Valintines Day

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"'re my Valentine." "You're supposed to say that on the day." "Shush. I need my phone pass it for me." "Why" "Because I want to make sure everything's set" "But I have plans for you" "well let's hope things go accordingly". "Hm" "hm". He passed your phone to you and set himself back in your arms. You held him tightly and made sure the order would arrive in time. You then put your phone down next to you. Holding him tightly in your arms you gave him light kisses. He fell asleep and you shortly did the man's stamina is truly tiring.

You woke up before him like always and snook out his arms. You wrote another note since he did see it the first time.
      Left to put together some things for tomorrow love you daddy.  
                                        -love, your best w-lover

You headed over to your apartment. Rushing up the stairs to see if they had arrived yet. They did. You grabbed them and rushed your room. Trying them on in the mirror. "Ooh. What you got?" "Why are you in my house!?" "Why can't I be here". "Go away" "no thanks I'll stay" "you got to go I love you but please Hannah please go away" "Hmmm no" "alright". "What are you doing?" "I'm calling Ivy" "no no no not fair" You pretended to get ready to call Ivy and she jumped up. Hannah grabbed the phone hugged you and ran out leaving the phone on the counter. "Snitches get stitches!" You locked the door and set the room up. You got a shower in and put on a simple dress. You ran to your car and drove over to your usual salon. After the kind lady was finished you went home and got chicken nuggets in the way. Your phone rang. "Hi daddy how are you". "You left me the day before Valentine's Day. But I'm not mad too much" "perfect cause I'll be on my way soon". "I'll pick you up tomorrow at four. But I'll be leaving something for you" "something like what?" "What are you eating?" You swallowed "chicken nugget" "interesting choice I'm about to go play some games so I'll be hanging up". "No you won't be" "okay". You watched him for a little before putting him on the pillow and going on your computer to watch a little anime. About three hours go by before you fell asleep.

As you woke up you cleaned your room and finished setting up. You got a long shower in. After that you got the dress you bought for this occasion. It was was hard to go up at first then you fixed the chain. It was a chain detail criss cross backless draped ruched satin cami bodycon dress. No wonder it would be so tight on the thighs going up. Or maybe you put it on the wrong way. Oh well. You grabbed a red heart fluffy bag from the closet. Then you grabbed your chunky heeled glitter sandals. 4:56pm. You grabbed your keys. You quickly fixed your liner then grabbed your lipgloss and mascara. 4:59pm time to head downstairs.

You put your shoes on and walked out the door. Down that staircase. He drove up and stepped out. His suit made him look so elegant and handsome. "Hi Arny" "Hello Y/n". He took your hand and kissed it "did you see my first gift?" You smiled and pushed your curly hair that was so hard to tame. "You look beautiful with it and the necklace really suits you." "Thank you". You couldn't help but blush. He pulled you closer and kissed your forehead he opened the door for you and closed it behind you. He got in and drove off. He brought you to a lovely restaurant. The waiter sat you down and took your drinks order. "I want to get to know you a lot more than I already do" "What's there more to know. You my birthday, my age, my height, my star sign,my full name, a bunch of secrets and where I want that first tattoo. What else do you need to know?"  "Good point maybe there's something you're not telling me".  "Not really maybe just that I was planning to kidnap you so you could meet my family" "well that can happen without kidnapping". "Okay then I guess so". "You're so pretty". You blushed. "I love you" "I love you most" "No the last time we did thi-" "you decided to be a brat so be a good girl and shush". That kept you quiet for a little bit before you rambled on more and more. He also told you more about his past as you told him yours. After the dinner he drove you to a beautiful park. He helped you out and pulled you close. You walked side by side around taking in some fresh air. "I'm glad I met you". "I'm more glad I met you". He kissed your forehead as you got the bright idea to tag him and run. "Hold on real quick" "what's wrong?" "Nothing just give me a second" "okay". You smiled a little before taking off your heels. "Why'd you take your heels off?" "I took it off because". You laughed tagged him and ran away". "What are you five?" "Giving up already?" "No I'm not giving up I shall win". You both ran around the park until it was almost dark. "Race you to the car!" "You're s-hey that's cheating!". He won the race but you still had fun. On the way home he rubbed your thigh close to the hem of the dress. You felt flustered but didn't stop him. "I can't wait to get out of this dress". You said looking at his hand with a smile. "Didn't seem uncomfortable when you we're running away from me." He laughed a little. You rolled your eyes as he drove in front of your apartment. You lead the way and locked the door. "Can you stay right here real quick." "Why" "just stay". He shrugged and stood there. You smiled and ran off to your room. You took the dress of and everything else including your earrings. You were completely naked before putting on an embroidery sheet mesh lingerie set. Then you rushed and put your dress on. You stepped out back to him as he smiles. He stands up and you took a step back. He got so close that he had you basically pinned to the wall. He held your hand and put it above your head keeping you against the wall. You looked down but he held your chin up and makes you face him. "Look at me. I want to kiss you so be a good girl and corporate here". You breathed a little faster and blushed. "Did you have fun?" "Yes I did". "Are you ready for your present?" "Wasn't it the earrings and dinner". "No I have one more" "what is it?" He kissed your cheek and let your arms down. He went outside and left for a while before coming back with a big box. He set it down in front of you. You walked over to the box and took the cover off. "Try not to fall in" he laughed. You rolled your eyes and dipped into the box. Stretching down a little and Pulling out a big bear but there was still more in the box. "Babe! You got my favorites and a teddy bear. You're so sweet!" You ran to him kissed his cheek and went back to the teddy bear hugging it tightly. "I'll name him Beary" "Beary?" "Beary".  You hugged him one last time before getting up and hugging Arny. He wrapped his arms around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he lifted you up. "Careful I don't want to rip the dress with thunder sisters down there" "fuck the dress" it made you laugh as he gave you a kiss on the cheek and brought you to your room. "Surprise I did a little thing" "red curtains flowers on the bed and....grape juice" he looked at the bottle. "It's the second best when you can't drink" You took your earrings off and put them on the dresser. You locked the door and dusted off a couple of roses. "You're so cute and cheesy" "I got fancy glasses. And roses it is a bit cheesy" You giggled as he laughed and took his jacket off. He sat on the bed and you pooped some of the grape juice into the glasses. You gave him one and drank a good amount of yours before sitting next to him. He took a couple sips before putting it down and facing you. He stood up. Walked over to you and then had his face inches from yours. You averted his eyes but he made them meet. He put his knee between your legs and his arms behind your back. Trapped. You blushed and breathed faster. "I want to kiss you". You were staring at his lips. "Yes please" he held your chin as he began to kiss you. Bitting your lip a little. He held the back of your head as he hovered over you and caused you to lay down. You wrapped your arm around his neck and pulled him close kissing with more force. You wrapped your leg around his waist. He moved from your lips to your neck causing you to slightly moan. He kissed from your neck to your chest leaving hickeys. He even left some on your boobs before running his hands up and down your thigh. He held your waist taking off the dress. "Was this set for me?" "Yes it was". You sat up as he took the chain off your dress. He gave you a kiss on your spine. You took the dress off and let him admire the full set giving a little twirl even. He took his shirt off before grabbing you and putting you on top of him. "I love you" "I love you more" he rolled his eyes as he held your back and pulled you close for a kiss. You rode him a little slowly getting yourself off. He smiled and held your hips so you would stop. He put you to the side and took off his pants showing how hard he was. You bent over side eying your self in the mirror as you went down on him top to bottom. Leaving spit all around it. You were dripping wet. He rubbed his hand along your ass all the way to your entrance. He slowly rubbed causing you to let out moans and stop sucking. He stopped too. "If you stop I stop just to make it fair". "Okay daddy I'll make sure not to stop then" "Good girl". You started again and so did he. Just when you were close he slowed down. "Be a good girl and wait for me to cum then you can let it all out". "Yes daddy". You held it in as much as you could. Finally he said the word. "I'm about to come so you can release soon". He moaned a little louder as you both cummed together. "Swallow". You did as told. "Good girl". You licked your lips and sat on your knees waiting for what to do next. "Can that mirror move?" "Yeah but it's a little hard although I did order another one a while back. Why?" "I want you to watch as I fuck you until your eyes roll back" "oh...I'll be back". You went to the closet and grabbed the large box. You dragged it out and leaned it against the wall. You got one of your knifes from the draw you keep special knifes. He took the knife from you and cut the box open. He also set it up just the way he wanted. "Perfecto" he grabbed you and kissed you then threw you on the bed kissing you with more passion. You bit his lip a little and wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him closer as he moves from your lips to your neck. You let out soft little moans as he moves down to your clit. First taking off your panties. Then eating as if he won't ever get the chance to eat again. He had you a moaning mess at the power of his tongue. You ran your hands through his hair as you sat up a little and threw your head back. "Do it now". You let everything out as he wiped his mouth and kissed you. He came back on the bed and flipped you on your stomach. "Arch" you did as told without hesitation. He slipped in so easily. "Keep your head straight and don't lose eye contact" "bu-" "No butts do as told or I stop". "Okay". He started to thrust into you causing you to moan and barely see as your eyes fluttered. The room was filled with panting, moans, and grunts as he rammed into you. It felt so good that you couldn't help but cum before he was fully finished. "I'll let you continue but when I'm almost done your not letting anything out until I finish." You nodded to let him know you understood him. After that he picked up speed and fixed your head the way he wanted it to be so you could stay in eye contact and held his hand around you neck to have control. He went harder into you causing your second cumminng of the night. "Make sure to hold it in don't worry I won't be long". He let out a last few grunts before emptying himself inside of you. "We're not finished yet but since you took it so we'll I won't go to slow". "That was slow for you?" "I'm kidding". He slipped himself back in and sat at the edge of the bed. "How well can you ride?" "N-not that well" he smiled before using your hips to move you. You moaned as he picked up speed. He set your face properly. "Is it too much for you?" "N-n-n-no I-I-I'm o-o-okay" you could barely talk properly as he did you well. He held you tight and basically threw you on the bed. He climbed on top of you and slip in so easily. "Are you doing okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" "okay you remember the word for when it's too much right?" "Yes now put it in" he smiled. After slipping in he put your legs on his shoulders before starting. It felt as if he went deeper then before. "Sit up a little". "Okay" you did as told and he put a pillow under your lower back. "Perfect". He started thrusting into you again. It felt amazing. He added more speed causing you to cum twice when he was halfway through. "Remember just like last time I want you too cum with me". You nodded as he started again with more speed. "You're such a god at this" he came to your ear. "I know". By the time he was finally cumming you had your first orgasm of the night. He let it all into you and let you take a couple breaths before slipping out and getting some water. "Are you doing okay?" "Yes I'm fine" "here drink some water". You took a couple sips before looking at him. Still breathing heavy he kissed you and went to your neck as he wiggled his fingers and pressing his fingers together making a sticky goop when he released. He held your chin an rubbed some of the stickiness from his finger to your cheek. He slipped back in and started thrusting into you this time you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him close. Same with the legs around his waist. He got deeper in you and left you to be louder as he sucked your neck like a vampire. If this didn't tire you out what could. After you cummed once before your second orgasm of the night. He released with you and you nearly fainted. You called down as you sat up. He got up and ran a bath. "That was amazing" you tried to get off the bed but as you stepped off you went down. "ARNYY!!!" He rushed back into the room and laughed. Arny then lifted you up and put you in the tub. It was warm and had bubbles. "You okay in there?" "Yeah! Can you take the sheets off the bed and make me food" you laid your head back and dozed off. The next time you woke up in your bed. "You can't move me when I'm sleeping" you said while yawning. He brought a bowl of ramen and said "yes I can."  He had changed the sheets and made you food plus finished bathing you. What a good man. After you both finished eating and watched some anime he took your bowls and went to the kitchen. You yawned once more before laying back a little. When he came back in the room you looked at him. He found the draw where you've been collecting some of his clothes. "I love you floofy boy". "I love you more". "I want cuddles" "okay come on" he climbed onto the bed and came over to you. He laid in your lap with his arms around your waist. He held you right and face palmed right there. You felt his breath as he inhaled and exhaled. You cuddle him as you felt comfort and fell asleep. In his embrace and him in yours you felt happy and loved.

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