Why Didn't You Tell Me

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You wake up at around 6:38pm. It's Monday you want cuddles and he's still playing the game. So you do what anyone else would do when they want cuddles. You walk over to him with a pillow and wonk him on the head. "Ow, babe what was that for!?" "I wanted attention I took a nap and you literally ignored me" "But I'm busy right now!" "What's so important?" "Well it's not that important but still pretty important. Are you wearing my hoodie!?" "That's not what we're talking about". You raise an eyebrow and look at his monitor. He's streaming right as you speak. "Why do you hide such things from me?" "What do you mean?" "You hid your TikTok and the fact that your a streamer what else are you hiding?" He smiles a little. "A lot of people out there wish they were you" He pulls your head close to his your lips are inches away. You blush and try to deflect his gaze. But his eyes always meet yours over and over again. You pull away and run off to the corner of his room. You didn't know he was live. You put on your cat headphones and go to watch the stream. "Okay so I know you guys are losing yours minds wondering who is that girl and all. But I don't really want to reveal who she is unless she's okay with it. So let's get back to the stream" You watched the stream until he finally ended it. He came over to your corner and cupped your face. "You've been here for hours and you haven't complained about being hungry" "I know" "Yeah why?" You shrug your shoulders. "Don't feel like it I guess" He stares into your eyes and you look down at his feet. "My love why don't you eat?" "Idk....I just don't feel like eating sometimes" "Hmm okay I'll be right back". He leaves the room. You get out of your corner and lay on his bed. 30 minutes go by your scrolling through his TikToks again when he finally comes in. "Hey I got chicken nuggets your eating them" "And what if I don't?" "You don't have an option" You roll your eyes and he sits on the bed next to you. "Be a good girl and open wide" He says asserting his dominance you open your mouth and he shoves the chicken nugget in your mouth. He giggles and you reach for another. "I have a question?" You say with a mouth full of nuggetz. "You shouldn't talk if your mouth is stuffed but what is it?" You finish chewing and swallow. "Your friends. The ones from the cafe what's their names?" "Ooh I see we have a curious George on our hands here. Uhm okay, the tallest one is William the second tallest is Brandon and they the third tallest is Danny" "Oh interesting so......" He squints his eyes at you studying your face. "Do they live here in Florida?" "No. Why are you asking?" "I never got to properly meet them" "Your so adorable" You blush. "Arny, if I take off my jeans how would you react?" He looks confused. "You didn't how I would react the last time your took off your bottom" You swirl your tongue around your mouth. "I'm serious and I would like for you to not bring that up again" He lets out a big grin. "Ooh I know how to upset you now" You roll your eyes and get another chicken nugget. "My love, you can take your jeans off if your not comfortable in them anymore. Would you like one of my sweatpants?" You nod your head happily. "Pick out anyone you want" He says and points to a certain draw before he leaves the room. You pick out black sweat pants and put them on. You lay on the bed and finish your chicken nuggets. He comes back into the room. "Y/n can I ask you a question?" "Yeah" "Do you want snuggles?" "Hmm.....yes" He smiles and takes your trash. "I'll be right back my love". You lay down on flat on your back. His words of so many people want to be you ring in your head like bells. He comes back in the room and lays next to you. He puts his arm and leg over you and lays his head on your chest. You wrap you hands around his head and play with his fluffy hair. "Your head is a flood ball" You say smiling like an idiot. He moves his head to be in between your boobs. "Oh really now?" You nod. "Uhm hell yeah! It's so fluffy and curly" He lets out a even bigger grin. "Well thank you my love" You look down at him to see he's blushing. You lean your head back and reaches for your phone to take a picture with him. You take about three before putting down your phone and watching him. He falls asleep laying in between your legs cuddling you. His face is between your boobs and he looks so peaceful. You continuously stroke his hair and cheek. You eventually fell asleep.

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