Chapter 9 (Edited)

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After the previous encounter with the Avi and Dean duo, Ash is now travelling on the Hime Volcanoes to reach the second town which holds his second gym battle. Ash was walking the rough and hot terrain, his Pokemon was resting on his shoulder and his arms with them not suited to the extreme heat that the landscape provided. 

During their travel, Riolu was training his aura trying to master telepathy wanting to communicate with non-aura users to provide a second speaker. If Ash was busy with a problem or in trouble and needed help.

(After a good 3 hours...)

Ash is now admiring the location, as they were literally inside an inactive small volcano. After studying and looking at the interesting geological structures that were naturally in the volcano. He then stops at the Pokemon Centre to give his Pokemon a good rest and to resupply certain items at the Pokemart. 

Ash dropped off his Pokemon to Nurse Joy, then headed to the Pokemart where he meets a certain person standing at the Evolution Stone section with the man looking at the Fire Stone. The man was tall and had a short hairstyle with spikey dark hair that almost looked like it was burned. 

The man also had an interesting style of clothing with very exposing clothes with short sleeves, short pants, and steel-looking boots that looked fire-resistant. At the worse timing, the man notices Ash and smirks, and places down the firestone. 

"Well, well, well, I don't think we have met, are you one of the Capri's new trainers," said the man with a slightly arrogant tone. "Yes, however, to give you an interesting note I'm not one to take your firey starter, Litten," said Ash noticing his tone and body language.

"Oh, you aren't, I thought there were only three trainers this year," said the man. This made Ash facepalm his face, as he remembered his hardheaded and oblivious personality.

"No there were fourth and the one that took you, Litten, was another boy," said Ash now paying for the items. Finished his payment he exits the Pokemart and wanted to pick up his Pokemon. But he quickly heard a loud proposition from Flader.

"Sorry little guy! How about this, why don't you come up to the Blazing Gym for your Gym Battle you can be the first to battle me!" said Flader. This interested Ash as he did want to leave the Hime Volcanoes as fast as possible. Given that his team is not suited for the harsh hot environment.

"Very well I think I would take your offer but I would need to first pick up my Pokemon," said Ash in a calm tone relaxing his feelings. "Well ain't that great, see you up at the fiery battlefield," said Flader.

Ash picked up his Pokemon from the Pokemon centre, plotting a strategy due to his team having a lot of bad matchups. With Meltan having the worse, Ash now hopes his Pokemon's speed would allow him to have an edge in battle. Now standing in front of the Fire-type Gym, the place was nothing short but dangerous with bubbling lava in some areas and boiling hot geysers that can give a person a heart attack and burned skin. But with protective gear given by Nurse Joy, they entered the gym.

"Well, well, well it seems that you are the first challenger to enter my gym with such confidence," said Flader with a wide grin. " I have no comment," said Ash. "Let's stop stalling, I'm raring for a good fight from your puny team!" Flader exclaimed with the largest grin that Ash has ever since. 

(Fire Type Gym Battle [Gym Leader, Flader]

"Meet my firey pal, Talonflame," 

"Meltan, battlefront" 

"Really a steel-type against my fire types, are you crazy kid!" 

"How's this for crazy, Meltan use Flash Cannon," 

"Talonflame use Flamethrower!" 

As both beams collided, it created a dark smoke cloud blocking all vision

"Meltan now use Shock Wave"

"Talonflame dodge it!" 

However, it was futile as Meltan's Shock Wave paralyzes the Scorching Pokemon

"Now Meltan use Thunderbolt," 

"Talonflame get up!"

However, there was no luck for the Gym Leader as Talonflame was directly met with a high bolt of electricity resulting in the Pokemon fainting

"You know the kid I have not really seen this in a while. As what you did on my Talonflame with a Steel-type. However, this is as far as you go Magmortar teach them a lesson!" said Flader

"Meltan return, Eevee you are up," 

"Magmortar use Bulk Up!"

"Eevee use Quick Attack don't let it increase its attack," 

As Magmortar flexes his muscles Eevee darts forward hitting Magmortar right on the head interrupting the Blast Pokemon not letting it have to attack buff.

"Now Eevee use Shadow Ball,"

"Magmortar use Flame Burst!"

As both moves collided it created a large smoke cloud which Ash sees as an advantage again

"Eevee use Quick Attack around Marmortar" 

"What?!, Magmortar use Fire Punch to stop it!"

As Eevee circled Magmortar with Quick Attack confusing the Blast Pokemon as he tries to swing at the Evolution Pokemon.

"Now Iron Tail" 

Eevee then smirked and smacked Magmortar on the head with Iron Tail with full force with extra damage with the build-up of speed for the previous Quick Attack. Resulting in Magmortar fainting, Flader was now fuming and released his Ace his prized Incineroar.

" You brought this upon yourself," 

"Eevee return, Riolu battlefront," 

"Incineroar use Bulk Up!" 

"Riolu use Swords Dance," 

"Now Incineroar use Darkest Lariat," 

"Riolu use Bullet Punch" 

However, the battle was now in a complete change as Incineroar completely overpowered Riolu pushing back Riolu right at Ash's side of the battlefield. Flader has a big grin looking at Ash.

"Incineroar now use Cross Chop!" 

"Riolu use Quick Attack to dodge it" 

Riolu then uses Quick Attack to dodge Incineroar's Cross Chop

"Now Riolu use Swords Dance" 

"Incineroar use Flamethrower!" said Flader

As Riolu increases his attack power Incineroar uses a Flamethrower on Riolu who was now engulfed in flames


As Riolu was now engulfed in flames however as all possibilities were against them Riolu was now engulfed in bright blue light. Much to Flanders's horror and to Ash's delight and shock.


"Lucario now let's end it, use Aura Sphere!"

"Incineroar use Overheat!"

As both moves collided, Lucario's Aura Sphere then overpowers Incineroar's Overheat resulting in a loud explosion when the move made contact with Incineroar, causing him to faint.

"Well it seems that I have underestimated you Ash and I think it would be fair to give you the Blazing Badge for your battle strategies and how you trained your Pokemon," said Flader with an unexpected smile towards Ash. 

"Thanks but I think I should return to the Pokemon centre to them healed, bye," said Ash. After he exited the battlefield Flader then smiled and picked up Incineroar who then fired a Flamethrower at the man. Who looked unharmed due to his unusual ability to be resistant to high temperatures.

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