Chapter 9

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(The following chapter/s may contain sex, nudity and language that may not be of your liking. If it not your cup of tea you may skip. Enjoy XO)

Besides having my mother fighting for her life at hospital bed, Is still had a love life crisis hanging over my head and I had to sort out soon. I was woken up by a loud knock at my door. I stood up and went over to the kitchen door where the knock came from. As soon as I opened the door, a girl I couldn't recognize because of my sleepy state swooped and gave me a tight hug.

"Heyy" she said crying.

"Hello Macarena." I replied in a raspy voice. I just wondered what she was doing here! She clung onto me and didn't let go until I decided to break it up. Her soft cinnamon scent hadn't faded. She was still the same Maca I fell in love with.

"I heard about your mom," she walked on to sit down by the kitchen table " and I wanted to apologize for everything."

"It's okay Maca. Do you need anything?" I rubbed my eye in sleepiness. " Well some water would do, " she turned to look at me " and then join you to bed as I woke you up certainly early than usual." She smiled. I walked over to the kitchen sink and filled a mug with warm water. She took sips and then looked at me to smile.

"What's the time?"

"0530hrs" she said standing up like she was preparing to leave.

"No don't go," I panicked I'll take up the offer for joining me back to bed and obviously organize pyjamas for you " I looked her in the eyes as she smiled.

Of course, I didn't want her to go. With everything that's going on in my life, I needed her here. I went over to my mother's bedroom and grabbed a set of shorts for women and a nightgown. She blocked my path just as I was going to leave through the door. She gave me a close, intense gaze. Her dark eyes jolted me out of my composure. We continued to stare in silence for a bit until I moved closer and cupped her face with my hands. She turned to face me even though I was considerably taller than she was. My thumb just touched her lips. Where had I seen what I was actually doing, my thoughts questioned.

" I'm sorry for everything, Patrick" she eventually let a tear drop fall.  I felt her salty, cold tear against my hand. I moved hands from her face to her thighs and lifted her so she'd strap her legs across my waist. I wanted to kiss her so bad, I felt myself becoming hard.

I gave her a slow kiss as she was lying on her back on my mother's bed, then I laid her down. She had her feet hanging over the side as I gave her a kiss. I felt electricity engulf me as she slid her hands around my back, which I indicated by taking a big breath. I had never experienced this before. I gave her an even firmer kiss before moving on to kissing her neck.

" Please taste me " she whimpered in desperation.

"What!" I snapped. Did she mean I had to...noo..I didn't know how to. I have never done it before. What if I do it all wrong??

"Is something wrong?" She asked as she raised her abdomen letting her elbows sustain her. I moved and stood by the lamp. " Patrick, what did I do?" She had absolutely done nothing wrong. It was me and my lack of experience. I felt ashamed.

"Yeah something is wrong" I lied in a harsh tone.

"What now?"

"So basically Maca you break my heart , then insult me and make fun of me , barge in my house so early in the morning and ask me to taste you?" I shouted. I was just avoiding the fact that I knew nothing of what she was asking me.
She rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Patrick didn't I say I was sorry?" She asked calmly than I hsd expected.

"Sorry won't fix shit Maca!" There was that language again. " Sorry will basically not make me believe you want to be with me. You made it clear that your boyfriend was James, so what do you want from me, huh?" I continued shouting. " You want make out sessions cause your beloved boyfriend is an a messed-up hospital bed. Well, if you get horny my beloved bitch this is not the place, nor the right person, so go!"

She cried and went all the way to the door.

"Wait " I sighed. She stopped without turning back. "You forgot your shitty umbrella" I continued.

She turned to my face. " Admit it Patrick, you still love me, don't you?" She screamed.

"If you had a sister and a dog, I'd choose the dog" I spat as I turned to the bedroom lobby! 

My heart had become icy. For everything Macarena did, I despised her. Her absence would make me content. My mom wouldn't be in the hospital, and I wouldn't be concerned about passing away.Since I first met her, she has brought all of this into my life. She is wholly to blame for the accident in which I was involved, so I went to the hospital. I was then provoked by her boyfriend, which led to my suspension. She was entirely to blame for this. A wave of Macarena's cinnamon aroma hit me as I entered her room, triggering all of my memories of her. I burst into tears and screams. I admired her. I was at a loss for what to do.It was a situation of love and hate. She was all that I desired...but i still could not be with her.

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