Chapter 41

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"Welcome to the Capri League challenger," said Maya who met Ash and Serena at the door to the first Elite Four making them happy, and hugging her. 

"It's great to see you, Ash and Serena," said Maya, and Ash and Serena responded expressing the same emotion. "Well let's see our first challenge," said Ash pushing open the door to see the door is filled with dense smoke blocking their vision.

"Well, it seems that we have a challenger..." said a mysterious voice that seems to be very deep. 

Slowly the smoke disappeared making the area more visible to reveal an average height male wearing a leather jacket, with military pants and what seems to be an explosive in his mouth. Making Ash and Serena worried but Maya seems to be fine with it. 

"Well, I hate doing this but I have to let the crowd see the battle," said the Elite four signaling something as the galleries revealed to be a huge stadium filled with people cheering. 

As Ash and the Elite Four's platform rose up Serena used her psychic powers to lift herself and Maya to towards the safe area. Slowly a battlefield was selected with the arena having a lush thick forest and a dense fog set in. 

"Before we battle the names Ovi," said the man who released a Zangoose who seems to be very speedy, as it was released it went into preparation. 

Ash then released his first Pokemon Lucario who got ready with its fist in position to hit Zangoose who smirked. 

"The first Elite Four member Ovi vs the challenger Ash, this battle would be a 4 vs 4 with substitution being allowed," said the announced who seemed extremely energetic. "Get ready for a new world of battle kiddo," said Ovi as he pulled the trigger sending the explosive up signaling the start of the battle.

(Battle Challenge [Elite Four Ovi])

Immediately Zangoose disappeared into the thick forest, Lucario countered by using Aura Dance increasing its stats as Zangoose slammed into him making receiving a massive amount of knockback however he was able to pull the move off. 

Ash then countered by calling for a Bullet Punch to see Zangoose use Quick Attack dodging the move as it used a Swords Dance making Ash see a solution. Ash then ordered Lucario to stand still making Ovi smile as he ordered a Close Combat. 

As Zangoose got close, Ash then called for a Counter slamming Zangoose back right onto a tree making Ovi grind his teeth. Immediately Ovi called for a Quick Attack over and over confusing Ash who called for an Aura Dance again increasing Lucario's stats. 

Ash then saw Zangoose having a poison effect which then clicked in his head with Zangoose's physical damage increasing as it went in for a Facade dealing deadly damage making Ash worried. 

Immediately Ash using Lucario's speed disappeared into the forest making Zangoose follow suit but with a slight change of speed due to it having poison. Ash called for a Bullet Punch slamming in Zangoose who tried to hide behind the tree but Lucario was faster hit before it could hide. 

Ovi then called for a Facade making Ash call for a Counter hitting Zangoose out of battle as it was sent into the ground from the impact making Ash win the first round.

Ovi then returned to Zangoose with the crowd going crazy finally seeing someone able to take over the Elite Four without any loss with Maya and Serena being extremely happy for Ash. 

"I'm impressed, you actually got over Zangoose," said Ovi who smiled with sweat rolling down his face. Ovi then pulled out a Great Ball releasing a Toxicroak who immediately croaked in a very intimidating way as if to warn something. 

Ash seeing Lucario's state then returned him and pulled his next Pokemon being Aggron who roared intimidation. As the battle resumed Toxicroak then used Low Kick dealing massive damage but did nothing to Aggron's stance as it stand strong with a loud roar it used Earthquake shaking the entire battlefield dealing massive damage to Toxicroak who tried to dodge it. 

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