Chapter 21

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The area where I resided was quiet. The only sounds were a few distant dogs barking and skateboarders cruising the tar-coated streets. Occasionally, a car would pass by extremely slowly. As the sun began to set and the evening breeze began to gather up speed, I walked. As I walk home through the softly falling autumn leaves that have carpeted the streets, my boots crunch underfoot.

As I walked over to my front door, I saw a set of knees perched up, with small, wind-dried elbows resting on them, small fingers tapping on a smartphone screen, and blond hair falling to frame a small face. She raised her head after I abruptly cleared my throat, the shock in her eyes reflecting mine, and she grinned.

"Finally, you are here!" She said as she stood up tossing her phone in her side bag.

"Amanda? What are you doing here?" I asked in anticipation.

"Don't you dare shout at me! You stood me up at the cafeteria and I waited and waited for you," she raised her voice.

"I am not shouting at you, I am just ... know,"  I replied in a soft calm voice. " I mean, dusk just fell and you can't blame me for being concerned."

"Just open the damn door, please. I am freezing here!" She said brushing the exposed skin, from her shoulder down to her elbow and to her shoulder again.

"Yeah, I can see. Your elbows are telling a better story." I pushed my glasses back and she winced, covering her elbows with her hands. "Well, I do not usually have strangers to my house, so..."

"Patrick don't start. You won't like it".

I pulled the keys out of my back trouser pocket, dangling them while staring intently at her, deep into her eyes. After a while, she stepped away from the door and she rolled her eyes again - she really has an attitude.  I inserted the key into the keyhole, turned it, and swung the door wide open. I stepped inside and drew a sharp breath. I then took off my boots carefully, placing the slowly onto the mat next to the door and slipped my feet into the red slippers by the door and carefully hung my backpack on the rail. I walked over to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water, I then went back to the living room and found Amanda roaming the room - touching old pictures frames and opening drawers like she was looking for something.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked while leaning against the wall.

"No. You probably don't have alcohol, so no," she responded in a low distracted voice. She opened a drawer and her gace lit up, she then pulled out a box of old UNO cards. "I noticed you don't have that 'do-not-touch-anything' rule?" She questioned as her eyes skipped back and forth across the room. "You play?"

"No. Not anymore." I said "I have no one to play with" in a quiet, melancholy voice.

"Well, luckily I am here."

"No," I said with a frown. "You show up at my door, and then touch my stuff, but still haven't given me a reason why you're here; at this time of the day."

She bit her nails slowly. She stood flickering her eyes showing no interest at all in what I just said. She then swayed her hips and threw herself on the couch and then she cleared her throat, "If you agree to one game, then I'll tell you while we play. Deal?"

I went over and slammed the glass of water on the  dark, wooden coffee table. I was irritated. "Fine."

She dealt the card after a century of shuffling and staring into my eyes. "I'll go 1st," she finally managed to say then she played a card. "The reason I came to see you is because Macarena is worried about you, so when she left she made me promise to take care of you and make sure you're okay."

I froze. My stomach knolted with anxiety at the thought of Macarena. "Well I am fine and do not need any help," I replied, my voice holding a hint of metal.

"We grief in different ways, you know," she said sitting up straight holding her cards to her chest. I played a card in silence and did not even look at her. She stretched her other hand and touched my shoulder. "Starr, all is going to be okay. I want to be here for you and would appreciate you not pushing me away, please? I would really love to keep my promise. "

I sighed and gestured her to play on. The game went on in silence, and I was not even concentrated on it; I was deep in thought. If Amanda and Macarena are really sisters, would that mean I can still contact Macarena. I had not seen her in days, weeks to be certain and I missed her cinnamon scent filling the room. I missed the way she said my full name, all was certain that me and her could never date again or do whatever we did together.

"UNO!" Amanda shrieked as she held on to one card close to her chest and waved the other hand in the air in celebration.  She was smiling wide; her smile a slow thing full of recognition. I liked her voice, the way it hums in my head and found myself blushing while staring at her.

"Thank you, Amanda. Your support is really appreciated," I said softly as I pulled out a 'pickup - four' card and watched her wide smile turn into a frown, then she swatted my arm so hard. I found myself smiling along with her, and it was genuine for the first time since my mom died. After a series of games, I consecutively won, Amanda finally gave up and threw the cards at me, sulking. I loved it.

"Well, sadly I have to go now. I also see I have to pick up on my card game." She stood up and looked into my eyes. "Promise next time you feel lonely you will call me?"

"If only you promise not to show up at my door unannounced," I countered. She smiled as she rambled her side bag for a pen and piece of paper. Then she scribbled something.

"Here. My number as well as Macarena's new number, in case you miss her you know."

"Thank you."


A while after Amanda left, I noticed that I was perusing the TV stations in search of something amusing to ogle before I fell asleep. Unfortunately, the majority of stations were yapping about food shows and current affairs; nothing was interesting enough to keep me entertained. I looked down to the piece of paper Amanda had left on the coffee table, picked it up, and stared at it for a very long time while deciding whether to text Macarena or just leave her be. I chose the first choice at last, and my first text message was sent through immediately.

I placed my phone on my thigh and sighed waiting  impatiently for her text.

"Hi I have been waiting for your text." My face automatically bulshed, and I was relieved to  find she was not mad, infact far from it.

"Sorry, I had not been in a good space. Today was my first day of school eversince... you know... and that is when I found out about the restraining order. I am really sorry for ruining up your life and  hope to make up for it." I pressed send.

My fingers started twitching again, "I am also sorry for being rude, when I knew exactly I was in love with you. I  didn't treat you with respect and didn't give you the recognition you deserve. I want to do better with you, would you please give me another chance?" I paused. I started grinding my teeth, then I  backed out and deleted the whole message and before I could even send it, then threw the phone on the table and let out a deep breath.

"It is cool; I  actually like it here. Patrick, I miss you and do not know why, so please would you forgive me and let me fix  my mistakes, don't make me seem desperate more than you already did. Can we please try again?"

I froze. My jaw dropped. I wanted to scream and crash the phone on the floor, shout and lift her in the sky as I hug her tightly. Of course, I wanted her back - to create new memories with her and give my heart again, lie beside with the room conditioned with her scent as her smile grows wide.

"Yeah, I love you, I still do and sure, let's try again."

"Thank you, Patrick. I  gotta go. I will call you tomorrow. Bye.

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