Chapter 23

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Time flew as dusk fell slowly. The clouds parted and the sky cleared up. The azure blue of the sky disappeared and the darkness grew deeper and deeper into infinity. "Do you ever watch the stars?" Amanda questioned in a low voice. We were seated on the metal, colorful steps of the slide and the park was very quiet, beautifully lit and the streetlamps flooded the park in ethereal yellow.

"Yes. Yes, I do," I sighed. "They remind me of my mother, the moon especially." She smiled. "Everything about this park brings bad memories. There, that is where Maca and James were kissing, and over there," I said pointing by the road, "that is where the stupid car hit me."

"That is..." she yawned in exhaustion "... is very cute." Her head fell on my shoulder, and I felt the urge to hold her hand and I complied. Her hand was warm and soft, so little when compared to mine. A part if me was glad she did not draw back.

"Look," she gasped letting go of my hand and pointed a cloud drifting over the moon, "look at that little glowing star next to the moon. I love it!"

The celestial body hanged over the earth, milky in its form, smiling down on us with the little dot next to it.

I threw my eyes at Amanda, whose smile was slowly fading. She sighed and buried her head in her thighs.

"What is wrong?" I asked as I slowly embraced her with my arms.

"Nothing, I'm just tired. It has been a long day."

"Ohh." I felt the atmosphere change.

"Starr, I think I miss Rashin," she sighed.

"Ohh I am really sorry. How long have you guys been together?"


"Two years?" I exclaimed.

"Two months dummy," she giggled in her legs. I let out a heavy breath. She raised her head and looked at me in a funny way. "Wanna dance?"

"In the dark?"


"We can't. I am such a horrible dancer. " I suggested.

"Don't be a bore," she smiled and helped me up. "... a tune please?"
I quickly played Kodaline on my phone.

Her eyes glinting of the moon, they were locked onto mine and we danced slowly with our hands interlocked. The smell of sweet grass rose, and scent of female perfume engulfed me as we glided our bodies in the dark. The feel of her skin on my mine as she drew closer, her eyes flooded in blue, she rested her head on my chest and my arm automatically snaked to grab her waist.

She grabbed her phone from her pocket and lit it up. *20:13.

"Flip, I have to go." I let her go and stared at her as she reached for her bag. She then looked at me and opened her arms to hug me. She  squeezed me so tight I felt something give inside me.

"Can I accompany you home?"



The bright morning sun pierced through my closed eyes as I lay still on the queen size bed in my father's mansion's guest room. I jumped out of bed, opened the windows, and saw sunlight filtering through the leaves of a tree next to my window. I took a deep breath - the view was soothing. I realized I was going to be late again when I checked, so I went into the shower for a quick rinse and emerged from the room with my silky hair messed up. I had combed my hair, dressed in full school uniform, and was railing down the stairs to the dining room in a matter of minutes.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I mumbled as I stuffed my mouth with a sandwich.

"You looked so peaceful," my father grinned as he sat down to feast. "Join me, son."

"I wish I could," I countered quickly "...but yesterday I got detention for being late." I raised my heavy school bag and threw it over my shoulder and then pushed my glasses back. I stared at my father.

"What? You want a goodbye kiss?" My dad surprisingly rolled his eyes. How typical.

"No," I replied slowly, "just appreciation for coming over after what you did." He stilled and stared.

"Thank you, Patrick.  Happy?" I turned my back and strolled for the door, opened it, and slammed it as hard as I could - I heard Lola gasp.

My efforts of rushing for school were of waste when I found my history class turned to a teenage party. There was no teacher. Students were as subversive as they were when Mr Mickelson was around. They sat on top of tables, making a huge circle playing a stupid game of Truth or Dare, which I obviously did not want to be part of. The sinewy guys had giddy girls like Selena (yeah, that Selena) sit on their laps - honestly, I couldn't care less.

I dashed to my desk space, sat down quietly, and murmured a little prayer. Me and my mom had always been loyal Catholics, so usual prayer was a habit. I opened my history textbook, started reading ahead, and seated hindsight to the group playing the stupid game. No matter how much I tried to concentrate, I found my mind trailing to that little game of theirs. I hated how I heard every dare; it was no difference not being part of it.

"Before I love you, I am going to leave you," a voice shouted. "Selena, truth or dare." My ears couldn't help but shoot up and wait patiently for Selena to answer as everyone suddenly went silent.

"Truth," she squirmed.

"Okay, is it true that nerdy Starr here was your worst kiss ever?" I gasped. My hands started shaking - I was patiently waiting for her to answer.

"Yes, ye,  it is true," she half laughed. I couldn't bear the feeling inside me anymore.  I turned, took off my glasses and gave her a death stare. I felt my skin flame, blood was pumping behind my ears as the students laughed hard and pointed fingers. I shot up from my seat, but my body winced from such ordeal.

"Really now?" I finally managed to say with my voice cracking. I wasn't sure if it was from the anger or the lump in my throat. "Why don't your little friends be the judge of that?"

"Owwww," the whole group went. Other students who were drawn to their studies were now watching at us.

"Sure, challenge accepted," she smirked. She stood up from the lap of some rugby player named Zed. Her skirt became shorter than it seemed or I knew it. Her thighs grew golden. Her lips were pinker than usual and she was admirably short. I walked slowly over and towered her with my height, and felt my heart quickening. I stared her deep in the eyes, her hazel irises quickening inside her unfathomable eyes.

There was no privacy here, I was not relaxed, we had already talked about the kiss, everything seemed messed up.

I felt the edge of my teeth skim a tip of a tounge, and soft lips pressing slowly onto mine. Her lips were soft as cotton, but sweet at the same time. I felt the weight of a hand at the back of my neck, urging me to go further and faster. My hands were lying restlessly, not knowing where to put them

"The neck," a voice whispered in my head. I complied and placed my hand gently on her neck and she stepped back, her back leaning tightly against the wall. With one hand on her neck, I kissed her, breathing the scent of female perfume, her leg was tangled behind my butt pressing me harder onto her chest. My right hand slid on her golden thigh, going deeper and further until I felt her draw a sharp breath - then she draw a sharp breath.

"Fuck," she whimpered. "Don't stop."

I stepped back and left her hanging. Everyone was deafeningly quiet. As I took a few more steps back, everyone began clapping, others were whistling in delight, and some of them tapped my shoulder. Their voices became inaudible, and I couldn't understand a word they were saying. My gaze had been fixed on Selena the entire time, and I heard her say something along the lines of "I am wet" to the girl next to her. The temperature in the room quickly rose, and I began to sweat. Everything became hazy, and my feet failed to support me, and I landed hard on the floor. "Patrick," someone yelled, and a pair of loafers rushed towards my eyes before everything went black.

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