H-h-h-harder you majesty" He starts thrusting into your harder and chokes you harder. You moan it's not long until you cum again. "Be a good girl and hold it in next time" You nod. He releases your neck and starts leaving hickeys all over your body. You moan loudly this just might cause your second noise complaint. He finally lets out his last few thrusts and cums inside you. Your a panting hickey filled mess. You look at each other and smile. You sit up on the bed and look down. Your oozing white liquid. He stands up and throws you over his shoulder. You were going to fight out of his grasp but you couldn't bother too. He brings you in the shower and sets you to stand up. You wobble a little but lean on him for support you guys start to wash off. You weren't hungry before but now your starving. You guys finish washing up and he gets redressed you went to your room and looked in the mirror beside your bed. He left a trail of hickeys you were planning to wear a ruffled crop top and some shorts but now you can't. He's laying on your bed kicking his feet in the air he knows what he did. You look through your closet for your turtleneck crop top. You find it and lay it on your bed. You put on your panties and bra then you look for your paper bag waist shorts. You put them on as well as your turtleneck. "You know what you want to eat now?" He says teasing you. "Yeah" "Well what is it?" "Is it too early for chicken nuggets?" "" "Good that's what I want" He laughs and leaves the room on his way out he says,"Whatever you want my love" "Okay your majesty" You sat on your white fluffy carpet that was between your mirror and bed. You studied yourself. Arny's words came back to your head. (So many people wish they were you) You didn't understand him to well but now you do. There's a lot of people out the that want my boyfriend. The thought makes you blush you took up the pink fluffy pillow that fell off your bed. So many people want my boyfriend! It's worrying but makes me happy. You lay on your stomach and flutter kick while snuggling the pillow. You lay still for a moment then you go on your phone. Your bestie is calling.

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