Is A New Year And I Love You

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"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." "I love you most". "No I love you the most". "No I love you the most most most". "And I love you the most most most most most". "No it's the other way around". "Hmm". You wiggled  out of his arms after a good fight. "I'm not hugging you until you admit I love you most". "That's not fair. I love you more so I should get to say it". "No I love you more". "No I love you most." "Alright then". You crossed your arms and walked to his room with an attitude. You say on his bed facing the wall. You held back a smile when you heard the door. You acted as if you were upset. He walked over you and laid his head in your lap. "Hi my love". You made a fake angry voice. "I'm mad at you". "No you're not". "Yes and I'm not listening to you". "Mhm totally". He got off the bed. "Turn around real quick". You turned around and faced him. "Give me your hand". You stretched out your hand and he held it to bring you up. He held you with a smile. "Oh. I listened". "Too easy". "You played dirty". "No I didn't". "Suuure you totally didn't". He lifted you up and kissed your forehead. You wrapped your arms around his neck and legs around his torso. "You're a cutie". "No u". You squinted your eyes at him and kissed his cheek. You looked at him before covering his face with kisses. "I'm putting on lipstick and covering your face". "Why?" "So I wonder if it will be warm out?" "It should be it always is". "So we could go on a walk or do something fun". "I want to get some things tomorrow do you want to join me?" "Sure". You kissed him some more. And flopped on the bed. Your dress slipped up a little from wrapping your legs on him but you didn't fix it. He was playing games. Maybe with Danny or one of them.

An hour went bye. Then two. It was now three in the morning. You sighed as you slipped off your panties and crawled to him. There was a tight opening under the desk. You sat there for a little slowly moving your hands up to his zipper. You pulled it down slowly moving closer to him. He looked down at you and looked back up. You sighed and started rubbing it. He didn't even look but only smiled. You fully pulled it out and took a good look before opening your mouth. He held your hair out of the way and pushed you deeper. You curled your toes as you went deeper. "That's my good girl". He kept you going up and down. His grunts and moans made you list for him. You reached down and started to mimic his pattern that he gave you to make you feel good. It wasn't as nice but it did the trick. You let out your own soft moans and when he noticed he held your arm. "I have something else I want to try if you're comfortable with it" "what's the idea?" He opened a box revealing a vibrator with a remote. He pulled you out from underneath the desk and made you sit in his chair. "Open up". You looked away as you did what's told and smiled. He inserted it inside. It felt weird to get used to it. "I'm not going to touch you for the day but your allowed to touch me and you are also not allowed to take it out" "what if I have to pee?" "Then I'll maybe let you take it out" you sighed as he lifted you out the chair and sat back down. "Continue". You rolled your eyes as you took him back in your mouth. He laughed as he held the remote in his hand.  He turned it up after five minutes of you sucking. It cause you to let out moans and stop. "I never said stop continue". "Yes sir". You tried to control yourself until he cummed but was still hard. You had to make him cum until he was soft. It took an hour. You sat on the floor for a minute. He held your chin. "Swallow". You nodded and swallowed. You held Benji as you crawled onto the bed and relaxed.

"Arny! Stop that!" It was late you barely got sleep before feeling a buzz  go off it felt nice but this was out of nowhere. He kissed your forehead all the way down to your lips. "Can't go any further" he walked out the room. You clenched your fist as it moves in you. He must've turned it up. You rolled off the bed on accident. It felt so good but it wouldn't felt better if it was him. It felt like ten minutes had gone by when he turned it off and came back in the room. It was too late you had already cummed twice and was on the floor. "How are you my love? Are we still going out today?" "Fuck you" "don't say those things when I said o won't touch you". He helped you off the floor as you studied him. "Come on I have no clothes left here". "Okay". You grabbed one of his hoodies and shirts as you walked out his room hand in hand.

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