Chapter 27

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"Run, run, run RUN!!!!!" screamed Maya and Serena as Ash's Lucario and Bladeon were running towards Maya and Serena. 

"Did you all have regret calling them to play tag together?" asked Ash shining his Pokemon who were enjoying it as they just finished training. After that, Ash then started to write down what he knew about the Warp Zone and Feza's soul. During this Serena and Maya were sitting down under a tree near Ash as they were tired from the game. 

Ash then finished his documentation and looked and Serena and Maya rested under the tree with Lucario and Bladeon resting with them. Ash then thought about how far would be the next destination with three Gym challenges near them. 

After that Ash sighed thinking what this journey had become, from challenging Gym Challenges to the Capri Trail from Vapri and the story behind Feza. At least to say he is very stressed and it was starting to affect him emotionally and sometimes physically. 

But then he sensed two presence near them as he turned around he saw nothing but with Aura Vision he saw two auras similar to physics and fairy types. Ash first did not care and woke up Serena and Maya who accidentally dose off while resting. 

As Maya and Serena woke up they were surprised to Ash standing there but relaxed when he explained that they dosed off making them embarrassed but he smiled and got ready for the Gym Challenge at the Twisting Forest. 

However, as he got up he saw two certain blue-headed Pokemon standing in front of him looking at him directly as to deliver a message. "Two Shiny Ralts???" asked Ash, towards particularly no one. 

As he said that a gun like shot was heard, with a net heading towards the two shiny Ralts making Ash turn into protective mode as he used Aura Blade to cut it. 

"So it seems that you are the annoyance that caused the boss to be pissed." said two voices as two Rocket Grunts came out making Ash cringe seeing the logo of the crime organization. 

Ash immediately called out Arrgon who saw the situation and immediately protected the Ralts with it standing in front of them. 

Serena and Maya seeing this went and prepared for a battle with Serena leading with Fennekin and Maya leading with Zorua. "It seems that we would be fighting some twerps for the prize," said one of the grunts who seems to like to joke around, and the other hitting the other on the head. 

"You idiot they already attacked and we are flying into the sky like the trio idiots in Kanto!!!" said the grunts who were now screaming and flying in the sky.

After that fiasco, the traveling group then went to the nearest Pokemon center in the Twisted Forest and had a check-up on all the Pokemon with Ash studying the environment of the trees being in weird and unnatural curves making everyone there awkward at Ash's research behavior. 

After the Pokemon were healed Ash prepared food for everyone which made the two Ralts coo at the wonderful food. 

During this Serena was secretly reading books about baking dessert which made Fennekin sigh seeing it trainer, trying to impress her crush. After the meal, the two Ralts joined the group's team with the girl Ralt joining Ash and the male joining Serena. 

And they did this because despite their gender they were the complete opposite with the girl Ralts enjoying fights with her picking fights with Melmetal who just signed and petted the Feeling Pokemon who just pouted at the Hex Nut Pokemon's parenting personality. 

While the male Ralts was shy and had a habit of covering his face and meeting someone new made him cover his face which made his pale face go completely red making Serena connect with the Pokemon due to her having the same problems as her being a child.

During all this, Vapri was resting the Ever Caves going around and observing the environment with the occasional blessing to young Pokemon in the cave. 

It then heard some electronic noises making it worried as it was correct as they were humans with huge red R making another base in the caves making it angry but it then felt a strong familiar aura. As it confirmed who it was it started to fly away and prepare something it enjoyed. 

"So have you planted the base in the Ever Caves again?" asked a figure sitting down in a dark room. "Yes boss we have finished the base and we are currently extracting energy from the crystals in the cave," said Rocket Admin.

"Great I will see you next..." said the figure about to finish until a loud explosion came as fighting was heard which made the Admin leave making the figure frown. Outside many Mega Pokemon were fighting with the Rocket Grunts while Vapri was using its scarf to break Pokeballs from the Grunts. 

Making their Pokemon join the Pokemon group quickly increasing their numbering overwhelming the base and a lot of equipment while Vapri gathered a lot of documentation and information in the base until a Mega Houndoom and Mega Scivor started destroying the full base making it nothing but ashes. After that, all the Pokemon went back to their habitats leaving Vapri alone as it stared into a crystal hoping that its plans with Kami has not failed.

(A/N: Well this is kinda a filler Chapter to fulfill a request and idea from the viewer SkyUltimate. P.S to all viewers please comment more because it is great to hear feedback)

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