Chapter 19

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Macarena pov


My eyes widened as the shriek reverberated throughout our home. For me, this could only spell problems. My entire wardrobe was spread everywhere over the room, from bras hanging from lamps to sanitary pads (unused) flying all the way to my window seal, so I jumped out of bed and immediately began looking for something appropriate to wear other than tights and bras. For a teenage girl, this room was disorganized, but lately, I haven't allowed myself much time to accomplish much other than smoke and sleep. I'm aware that you probably think I'm unclean, but as an adolescent who was depressed, I can only sleep at this point. I quickly got dressed in my morning gown, fastened it to my body, and left the room. I quickly crossed the floor and descended the stairs till I saw her. She was an oddly tall woman who, on this particular day, had a frown I had never seen before and was the epitome of irate. This woman was a dragon, and I was terrified of her, especially when she got angry because the fire, she would exhale would burn an entire house to the ground. She was standing at the entrance and looking deeply into my eyes while holding a piece of paper in her right hand.

"I heard you call out for me, is everything okay?" I swallowed.

"Get down here and explain to me what the heck is this?" she screamed waving the piece of paper on her hand. Her language was getting a little slippery.

I went down slowly, not breaking the eye contact between us. I stood at a distance to avoid extras such as random hot slaps and all that. "You have a boyfriend now?" she began.

"No, mother." I bowed my head down, "I am still a single woman."

"Who is Patrick then?" she questioned. I quickly raised my head; I could not help but roll my eyes at her question. My stomach quickly knotted with anxiety. Could have not been something else than him? Ever since I became 'friends' with him, my life revolves around him. Everywhere I go its Patrick this, Patrick that. I am tired!

"What about him?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"I ask you a question and you roll your eyes and worst of all you respond rudely? What in the world of good is wrong with you?" she stepped forward toward me, this was about to get violent.

"I am sorry, mother. He is just a neighbourhood friend," I said with panic.

"So, your friends' parents saw it good... to lay a restraining order against you?" she said charging toward me and threw the paper and envelope at my face. Patrick's dad did what? You got to be joking. This old man mocks me then slams with a restraining order, fuck him. I quickly bent down and picked up the piece of paper. I skimmed my eyes through then dropped my arms upon reading. The look on my mother's face was unbearable, I chocked at my own words.

"Answer me, Macarena"

"I am sorry again, mother.

"Well, the sorry has to stop and you going to give me a full explanation of what is happening," she persisted.

"Can I make you a cup of tea, then I will explain everything to you?" I begged and she nodded in agreement and swung her hips all the way to the kitchen.

I followed her, heel to heel into the kitchen. I reached for the kettle and filled it with water, then connected it to the power plug. I opened the cupboard and dragged two mugs out, and from the corner of my eye I could see my mom sitting impatiently across the dining table. The kettle went off, then I poured into the mugs, making myself some black coffee and making her soothing green tea.

"So..." I said handing her the mug with green tea, then slowly sat down on one of the chairs and started narrating everything from the very beginning.

"I won't lie to you my dear child, you really messed up this time," she said in calm voice while sipping her tea. She put down the mug with both hands wrapped around it. "You are going have to apologize to him and his father. Also, you are changing schools, you'll come live with me and enrol where I work. As your new principal, I want good grades and that you stay out of trouble, are we clear?"

"But mom..." I started. She cut me off. "No buts, Macarena"

This really did not go the way I had expected it to. I had expected her to be harsh, yes, but changing schools? I have to make new friends and fit in again. I have to find new crushes I will see every day and admire, everything around me is going to change. Having my own mother as a principal is a hassle on its own, and that means she also...

"I am taking that phone also" she interrupted my thoughts. "Now go upstairs and start packing. We are leaving tomorrow"

I abruptly got up from the table and pushed the chair back. I threw myself into my room and slammed the door behind me as I raced out of the kitchen, ran up the stairs, and exited the house. I put my face on my knees as I stood there and fell down onto my back. I wanted to cry, but the emotions had been holding back for a while. After a short while, I got up and staggered toward my bed while galloping the hundreds of items I needed to pack. I collapsed on my bed and grabbed my phone, which I was ready to drop. I looked for any new messages, but there were none. I went on and updated myself with the latest gossip since I was about to go on for months without it then eventually, I drifted off to sleep.

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