Chapter 15

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"I'm sorry, okay?" The girl said. My feet just went cold. I inhaled slowly and walked towards her.

"Selena what are you doing here?" I was so puzzled I didn't know what to do. Her tiny brown eyes caught me more than anything else. Her swollen lips from yesterday's intensive kissing were even more visible, plus she had her hair straightened out today. She was very adorable.

"Maca texted me to meet you here, she said something about you wanting to talk to me." I sighed; Macarena must be so heartbroken she probably doesn't want to talk to me. How bad.
"Patrick, I wanted to say..."

"It's okay. Don't apologize. I understand. I completely understand" I countered once again disrupting her speech in a very low tone. "...all you were trying to do was to make sure I am okay, and I am also sorry I became a little irrational about it," I took a mere step closer to her and held her warm hand. " Selena, I like you and you have obviously proved to be a cool person. Thing is, a lot has happened since Friday; I was first suspended, then I hooked up with you which I obviously enjoyed, my mother had a heart attack, I had a make out session with Maca, then had another one with you later, then..." I stopped to take a breath from this speech - and obviously avoid crying.

Her dark eyes gleamed with tears waiting to break any minute now. " Then she died; my mother." I felt the pain stirring up in my stomach and hitting on the chest so hard looked up to avoid crying. But all that was not enough, sooner or later they were bound to stream out of her eyes.

" So, what is the point of telling me all this?" She stepped a little closer closing the distance between us. I felt my breath getting short. I gasped a large amount of oxygen and took a gulp.

" I can't do this anymore, I am sorry. I am not in a good space to be with you, I will do nothing but bring you down. You don't someone who will treat like I do."

Her face just broke into tears. She gave me a quick glance before burying her face in her hands and obviously crying. I've been crying a lot recently, and it seems like everyone around me has been crying too. I wrapped my fingers around hers, letting both of our hands rest on our hips. She turned her head to look at me while her eyes were flooded with tears. "Exactly like that, Starr? Just at the beginning of such a journey you want to end it?"   With her voice muffled from crying, she questioned. "Starr, I want to be with you for who you are, not for what is wrong with you. I am willing to love you through it all. Choose me and I will choose you."

I took some time to respond to that and, thank God, refrained from crying. She then started to slide her tongue along my upper lip, and I did the same for her. That kiss symbolized so many feelings and memories at once, so I'm positive it was the kiss of the year. We just had a two-day relationship, but it felt like months because of how it ended, and I was very heartbroken about it.

I murmured "Sorry, I'm so sorry," pulling away from the kiss and the clasped hands. She was standing there as I turned around, the clouds beginning to gather and threatening to storm shortly. "You don't have to do this; I don't care of how you turn out, but I want to support you every step of the way." She looked at me tears streaming of her face, that's when I latched on my jacket hat and rushed off... and never looking back.
Then I cried.

Stupid and dejected me chose to walk to my dad's place rather than calling a cab. I was getting drenched from the intense downpour. Despite the fact that the inside agony was unbearably severe, I was completely unaffected. At a time like this, there is a lot going on. I trudged in the rain for almost two miles while reflecting on my life following the death of my mother. Will I move in with him—my dad—or will I find myself living on the streets? How am I going to finish school? How will I bury that poor woman?

Since it was pouring too hard, I made the decision to seek shelter in an abandoned building. At this eerie refuge, I clustered the thick door.I entered and was immediately greeted by a strange burning stench. Also, I heard voices. I went farther inside and discovered people smoking, presumably cannabis.

"What the fuck did the rain bring in here" A very violent voice covered the empty shed. I stood right where I was. "I'm sorry" I whimpered.

"Get your arse over here and explain to us why the fuck you're here?" The Indian accent said even louder.

I strolled towards the group. I noticed the shouting Indian, and there was also a blonde woman. Next to the blonde was a dark, buffy guy carrying the joint and next to him was a light wimp just like me.

"My name is Starr, and I'm here to smoke some weed!" I lied " is there a problem mates?" I said confidently and not having a single clue where it came from. I took of my hood and went over to the Indian who had already gestured a handshake.

"Name's Rashin!" He shook my hand and " that pig there is Mark, and the pretty lady here is Amanda, and never mind the wimp." He introduced. 

"Here" Mark said in a raspy voice handing over a cup with booze. I went over and took it and sat next to Amanda, who also had a red cup. I took a sip at the sharp smelling liquid. It burned my tongue but sent a tingling sensation through my nerves. " What is this?" I said out loud when I wanted to keep in my thoughts.

" Irish whiskey," the wimp said.

"Will you just be quiet? I didn't say anything in response to the admonition; I simply grinned. They began babbling about others I don't know while I took another sip and started thinking about my issues. I became aware of Mark's obesity. I also took note of Amanda's golden hair and the intense blushes she gave Rashin. I turned to look at the skinny lad who was sitting aimlessly in the corner; he appeared to be anxious. Sincerely, this was exhausting. I drank some more.

"Where do you guys for school?"I finally chose to ask. 

"Midway," Mark responded in a low, deep voice. I shifted uncomfortably next to Amanda.  "Trust me it is not a school you would want to be in, a lot happens there." he continued.

" What about that James dude? I heard some nerd busted his head wide open last week" Rashin said. I spat my drink back into the cup.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, what happened to this James dude?" I pretended not to know anything about it. I knew if I said I knew something I might as well end up bruised up.

" Apparently James was bullying some kiddo as usual, but the kid didn't take it well" Mark remarked. Well, that's safe at least nobody knows anything about Maca.

" They were also fighting for I heard." Amanda interrupted. I literally chocked on the whiskey this time.  Everyone stared at me, and I saw how they were waiting for me to say something. "I'm fine. Continue." The burning gin was intoxicating body slowly but surely. I saw everything wary. Now with it burning my throat. It felt nicer.

They looked at each other, obviously questioning my weird acting. The silence was uncomfortable. A bolt flashed and soft thunder sounds followed.
" I recognize you...from somewhere" Mark said pointing out at me with the joint in his hand.
Oh my!

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