The Crampless

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It's finally over. No more blood no more cramps. You called Arny over to tell him the good news but he claimed he can't so you went to him. You put on a high waist jeans shorts . You put on your black crop top. For jewelry you put on a choker to keep it simple. For makeup you just did eyeliner and mascara. You texted him saying your coming over like it or not he didn't argue with it. You grabbed your mini backpack and drove over there and he opened the door before you could knock. He had taken back his key so you couldn't barge in anymore and he can drive. "Hey Arny" "Hi my love. Kind of perfect timing since I'm home alone" You let out your evil smirk, "really so we're the only ones here right now" "literally what I just said" You mock him and walk to his room he follows behind you. "So what you doing?" "You said you have something you wanted to tell me" "The red lady's gone" you said in a seductive voice. He had a smile. "That's good. So when am I getting my reward for reading the story?" "I guess we can do it tomorrow it can start from 10:00am" "Okay" he turns his chair back around playing a game. You lay on his bed and starting reading. You remembered that people could've wrote fanfics about him. They did they very much did. You layed on the floor and put your legs up on the bed. "Arny, do you want to get matching nails?" "Sure" "Okay I'll make an appointment you busy tomorrow?" "I shouldn't be" "Okay" You set the appointment up with your usual nail tech for tomorrow. You went over to him and grabbed his headphones off. "Y/n put them back" " about no" He gets up and grabs it off your head. "How about I take it" "Well no shit you just took it from me" He walked over to you and looked you down in the eye. You looked down, he lifted your head. "My love what is that you want?" You stared at him and got out of his grasp. You stood on his bed like a queen about to make a demand. "I order you to give me attention" he laughs "or what?" "w-w-well....I will...ugh....I will tackle you" "oh yeah your gonna tackle me" "why scared?" He laughs, "do it then". "I'm serious" you placed your hands on your hips. "Oh yeah then show me how serious you are" You jumped off the bed. He laughed "all bark no bite." You mocked him and turned your back to him. "Aww my love it's okay I expected nothing better" He grabbed you by your chin and looked down into your eyes. You deflected his gaze. He always made sure to find your wandering eyes. "Be a good girl and look at me" You looked at him and he smirked. "You win" "I always win." He brings your face to his and kisses you. You wrap your arms around his neck. He stopped kissing you after a while "my love I'm streaming in an hour. Want to sit with me while I stream?" "sure I guess so but I'm going to leave and come back" "why are you leaving me again?" "calm down I'm coming back" "we'll I'm coming with you to make sure" you shrugged "okay but I'm bringing Apollo" "do you love me or Apollo more" You giggle and held his face "your so cute" "what's that supposed to mean Y/n?" You rush out the door and grab Apollo but you had to go back to the room. "Forgot my keys I'm waiting for you" You head out his house into your car you set Apollo in the front he finally comes out. You roll the windows down. "Backseat" You put your sunglasses on. He climbed in the back, "why am I in the back and Apollo is in the front?" "Is someone jealous of a dog" you patted his head and sped off. "Jesus women why are you going so fucking fast!?" "Road trip vibes" "Well kill those vibes I value our lives" "fine" You slowed down. "So where are you going?" "to be honest I don't really know. I kind of wanted to drive around until I saw somewhere pretty" "oh how about we go to like a kiddie park or something" "great idea" you pick up speed to go to a certain park you passed one morning you were out walking. "Let's go" Arny hands you a leash and you flip it on Apollo before taking him out the car. You opened the door for Arny "M'lady" You teased him with a big smile. He climbed out the car. "Thanks but I wouldn't be so bold" you shut the door behind him. "Let's walk around the field for a while" "Okay" You clung to his arm. "I don't know if I want to graduate but it's my last year so it wouldn't make sense not to go through with it right?" "It's up to you I can't force you to do something you don't want to do or might regret later. Also you asked me about moving why?" "I had a hunch you hated it here. Plus I always wanted to leave Florida" "what was stopping you?" "Hannah. But she's growing up and I want to leave when I graduate or before I start my family. I would never want to have a kid grow up here" "same, but what do you mean by Hannah?" "Ivy wants me too watch out for her and you saw how she behaves so you can see why" "so family then" You noticed a flower arch, "ooh Arny look!" You pointed to it and started running over there. "My love be careful I don't want you to fall!" He started chasing you. You reached the arch and rubbed it looking at the pretty flowers. "This is so pretty right" "Yes it is my little jelly bean" you took your phone out your chest and handed it to Arny. "Get a picture of me and Apollo" "fine" He took a bunch of photos before you took your phone and called him over. You placed the phone in his hand, "your arms are longer thine mine" You took photos with him and lifted up Apollo so he would be in them too. You looked over the pictures and gave Arny a hug. "What time is it?" You looked down at your phone. "Quick question...uhm....if I made you late how upset would you be?" "What time is it?" "It's 4:48" You giggled to relieve tension. "We should get going" You guys ran to the car Apollo in your arms like a baby. You placed him in the backseat and sped off. "Babe as much as I'm late I value our lives" you slowed down a little and finally reached his house. His mom came home while you were gone. You turned the car off and grabbed Apollo. You guys went inside. "Mom we're home" you put Apollo on the floor and headed to Arny's room. He had rushed off and started streaming. You stood next to him. "Sorry for making Arny start the stream late guys. It was 100% my fault" Arny looks at you. "It very much was. Thanks for the apology" "It wasn't for you it was for the chat. So be a good boy Arnold and give them attention" you patted his head. "Don't call me a good boy. And it's Arny" "Okay Arnold" you tried to scooch  behind him but he wouldn't budge. "Arny move" "Hmm no." He went back to reading chat.

{the chat
"Ooh Arny's in trouble"
"Can we see Apollo?"
"Arny let the girl sit behind you"
"Arny move so she can sit"
"Recipe for disaster"}

"See even chat knows you should move" He went forward in the chair. "Was that so hard" you squeezed behind him and wrapped your legs around his waist. "So what are you guys doing for now?" "Chatting" "and then?" "Fall Guys" "I'll prepare for screaming" "Good thinking. So chat how was your day or how was it going?"

{the chat
"It was good"
"It's nice"
"Jokes on you it's middle of the night"

You fell asleep on his back with your hands in his head after an hour of him talking . "I think Y/n's sleeping so I'm going to gently move her so I can finally play fall guys" He carefully got up and layed you on the bed. "Let's get ready to rage" You slept for most of the stream but woke up for a while when he was screaming.

You finally woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep so you watched him until he loses and moved his arms so you can straddle him. You smelled his pleasant scent. "Y/n I can't play with you sitting on me like this" "deal with it". He fixed you closer to his chest and pushed his chair up closer. You kept your hay on his shoulder but still peeked at the monitor so you can laugh when he loses.

When he finally ended the stream you got off him and kissed his cheek. "I'm going back to sleep" He grabbed your hand, "what time is it?". You looked at your phone "11:08pm why?" "Your my sub for 24 hours" You did a little clap, "bravo". He pulled you onto his lap. "Now you have to listen to me" "anything for you master" you said it in a mocking tone. You went to leave his lap again. "It's better to be a good girl and corporate" "make me" He grabbed your chin. "Sure you want to take that road?" "............maybe" you whispered in his ear when you finely spoke. He grabbed your neck and brought you to kiss him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close. He stopped kissing you. "Why'd you stop?" You whined. "Because you didn't want to listen so you don't get the full effect." He brought you off to bed. "Is this punishment then?" "Yes it very much is" "Of I listen Will the punishment be over?" "Maybe" You climbed on him and laid your head on his chest.You fell asleep

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