Couple trends and some extra 😏

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{this chapter is going to include dancing that turns into smutt so please be warned darling}

"Can we do a couple trend for a couple of your tiktoks?" "You didn't habe to ask come here". You set your phone up as you started the first one. [blood sweat tears]. He got close behind you. You showed him the dance and then set the timer to record. He got close,your breathing sped up a little. You smiled as you moved your hips. His hand went across your waist moving in sync. He was close real close. It ended and was perfect obviously. He went back to the desk as you flopped on his bed. "Ooh I found another trend. I mostly do the dance and you'd watch and basically judge it kinda". "Okay". You prepared yourself once again and started the timer. [Cool for the summer]. You moved yours hips swiftly. He was getting a little flustered but didn't make it obvious. You went around in a circle as he got closer and put his hand around your waist, you could feel him against you. He pulled you closer to him and went in the circle with you. For the last bit he moved his hand down before the video ended. He didn't move. In fact, he turned you around pulled you closer and stared at your lips. He smiled before releasing you. "You have anymore you want to do?" "Yeah this one has more choreography though but it's not too hard" "unlike this dick" "this is why Aries suck" "and you swallow". You stayed silent looking at him with a disappointed look. "You love me" he said with a smile,hugging you without you hugging him back. "You okay?" "Yeah". You kissed his cheek before starting the dance [bring it back duala]. After practice and getting it right you filled it perfectly. "Last one has to do with Euphoria" "let me guess why does everyone think we fucked?" "Yes!"

You smiled as he started it off. He pulled you in at the come ere. His hand around your neck and other around your waist. You shook what your mama gave you on him, the smile was present on both faces. It ended but he didn't let you go.

"Aren't you going to let me go". "No", he said taking his hand from your neck and rubbing your body. "Why not?" "You don't like me touching you?" He pulled you closer. "It's not that I'm actually really happy and very flustered" "is that so?" You could feel his breath as he pulled you onto him. His hands on your waist, you could feel it. The oh so hard one that makes you feel good. You slowly moved your hips. "You know what you're doing when you do that". He moved one had down to your shorts waistband. "Do I have your consent/permission?" You nodded. "I know you're pathetic but you'll have to use your words or I'll stop". His hand hovered. "Please continue" you said breathing a little faster unbuttoning the first two buttons. He placed his lips on your neck as he moved his hand down. Sucking on your neck as he slid right into you. Causing relief and moans. It felt so nice, he turned your head around and kissed you. Your knees became week as he sped up and grabbed your neck. He left you with a wet spot on your shorts before letting you go and giving you a hickey. You turned to him as he left the room with a smile. "I'll be back my love wait for on the bed. And oh to remember me" he blew a kiss. You sat on the floor as you moved your thighs to get friction in between your legs. It wasn't anything like his fingers but it was doing something kind of. Eventually you got tired of it and stopped. You were desperate for him but he hadn't come back yet.

You waited for a while before taking off your shorts and crawling to the area you moved your black box to. Who knows when he'll be back. You'd just clean it up and put it back. Checking the door before taking one out. You took your panties off and slipped it into you. Throwing your head back from pleasure and making your load moans. You didn't even notice he came back in the room. It was when you squirted over to floor and was panting you noticed him. "Oh hi" shoving the toy behind your back. "It's too late to hide it plus your wide open and dripping wet. It's really messing up my floor". He pulled you off the floor, "you've been naughty but I liked watching you like this". He threw you on the bed. "Too rough?" "No it turned me on more". He smiled. Bending down to pick up the adult toy. "How about we use the one from the other day?" "The one where you said you'll fuck me hardcore if you used it again?" He rolled his eyes. "Maybe". "It's in the box I think". He found it and put it inside me. "Just because I can. Unless your not comfortable with it." I nodded, "I'm okay with it you're so cute and caring". He smiled before grabbing your soaking wet underwear and smirking at you then bursting into laughter. "It's not funny jerk!" "It is to me" he laughed more as you got off the bed to hit him. "You should probably put some clothes on". "Ooh about that I might have to head home". He laughed more. "In that condition this will be so fun seeing you". "It's okay I'll just put on one of your shorts and I'll hurry home". "I'm coming with I want to see this". You rolled your eyes as you left everything and put on one of his shorts. It was strange at first but you just didn't care after.

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