Edd's hang out allergies

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Edd was so bored that he invited five people to hangout which was dak, bf, skid, pump, and Oswald. His allergies were driving him nuts his neighbor had planted cattails in there pond and he couldn't stop sneezeing but wanted to hangout. Ahhhh ehhhh HEHSHOOOOOOOO HAAAAAASHOOOOOOO! Blowing his nose he hears the door bell he goes up and opens it. Hi! Bf says waving all five of them bf sits down on the couch dak gets a soda and sits down too skid and pump just sit on the floor and Oswald stands. So how has everyone been? Good except my new neighbors play loud music a lot. S speaking o of n neighbors... Edd? What's wrong are you ok? EHHHHSHOOOOOO HACHOOOOOOO ESHOOOOOOO ISHOOOOOO ACHOOOOO ESHOOOO SHOOOO CHOOOO SHOOOOOOOO CHOOOOO SHOOOOO ESHOOOOOO ISHOOOOOO HIIIIIISHEEEEEEEEEEW HIIIICHOOOOOO HASHOOOOO HIIIIIIIISHEEEEEEEW SHEEEEEEEEW SHOOOOOOOO CHOOOOOO! Whoa you ok? Yeah you catching a cold? N naw my neighbor have planted some cattails a and they a are AHHHTCHOOOOOO IHHHTCHOOOO HASHOOOOO HIIIIIIIISHEEEEEEEW a are driving me crazy! Oh no can we help? Skid and pump say in unison. Hmm I'll help. Dak says walking out and knocks on the neighbors door. He opens to dak yelling. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND HAS HEARD OF PLANTING CATTAILS IN YOUR BACK YARD!?! O oh ok sir I'll pull them sorry for the trouble! The man closes the door and dak comes back inside. There it's fixed your welcome. H huh ISHOOOOO CHOOOOO SHOOOOO HIIIIIIIISHEEEEEEEW SHEEEEEEEEW SHOOOOOOOO ESHOOOOO AHHHHCHOOOOO HIIIIIIIIIIICHWEEEEEEEEEEE ESHOOOOOOOO o ok thanks? That wasn't the way to do it! Bf says. Well it worked didn't it? Bf facepalms while Edd is relived that he won't sneeze much longer. Hehhh. So umm bless you in advance but so like I didn't know you could be allergic to cattails? Y yes HIIIIIIIIIIICHWEEEEEEEEEEE CHOOOOOOOO AHHHHHHHHHYCHOOOOOOOOO ISHOOOOOOOOOOOO HACHOOOOOOOOOOOO SHOOOOO HIIIIIIIISHEEEEEEEW HEHSHOOOOOOOO HAAAAAASHOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAASHOOOOOOOOO I I've been allergic to it since childhood. Woah. They all hangout for four hours and then they go home.

(I hope you guys like it!)

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