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November marks three months of you and Arny dating.

You woke up around seven. You texted Arny and went to shower. You put on a tee shirt dress and some socks. You brushed you hair and put it in a poor bun you checked the time before you ate breakfast. 9:24am he's definitely not awake right now. You sat at your desk and did your schoolwork. You finished up all the work and your monthly test. You yawned and checked the time 12:39pm he should be awake by now. You didn't call just in case he was sleeping. You took time to read fanfics about him what's the worst that could happen if you read a fanfic or two.

After reading about six you plopped on the bed and decided to take a nap. You woke up to a call it was Ivy.

Her:"Girlie! How could you let Anna be in a fight!?"

You:"Ivy it wasn't my choice and besides she didn't even fight she went for Arny so I needed up fighting for her"

Her:"Oh well I give you permission to hurt Anna not the normal kind hurt. You can give her the one for people who lie"

You:"what does that even mean?"

Her:"anyways I'm coming to visit you for the next two weeks I think so be prepared"

You:"okay whatever you say" You hung up and sighed. It was 1:33pm. You finally just decided to call him.


You:"What are you doing?"

Baby🥵💗:"Why are you coming over"

You:"Well since you asked so nicely I guess I'll come over"

Baby🥵💗:"let me know when to open the door"

You:"okay king". You got off the bed you threw your dress off. You put on your thigh high socks and almost teared them. You put on a high rise skater skirt and a cami crop top. You twirled in the mirror before putting your mascara on. You then finished up with eyeliner and lip gloss. You grabbed your mini backpack and put all the makeup you were wearing inside it. You grabbed your wallet, phone, charger, and keys. You headed out the door and stopped to get chicken nuggets. You also bought cookies. 

He led you to his room as if your his queen. You thought to yourself that's he's being suspicious. You gave him his chicken nuggets. Then he sat you on the bed gave you a forehead kiss and sat at the desk. You layed back and went on your phone. You relaxed and watched a show you had to finish.

Two episodes finished you left your phone on the bed and put your glasses on. You walked behind Arny and held his hair. "I want attention" You started shaking him by his head. He grabbed your arms. "What did I tell you about the hair" "I don't know what did you tell me". He pulled you from behind him with your hands together and set you on his lap. "Yay your giving me attention" You hugged his head and let it fall into your breasts as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. "Your not going to get me" you sigh, "so you figured me out didn't you" "you don't normally wear eyeliner and skirts with thigh hick socks when you come over unless your in the mood" "awww so you really do watch me" "your also showing cleavage. Plus you just buried my head in your boobs not that I'm complaining". You lift his head and kiss it. You rubbed his cheeks before squeezing them. You turned your legs around and nuzzled yourself in between his legs. "What are we playing?" He laughed, "I'm playing Halo" "perfect well now we're playing" you threw your hands back and took his headphones out putting them on your head. Forcing your curls to stay down. You started to play for a while.

After winning a okay amount of games and losing every other game. You ended up quitting, Arny was still laughing at you when you got out of his lap. "Not funny" you said as you put his headphones on him. "It is". You flopped on his bed. "I don't see the humor. Come give me a massage". "Okay" he took the headphones off and came to you. You set yourself up and took your top off. "Ready?" "Yeah" He started to give you the massage. You felt relieved and calm. His hands moved lower and lower. "Babe thats not my back" "oops my bad" You closed your eyes and he moved his hand back up. "Babe that's not my back" "it's lower back". You sighed. "Okay massage over your done" "I hope you feel relaxed now". "Hmm okay" you sat up straight. He stared in your eyes no matter how hard you tried to deflect them he found his way back to them. You held his hand. "So are you going to just stare at me and hold my hand or what" he smirked. You scooted closer to him and layed your head on his lap still holding his hand. "What are you doing for the rest of the day". "Not sure why?" You took your head out his lap and kissed him. You straddled him. He threw his arms around your waist. You kissed him harder and grinded on his lap as a little tease. He starts kissing your neck. You let out a soft moan. A ringtone stopped you from going any farther. "My phone or yours" You tried to catch your breath. "I think it's mine" You got off his lap and he gets up to grab his phone.

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