Im Y/n

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You hopped in the shower. After your quick shower you looked if they hickeys were gone they weren't. You bit your lip and quickly ran to your closet. You looked for another turtleneck and found a white one. You put on a kinda short black tube skirt. You picked out a pair of gladiator heels and put in/on your jewelry. You put on mascara and red lipstick with lipgloss on top. You grab your purse and rush out the door. You reach your event and look around. Your best friends little sister came over to you. "Y/n what took you so long your basically late!" You roll your eyes. "That sounds like a you problem don't invite me next time" She's upset. "You make it so hard to like you y/n if it wasn't for Ivy I would've hurt you already" You look up at her since she was taller than you straight in the eye. "Do something then. I'm not scared of you" "It's not about being scared. Your late" She curls her fist but releases them. "You know what y/n just follow me and try not to be late in the future" Her pumps clack in the floor as she walks with her anger you straddle behind her. You guys go to this secluded room down a long hallway. The room had a long table with three chairs on each side and one chair at the end of the table. She sits at the head and you sits down on the right side of her. "Here's what your going to say" She slides a piece of paper to you. "That's it?" She nods. You take up the paper and walk out the room. You walk back to the main area and grab a glass of wine from the bar. You look down at your phone to see if Arny texted you. He was calling.
You: "Hey babe did you get my note?" 

Baby🥵💗: "Yeah, so where are you" 

You: "An auction but I'm five seconds away from kicking Ivy's little sisters ass"

Baby🥵💗: "Well don't because that's not something you should do. I hope all is well"

You: "Okay I won't. So far other than her it's good. I'll keep you updated okay"

Baby🥵💗:"Okay well have you bye"

You: "I'm sorry wha-" He hanged up. He said I love you. You couldn't help but blush. Just in that moment you see Ivy's little sister sprinting towards you. "Come on where ready for you" She grabs your hand and starts sprinting on the  stage. You stand up at the microphone while she's standing on the side lines watching you "Hello everyone. Today is a very good day right? Well I hope it gets better if it wasn't a good day. Today there are only two in the first hour that I host. The first one is a medium sized dragon smoke statue. The bidding starts at $150" A guy in the back raises his hand and pushes his way to the front "$500 for a date with you" "Sorry sir I'm not up for auction" He scoffs "$5000" the crowd is in shock. A women with blonde hair raises her hand "$10000 for a date m'lady" Ivy's little sister comes running to you and whispers in your ear go with it. You look at her with a death stare. "Hell no. I'm taken" She scoffs. "Fine don't do it"  A old lady comes up to close to the stage "I'll take the dragon for $500. None of you people have class the girl is clearly not interested in you guys" You giggle a little and brush your hair out of your face. "Going once going twice sold to the old lady" You hand her a sheet of paper from the clipboard that was pushed into your hands. "The second item is a mystery box. So you don't know what you'll get but it is something good. The bidding starts at $200" The man from earlier that was persistent on a date raises his hand. "$500" The blonde girl raised her hand "$600". This is gonna definitely start a bidding war. "$750" "$900" "$1000" "$10000" "$11000" "$14000" The man lowers his head. "Going once going twice sold to the blonde women" You hand her the same paper as the old lady and leave the stage. You feel someone hug your arm. "Hannah what do you want?" She nuzzles her head against your arm. "You were amazing out there." "Thanks. I'll be leaving now" "No! We need to celebrate a successful day" You sigh. "Fine" "Yay". She holds your hand and sprints to a room in the big hallway fillies with doors. She knocks on the only black one and opens it. "Hey boss I'll be taking my leave now. Goodbye!" She sprints out the hallway and out the door. "Why are you making me sprint!?" "Just wait we'll reach your car soon" "Ugh I forgot you got your license suspended" "Don't remind me". You guys reach your car and you start driving. "We'll go to your house and then to a bar" "Uhm it's only 2:58pm" "So we can go out or eat and drink margaritas then". "I have somewhere to be at 5:00" "Please can't you just cancel it!?" You look at her with a death stare. "Can't you just cancel your ideas of being an idiot?" She sighs and goes back on her phone. "Do you have a day your free?" "Possible why?" "Perfect we'll just get drunk and nasty at that time" You sigh and contemplate pushing her out the car door. You finally reach your house before you get the chance to act on your thoughts. Everything's fine except for the fact the Arny's outside your house. Arny can't meet Hannah she's a wild card. I'll just drive past. Nope he saw me fudge fudge fudge. Well I guess I have to face the music and let them meet. You step out the car and walk over to him he's leaning on the door to the apartments so you can't sneak in. No one in no one out. He pulls you in by your waist. "Hey my love" "Hi babe why are you here?" "I'm always here" You giggle. "Seriously why are you here?" "Dumb face did you not want to see me?" "Well yeah I always want to see you dumby" He licks his lips and lifts his head up at Hannah. "Is that her?" "Yeah" You say as you put your hands around his neck and cling on him to. Hannah walks over from your car. "So this is who your taken by?" You nod ,"Do you have a problem with that?" "No not at all" She rolls her eyes and pushes her hands in between you and Arny to pull you away from each other. "Your in the way" You scoff, "we were going to move calm down" She rolls her eyes and takes your purse and heads up the stairs, she opens the door and sits on the couch as if it's her home. You and Arny straddle behind her and close the door. "I would tell you to make yourself comfortable but you already have" Arny laughs, you glance at him and he stops. "Hannah, I have a question answer it or leave. -she turns her head off her phone to you- If I went out with you who would you invite" "Easy question two of my girls why?" "Exactly. Your girls not mine" "But your the reason I would be celebrating" "Oh yeas two people fighting over me a old lady defending me". "Your overreacting" Arny seas sitting on the smaller couch fingers crossed. "Hey Arny you might not understand it to well but I need your opinion" "Oh you know my name. Well uhm sure I'll let you know then" You giggle a little and cover your mouth so they wouldn't notice. (You were in the kitchen making pasta) "Okay so at the auction two people were fighting over your girlfriend with bids. And when I told her she should go along with it she was super grumpy and was like I'm taken. So should she have went with it or not" He turns his head to the side. "What kind of question is that!? Your basically asking me if I should've let you lend out my girlfriend" You blush but didn't turn around. "I get your point but she didn't tell me" He scoffs, "the fact that she's taken goes without saying" You spin around and look Arny in the eye. "That's enough of that topic how about we watch a movie" He smirks and evil smirk, Hannah smirks too. Double fudge, "So what do you guys say we can eat the pasta I'm making and watch a movie?" "Y/n be a good girl and tell Hannah why it's a bit obvious your taken" "Oh yes be a good girl and let the crowd know" You dug yourself a while now lay in it. "Well...uhm.....he.....I....h-" "I rail her infactI railed her the other day and left marks to let people know she's mine" You put your face in your palm. "She didn't need to know that Arny" "Aww what happened to-". You threw a tomato at his face and missed by an inch. "Okay fine I'll just shut up" Hannah's stunned. "You mean to tell me y/n's been getting railed all this time!?" "Please don't use that word" "You know what fluffy boy I like you" "Thanks" "Oh really... cool I like him too" You took off your apron and walked out the kitchen to where he was sitting and sat next to him. You put your legs in lap. "What movie we watching?" "Babe it's okay if you want to sit on my lap" You look at him and rub his face. He pulls you onto his lap and holds you like a baby. Hannah gives out, "so lovebirds what do you want to watch besides from each other?" "A horror movie maybe?" You and Hannah say yes at the same time. "Okay so which one" "I don't know look on Netflix" "How about Scary Movie" "Sure" "Anything my love wants she gets so sure" You guys start to watch the movie. Your pasta timer goes off and you wiggle out of Arny's grasp. You turn the stove off and go look at Arny. You check the time 3:49pm. "If you guys want any there's pasta on the stove" "Okay" "Alright" You walk to your bedroom and sat on the floor in front your mirror. You took of your turtleneck the hickeys won't leave. You bite your lip and rock front to back contemplating what you'll do next. You just decide to fix you hair so you begin to brush it out and comb it. You then twist it and your finished.

It's almost time for Arny's stream. You lay flat on your back and stretched your legs out. "Knock knock I'm coming in" Hannah burst through the door. "If you come you can bring Arny" "I can't. Is he still out there?" "Where else would your boy toy be!?" She said it loud enough for him to hear. "What's with you and your sister about boy toys. He's not a toy asshat" You sit up to look at Hannah. "Well jeez I was only kidding. Kinda...not the point of comes with you come" You sigh "What time?" Hannah claps her hands ,"Yay! We can go to a club or maybe to eat. You can semi chose" "I'll ask if he's comfortable with a club I kind want to get my dancing going" She lets out a big grin. "Okay club it is then. HEY ARNY WE'RE GOING CLUBBING LATER!" "Hannah I could've told him myself" "I know but it felt better to do it this way. I'll be taking my leave I have to start getting ready I'll text you when I'm ready to pick you up" "How are you going to be able to drive?" "Oh...uhm......I mean....I won't be driving?" "Hannah you lost your license for a reason" "Fine, I'll stay here then" "Ugh whatever" You get off the floor and go back to the living room to where Arny is sitting. "Hey are you?" He stares at you. "I'm okay I have to go soon and so do you if your still up to it" "Of course I am" "Good so you gonna put on a shirt or leave like that" He points to your chest. You cover them quickly. "I did not realize I took my shirt off" You rush back into the room to your closet, Hannah was laying on your bed. "Hey loser did he say yes?" You clench your fist. "I didn't ask. And don't call me a loser" You said it with attitude. The hickeys are fading but there still not gone yet. "Do you want help to cover them up?" Hannah staring at the marks of love on your body with her head tilted smirk on her face. "Can you really cover them?" "Yes! For a price" "Ugh. I should've expected that. What is it?" "You don't tell Ivy anything about tonight" "But I always tell Ivy" She rubs her forehead as if she just witnessed an idiot being an idiot. "Y/n there will be edibles there" You gasp, "Hannah no! I'll have to tell her those type of things especially" "Well better go find another turtleneck" "Hannah you black mailing little bi-" "My love we have to leave soon" Hannah smiles. "Arny can I ask you a question?" He sighs deeply. "Yes" "Should Y/n wear her hickeys to the club or not" "Her choice" "Dammit Arny your no fun" "Oh well Hannah are you going to show me or not" "Fine but I'm wearing your harness tonight then" You sigh "Fine, but that's it" "Yes! Green tinted concealer" You get your hands ready to choke her. "My love no murder she helped you after all" "For a price" "Help is help babe" You go to your make up container. "Hannah come come do it" "Ugh fine" She helps you with it. And what do you know it worked. You head to your closet and take out the layered crop top you wanted to wear two days ago before you got railed. You take of your skirts and change into a denim shorts. "I'm ready. Hannah I'll be back don't do anything stupid while I'm gone" "Yeah yeah bye" You guys leave the apartment and head over to Arny's house. You say hi to his mom when you saw her and hi to Apollo. He started getting ready for his stream. You sat on the bed watching him. "Okay a couple more minutes" "Okay your majesty" He smiles and kisses your forehead. You on your side sucked into you phone to the point where you didn't notice he started to stream. 

{The Chat
"Who's in the back!?"
"Is Arny not single anymore"
"Arny explain"
"Arny who's the girl in the back"
"Can we see Apollo?}

"Okay guys as you can see we have someone laying on my bed. My love can you come here." He moves the chair so the camera can see you better. Your not paying him much attention still. "Apparently she can't hear us now." He walks over to you and throws you over his shoulder. "Babe! You could've warned me" You try to fight out of his grasp but it's no use he got you in a tight hold. He sets you on the floor in front of his desk. "Guys this is Y/n" You wave "Hi everyone"

{The Chat
"Ugh he's taken"
"Well maybe I'll stop simping"
"Can we pretty please see Apollo?"
"Your girlfriend is so pretty"}

"They seem to like you my love" He holds your chin. "Are you sure?" You grab your glasses off his bed and put them on. "Holy cow they actually do like me. Although some of them seem sad and someone wants to see Apollo" "Hmmmm should I get Apollo?" "Uhm yes!" You play with a curl of his. He texts his mom to bring in Apollo. You do a little dancey dance while you wait. "So what should we do for todays stream chat?" You yawn. Before you know it Apollo was sneaked into the room without you guys realizing it was when he licked off your foot you noticed him. You picked him up and held him like a baby. "Here's Apollo" "Hi there boy" He rubs his head. "So what are you guys doing for the stream?" You were mostly paying attention to Apollo. "Uhm not really but I was thinking some Fall Guys" "Okay. We'll say goodbye to Apollo cause me and him are going to go snuggle. Yes we are yes we are" Your making cute faces at him as if he's a real baby. Arny looks at you with his lips folded. "Have a problem fluffy?" "No I do not" You go over to his bed and sit with Apollo you start watching a new show that's not an anime. You and Apollo cuddle while Arny does his stream basically a fair trade.

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