Chapter 1

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From the kitchen came the booming voice. I was abruptly awakened by it since it was so sharp. My darling mother was preparing bacon and eggs for morning in the kitchen, and I could smell it from my bedroom. I often felt hungry due to the strong smells.At a different school, it was the first day of senior secondary. This was likely going to be the finest day of my life since, unlike the rest of my school days, I didn't think I would be bullied or made fun of. I briefly believed that the environment at my new school would be better. A few minutes in the shower, and another few in the bedroom got me ready to eat and leave the house for school. I had packed everything the day before.I jumped down the wood steps and made sure everything was in order and I had not left any book behind.

"The blazer looks really nice on you."
"Thanks Mom." I said as I gobbled the fresh bacon and forcing it down my throat because the excitement of the day I had finally changed schools.


The white Corolla approached the school gates gently. I sat still. My heart was immediately won over by cobblestone walls, paved roads, and lush fields. I was even more impressed by the appearance of my new school as a result of the clogged sidewalks leading to the school gates. Although maintained and organized, it appeared to be older.The school looked even better because of the green plant that was growing next to the cobblestones. I became really irritated by it.

"Sorry ma'am..."  A tall dark guy waved at the window. He was wearing one of those reflector jackets showing that he was conducting traffic. "If you could just drop your son over there....then turn back, we would appreciate."

"Baby behave yourself okay?"

I was tempted to leap out and begin exploring right away, but I had to kiss my mother farewell first. She was and always will be my best friend.The corridor was filled with individuals from all walks of life as I passed through it. From the wealthy with waving vehicle keys to the downtrodden with heavy bags and books. I spent hours lost in this large campus, but everything looked okay until...

'And you are supposed to be?' a dark boy said harshly grabbing my shoulder to force a turn for me to face him.
'Patrick... Patrick McHale..' I replied with a smile brushing off the rude attitude I have just been given.
' where's Sponge-Bob' he said. That rude comment changed my life for good. As everyone laughed at the sarcastic joke that had just been made, my heart was broken down. My day was already ruined.

Once more, memories of my other bullying situations sprang to mind. The day passed as we sat around doing virtually nothing, but my only thought was about returning home so I could urgently ask my mother for a transfer to another school.When I was made fun of on the first day of school by a dark lad, the joy and spirit of exploration vanished.

I envy the boys I saw walking with girls while I headed home alone. As they walked home, they appeared adorable and frequently flirted. I recalled that I've never been the sort to flirt with girls while out on a walk.

'Hey' a sweet female voice came in front.

'Hi' I replied rudely without even lifting my head up.
'My name is Macarena...but most people call me Maca"
She continued even though I gave her cold shoulder.
I was really sad to the extent that it took me a lot of time to realize that a cute girl was talking to me.
"Oh hey .. sorry I'm just not my head space right now" I blushed as I replied
'Oww is it your first day at Midway Senior Secondary?' she asked.
'Yeah and I didn't really enjoy that much' I said
"Was it that bad?"
"Never mind me ... I'm rather used to it" I replied in a very low tone
"Again, I'm Maca... You're?"
'Ohh where are my manners...' I said blushing to death, but my inner side remind me what happened the last time I introduced myself. " Sorry I really don't like my name at all"
'Oww is your name that stupid? Come on already tell me' she insisted
"Okay. Name's Patrick and some guy asked me where's SpongeBob" I said looking down again from the embarrassment.
"Well that's funny" she giggled "..but don't worry I'll be your SpongeBob from now on okay" she said with a glimpse of a heavenly smile.

Macarena stood at average height. She was fair-skinned and had naturally curly hair.That's fantastic that I now have a female friend!I was basically overjoyed about it because I have never had a female buddy in my entire life.So here is Senior Secondary Day 1.Despite a poor beginning, consider how things turned out. I realized that maybe I wasn't such a nerd after all.

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