Chapter 30

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"Well this seems to be it," said looking at the 'restaurant', which seems to be a bar filled with people. "Do you think this is the correct place?" asked Serena hearing the sound of glass shattering inside. 

"I have no idea but I think it would be wise for me to use Aura Vision to at least see if Shensi is inside," said Ash using Aura to see if she was in there, and to his surprise and horror, she was indeed in there. 

"So?" asked Maya which is answered by Ash's nod making them swallow some air preparing themselves to enter. "Might as well right," said Ash pulling down on the doorknob. 

Immediately he then holds on to Maya and Serena's hands not wanting to slip up. As he did that he bolted to Shensi's aura signature not wanting to deal with drinkers in the bar and their nonsense. 

During all this, they had slowly caught the attention of the group making them snicker and laugh. Making Serena uncomfortable and Maya not having it creates a tiny stone out of her aura and flung it at one of the people creating a loud scream. 

"OUCH!!!!" said the man making Ash carry Serena bridal style and run and Lucario gave Maya a piggyback ride as they sprint towards Shensi who was now looking pissed off. "NO FIGHTING IN MY BAR!!!" screamed Shensi the ground had a slight force making Ash and Lucario a bit unstable as they were running. 

"Yes Shensi..." said the men apologizing mostly the one who shouted. "YOU BETTER..." said Shensi slowly getting softer as she saw Maya with a bright and cute smile making Shensi soften up as she gave Maya a quick hug as she knew the real reason they were here. 

"Well skipping that ruckus mostly giving the men in the bar a death stare and having a smile at the group who was sweatdropping the woman's actions. "Well I think its best to begin a great challenge," said Shensi making all the men look at Shensi and were having an excited faces.

 Making Ash and the crew confused until they saw the battlefield, it was a fighting ring. 

"The rules are simple, the Pokemon that you use must follow the moves that you do meaning that the two of you must be in sync to fight me," explained Shensi jumping into the ring and waving a hand at them as she released an Infernape who mimicked her actions. 

Seeing this Ash jumped in and chose Lucario who agreed to the challenge during this Serena and Maya went and sat in the VIP spot of the bar where an old butler gave Maya and Serena Oran Berry Juice. 

(Fighting-type Gym Battle[Gym Leader Shensi])

Immediately Shensi called for a Fire Punch with Shensi mimicking Shensi's movement. As Ash called for a dodge and use Aura Dance. Lucario and Ash sidestepped and used Aura Dance increasing Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense and Speed. 

Shensi seeing this smiled and called for a Close Combat where Infernape started to throw punches and kicks at Lucario who was doing his best to counter each hit with the increased Speed he was doing it quite well however a few hits still lands on him. 

Ash seeing the opportunity called for a Counter landing devastating blowing to Infernape making it his the ring around them making Shensi carry it up and ready itself up despite the heavy blow.

"It seems that they were not kidding when they said you were a true prodigy son but you need more power to knock us out, little man," said Shensi with a smile with her and Infernape preparing for the next move with Shensi calling for a Heat Up making Ash worried and confused as it was a custom move. 

Ash immediately called for another Aura Dance further increasing Lucario's stats. Infernape seems to increase its heat with the fire around its body increase in size as the Flame Pokemon eyes started to glow a tinted blue with it healing its wounds from the previous Counter making Ash worried as Heat Up seems to not only increase Infernapes Speed and Power. 

It also seems to have a passive healing effect making the battle harder as both Pokemon were using Close Combat hitting each other in the center as both trainers were mimicking their actions as they were licked up in their Pokemon's soul. 

As the battle went on Lucario started to experience fatigue, however, Infernape seems to be the opposite as the more it attacked the stronger it got represented by its furious flame around its body. 

"Alright, Lucario it seems we need to start it before we lose this challenge," said Ash which Lucario agreed to, due to the heat Shensi and Infernape were bringing. 

"Lucario as the challenges await us, we shall experience Mega Evolution to push forward," said Ash as Lucario Mega Evolved into Mega Lucario making the people in the bar cheer more as Serena was bitting down on her straw feeling nervous for Ash and Maya drinking a lot of juices which the old butler was happy to serve. 

Getting back to the battle Ash called for a Bullet Punch as Mega Lucario got right up in Infernape's face and punched it hard and fast making Infernape gets pushed back from the move but endured it with the passive healing but less effective as Infernape's energy was slowly depleting. 

Shensi then called for a Close Combat trying to bring back Infernape's momentum but Mega Lucario kept calling for Aura Sphere and having increased STAB damage Infenape was receiving a lot of damage. 

Seeing this Shensi tried one final push with Close Combat but was quickly knocked out with Counter from Mega Lucario making Infernape knocked out making Ash the victor. Having cheers all around the bar from Shensi laughing.

(Battle End)

After the battle and Shensi and Ash healing up their Pokemon, they returned to the bar where we see them chatting in the VIP room with the old butler serving drinks at the main bar. 

"Well that's interesting, I thought that you were native seeing that you are familiar with the Capri's culture which most foreigners struggle with," said Shensi as she served the people in the bar. As Ash and Serena were helping the cooks in the bar or more over Ash took control of the head chef and Serena took over the pastry area with cooking pastries. 

As Maya studied with the old butler who revealed that Shensi is a person who hated her rich distant family and he and she started their own bar in Ment Town after she got her own Gym License.

 And ditching her old luxurious life for a more street lifestyle and connecting with the working class of the town. During all this Maya was learning about how to make different drinks from the old butler who was more than happy to do so.

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