Chapter 12

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"Can you explain who are you?" said Ash directing the question to the Victini like Pokemon. The Pokemon started to feel nervous but gave in knowing the boy in front of it has a unique fate that could lead to many events in the future. 

And it gave in ' I'm Vapri, Capri's only Mythical Pokemon with Victini being my brother, while he decided to be in the Unova region I decided to be in the unique and beautiful Capri region.' said Vapri with a sigh preparing for the reaction from the boy but only got silence. 

What Capri said kind of made Ash and his Pokemon go into a loading sequence with them being unable to comprehend what the Pokemon said. 

'Erm hello?' said Vapri with its aura snapping both Ash's and his Pokemon's thinking process with them now calming down with the information. 

"Well that was interesting but what do you really mean by only Mytical of Vapri there are a lot of cases with other Legendary and Mythical Pokemon that roam the Capri region," said Ash with a thinking posture.

 Vapri was about the response but an explosion in the distance made it stop with it now having a worried look with the explosion being near the caves.

 'Come on let's investigate the area and check on the damage.' said Vapri now using his scarf to swing from the trees leaving Ash to run on the ground to catch up with the Pokemon. 

When Ash and Vapri arrived what they saw was shocking, an entire Team Rocket Base being blown the nothing but rubble and thousands of rocket grunts, and a few admins being held up with electrical cuffs. 

And when they saw the area Ash was seen with a smile seeing a familiar face but Vapri had a different reaction with its face filled with hatred and distrust. The person they saw was Feza.

While Ash tried to get near to Feza but was then stopped in his tracks by an unknown force holding him in place with grey, purple and white particles around his feet when he looked straight he saw something weird. 

A tall figure with a grey overall a face covered by the dark atmosphere Ash tried to move but nothing happened he was trapped. He tries to speak but with no effort. After a while, the Ash was snapped back into reality with his Pokemon with faces of worry and Vapri controlling its breathing. 

As Ash was calming down his Pokemon he then looks back to the caves and saw nothing but the leftover debris from the destroyed Rocket Base. As ASh thanks his Pokemon and returns them to their Pokeballs, he turns to Vapri with it having its fingers twitching and its scarf wrapped around his ears. 

Ash tries to comfort but as he gets closer Vapri notices and calms down. With the situation and tension gradually disappearing Ash asks Vapri about the vision he had. When he explained midway through the vision Vapri started to have a surprised and concerning face which caught Ash's attention. 

''I'm guessing the person I'm explaining about is someone you are familiar with" said Ash with a small smile which seems to calm down the Pokemon. 'Yes he was a person that really understood me as I use to be weak with my powers being weaker than my brother Victini' said Vapri looking at its scarf. 

"Well I think I will-" said Ash but was cut by Vapri having its scarf pulling onto Ash's arm. 'Not so fast I think I have something for you' said Vapri with a grin. 

"What's that?" said Ash curious about what the Pokemon had to say. 'A Mythical Capri trial' said Vapri with it floating into the caves leading to the previous location where Ash last saw it a few years ago. 

Vapri waved his paws in a challenging way standing opposite the battlefield. 'Come on let's see your first challenge of the Capri challenges said Vapri preparing for the battle. 

"Okay, I accept your challenge Vapri, come on out Meltan we have a battle," said Ash bringing forth the Hex Nut Pokemon who was now focused, seeing its opponent. 

(A/N: Sorry for the late and short chapter I was having a lot of life crises with my computer going to the dumpster meaning it breaking down and my phone being very slow. I for now finally have a functional laptop and I think will continue to post on this story so stay tuned and sorry for making any of you think I abandoned this story)

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