Chapter 31

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The sunset smiled warmly above the tall palm trees, its streaks shooting through tickling my weak eyes. The wind blew softly, I could barely feel it, but the way the trees gently swayed you could tell there was a certain breeze. 

"Pass me the lighter," Tracy said softly. I gave it to her with a question written on my face. She lit the cigarette and took a heavy pull. "What's eating you?"

"How much do you think the cops have on me? How many years max?" I asked without a pause.

"I am a doctor, Patrick, not lawyer," she answered harshly. "Patrick do not tell you are thinking of double crossing the cops, are you?" 

"Tracy, I cannot just give them up. I am part of their gang now," I explained.

"GANG? Are you even hearing yourself? Those kids are a bunch of teenagers that bullied you into this mess. There is no gang, and there never will be." She took another pull at her cigarette. She then passed it to me.

"If I give them up, and that is a big IF, you are aware you own brother will be convicted?"

"Mark is old, and he makes his own decisions. This is his mess, he has to fix it. Patrick, since your mom died you have changed, and change is good. I recommended the change, but I did not mean go on and join a group of boys selling heroin and cocaine to other kids. You have messed up big time, but it is high time you make amends with yourself, and I see no other absolute way to redeem yourself rather than working with the police." 

"Tracy, it is very risky though?"

"Look, I gotta get to work. Think about this okay?" She stood up and left me smoking in the backyard of my house.

The thoughts came gushing in. I couldn't absorb everything at once, and I was running out of ideas about how to get myself out of the situation I was in. Every one of them led to a dead end, leaving me with no other option. The evening arrived swiftly, followed by the guilt. I remembered Chloe, who was laying in a hospital bed as a result of my reckless behavior. If I couldn't do it for myself, then her. When I sought to check on her current situation, I discovered she was still unconscious at Midway Clinic. I took my prescription and dressed in a sweater and Adidas track trousers. I jumped into the Nike trainers I had gotten from Rashin. I called a metered taxi to take me to the clinic, and was there in less than fifteen minutes. I got in the reception, and my eyes landed on my father passing a huge envelope to Dr Moreno. I hid, then peeped to see what was happening exactly. The three men exchanged a few words before my father shook hands with the doctor and the other man. He then headed my way, I made sure to look at the ground and walk past him. The stupid man knew so less he could not even recognize me. When I looked up, I saw the mystery man walking side to side with Dr Moreno and then they went into his office far down the corridor. 

"I am here to check on Chloe Clarkson," I told  Mrs Red who gave me the look.

"It is becoming a habit, you always arrive after visiting hours."

"I am sorry ma'am, it will not happen again," I tried to re assure her.

"Wing C, Block 3 Ward 7."

"Thank you very much," I said rushing with excitement. I came in and found her lying peacefully on the bed. Sweat had collected on her yellow forehead. Her long laid dispersed on her sides and her nose ring making her even better. Footsteps approached behind and I turned. There was a pause in conversation between the two men who now stood in front of me. 

"Excuse me," The other man who was a spitting image of Chloe said with a frown on his face. 

"Let me handle this one, Leonard," Dr Moreno intercepted. "Patrick, what are you doing here?"

"I came to check on Chloe..." I spoke.

"On what grounds, cause you are neither friends or family. Did Tracy let you through again?" He asked raising his voice.

"No, Dr Coleman was not a part of this, my dad filed a restraining order against her so we do not really talk," I lied. 


"I actually came here to apologize to Chloe for what happened, but sir since you are here and she is asleep.."

"Unconscious," the one I assumed to be Mr Clarkson corrected.

"Sorry my bad, I wanted to pass my sincerest apologies, this was never my fault..."

"Sounds like you are making excuses, get the hell out of my sight! I am not interested in whatever words of apology you have! MY daughter might die, and just know I am pressing charges and making sure you stay behind bars for the rest of your life."

"Patrick, I suggest you leave immediately," Dr Moreno added. I did it without hesitation. I left the ward right away, before things got out of control. He stated he was going to press charges, so whatever I did would land me in jail. I could hire the best lawyer to represent me, but if he filed charges, it would be in vain. I had to assist the police since that was the only way out of a conviction. I called the taxi again and went straight to the police station.

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