Chapter 5 (Edited)

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(Present Time)

It was a bright and beautiful day with many regional birds flying above the residents of Z town. A young man named Ash was packing up some items for the journey ahead of him. 

Ash was declared 12 years old a few days ago when he returned from the Summer Camp after him meeting a sweet young girl named Serena from Kalos. And overcoming his now-declared rival Gary at the Summer Camp. 

He was packing up, and his two Pokemon went down and helped Delia prepare breakfast. With Riolu helping with the plates and Meltan using his head to balance food on the table. Ash was running down the stairs at high speed until he falls down the stairs.

After breakfast was prepared everyone in the Ketchum residence enjoyed their meal with great pleasure with Meltan eating the fastest as usual. While during all this time Ash's mother Delia has a lot of conflicted emotions feeling happy and sad at the same time knowing today her son would go on his journey. 

She was proud and worried knowing how the world outside can be quite dangerous but knowing her son Ash has prepared all this time. Puts her at ease knowing that he would have no problems dealing with these situations. 

Ash seems to notice his mother's emotion by reading her body language which leads to Ash and his Pokemon hugging Delia to ease her. Which brought a tear to Delia's face knowing how much her son has matured. Ash and his Pokemon then left to get his Trainer's License. They then reach Professor Seri's laboratory

Looking to his right he saw the other three trainers this year. Surprising the entire Capri region due to its usual habit of having only one trainer each year with each participating in the 23 challenges. 

The 23 challenges are the gym and elite four challenges with the current Champion included in the challenge. Many have attempted the 23 challenges with the highest-ever recorded trainer reaching the second elite four. Ash then looks at the three trainers with two girls and one boy not including him. 

Noticing the time, he saw that everyone was waiting for Professor Seri. So that they can get their needed equipment to officially make them trainers. After a good 30 seconds, the door then opens with Professor Seri having a cup of coffee and having a gloomy face which surprised Ash due to him knowing that Professor Seri mostly find excuses to sleep early. 

As Professor Seri drank finished her coffee she then lets everyone in her lab. They entered with confidence and then stood in place due to them seeing a hooded figure with a Mimikyu. It was on his shoulder carrying some papers. Riolu then narrows his eyes on the hooded figure. Mimikyu noticed who smiled and waved at Riolu who was now confused.

"Can you explain why you are here Feza?" said Professor Seri who was now in the starter room behind the children who jumped by the sudden speech. 

"Well, I have come here to discuss something that I have discovered about the Region of Capri. Which might explain the strong Pokemon that you might come across," said Feza with the last part directed to the children who were excited to hear about strong Pokemon.

 "Yes, it has been a question for many years but can we discuss it later," said Professor Seri hinting about the children getting their starter Pokemon. 

"Ah, yes but I would prefer to watch this year's new trainers, especially our special guest to the Capri Region," said Feza with a voice that made Professor Seri nervous because Feza immediately knew about Ash being her assistant.

"Well, should you all meet your starters," said Professor Seri to diffuse the situation which worked for everyone. However, Ash saw that the hooded figure made Professor Seri feel a bit nervous which the female professor hardly did. 

"Well, this year we have a fine selection of Pokemon this year with the three Pokemon gyms the typing being Fire, Grass, and Water," said Professor introducing the Pokemon typing to the three other children with Ash looking at the hooded figure with interest seeing that his aura radiated a strong but warm pulse. 

"Well the three Pokemon this year are these specimens," said Professor Seri releasing a Snivy, Squirtle, and Litten. 

The three children immediately choose their starter with both girls choosing a Snivy and Squirtle. Leaving the other boy with Litten who was happy that the boy chose it. The other three children then took their Pokedex and five Pokeballs and left the laboratory. 

"Well that was an interesting selection this year," said the Feza with his Mimikyu also agreeing with its trainer's words. 

"Yeah, those three can be quite stubborn when giving the new trainer their Pokemon's offspring saying it was too cute to give to the trainers," said Professor Seri trying to keep in her laughter. 

"Whose stubborn?" said Ash very confused about who the two were referring to. 

"Well the fire, water, and grass gym leaders due to them having to give a Pokemon to the new trainer this year," said Feza with a smile but then neutralized it by bringing up the reason he was here. 

"But getting back on track, I think it is best to discuss the reason I'm here," said Feza bringing the two to his attention. "During my trip around the region to deal with some 'problems' I found about the energy here that makes Capri special to the other regions."

"Well what is it?" said Ash interested in the subject. "Well I'm aware everyone here is clear with the concept of aura," said Feza looking in Ash's direction who was shocked about Feza knowing about his gift. "However Capri has an alternative energy that is related to aura," said Feza. 

"Can you just get to the point," said Professor Seri getting a bit annoyed at Feza for teasing them about the information. 

"Alright, have you heard about the concept of Soul Bonding?" said Feza.

(Editor's Note: Jesus it was hard to update these, what was Jc thinking... But at least I can make them more tolerable.)

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