Chapter 17

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It was a new day and we see two trainers named Ash and Serena walking towards the Steel Type Gym. As they were walking towards the area Ash and Serena were talking while Ash's Eevee was being pet by Serena, who was having massive amounts of dopamine from the head pats. 

After a good 2 hours of traveling on the mountains, Ash and Serena were greeted by a huge cave with massive amounts of heat emerging from within. 

Ash and Serena were looking at the cave with wonder and confusion on why there were massive amounts of heat and sounds hitting metal inside.

 As they were thinking Ash then thought about how to get into the cave but then thought of something that might work. Ash then used a bit of his aura creating a chilling effect for all of them. T

he trio then proceeded to enter the cave, with Ash looking at the environment and Serena looking at Ash taking sneak peeks at Ash's slim and well build body. 

For a good 5 minutes of travel with Ash increased the usage of aura to keep them cool, but then the trio finally reached their destination. And they saw an interesting situation with an average man smelting and making steel with his Pokemon. 

The most interesting is the Gym Leader bending it with his bare hands. From Serena's point of view, the man is hitting the steel with his bare hands, but Ash being an aura user sensed something interesting as the Gym Leader was not hitting them but instead manipulating and bending with his aura. 

As they were watching the Steel-type Gym Leader then cut off the heat and faced the trio with Ash canceling his aura. "Welcome to the Steel Type Gym, and I'm the Steel type Gym Leader Hagane," said Hagane. "And I'm assuming you are challenges of my Gym," said Hagane who then presented a 'normal-looking' battleground.

 "Well he is the only one challenging the Gym," said Serena pointing at Ash who was looking at the battleground with fascination, which made everyone their awkward. 

"So are we going to start the battle?" said Hagane standing on the other side of the battlefield with a smile. "Alright let's have a great time," said Ash who now fully understood the battlefield.

(Steel Type Gym Battle[Gym Leader Hagane])

As the battle was announced Hagane send out his first Pokemon Excadrill. Ash then released his own Pokemon, Lucario. As the battle started Hagane said something that made Ash clear up his suspicion on the battlefield. 

"A bit boring let's light it up!" said Hagane with the field having both fiery and electrifying. "In most cases, I will only pull this out when I'm using my ace but you Ash you are someone I was told about to prepare and go all out!" said Hagane with a big smile. 

Hagane then ordered Excadrill to use Swords Dance with Ash doing the same. After that, the field affected Lucario heavily with the burning and electrifying effects of the battlefield. Ash saw the true effects and had flashbacks to the previous Gym battle with Terra and Bouller. 

Ash then ordered Lucario to use Power-Up Punch with Extreme Speed. With blinding speed Lucario hit Excadrill creating massive damage to Excadrill while increasing his attack power. The field then did damage to Lucario again weakening him again. 

As Serena watched the battle, she got worried for Ash and Lucario not noticing a younger girl being right next to Serena who got a face that could be the definition of curiosity. Hagane then ordered Excadrill for Drill Run, as Ash countered with Close Combat.

 As the two Pokemon met in the center with their moves. A huge strong dusty electrical surge appeared, as the dust cloud disperse it revealed Lucario panting and wounded, with Excadrill in the center fainted. "Well that was certainly interesting," said Hagane returning Excadrill thanking it under his breath. 

"But let's bring up something from a certain friend of mine," said Hagane releasing an Aegislash. As the Royal Sword Pokemon appeared Ash looked at Lucario who was very worn out from the battle with Excadrill. Ash promptly returned him thanking him for his spirit in battle despite the battlefield being against them. 

As Ash looked at the agile Aegislash he decided to do something that surprised everyone there. "Eevee your turn to bring the battle," said Ash releasing his little Evolution Pokemon. As Eevee came out Hagane sensed something from Eevee and he had a grin. "Very well let's have something I call a 'special occasion' "said Hagane using his Aura to manipulate the steel battlefield into a semi-liquid steel-like solution, which made Ash very concerned with Eevee having a bit of a hard time trying to walk. 

While Aegislash did not feel affected with it being able to float above with little to no effort. A Hagane signaled the battle Ash decided to test out the battlefield with him ordering Eevee to use Quick Attack, hoping that the Pokemon was fast enough that it could walk on the semi-liquid battlefield. And to everyone's surprise, it worked however Eevee had to constantly run to keep itself afloat. 

And having flashbacks to the previous battles Ash decided that this battle had to fast and furious or hope for a miracle. Ash decided to call for the first attack catching Hagane off guard, with Eevee smacking Aegislash with Iron Tail forcing the Pokemon into the battlefield making it covered in the liquid. 

As Aegislash recovered Ash decided to start calling for Agility making Eevees speed fast enough to run on the battlefield without Quick Attack. Hagane then called Aegislash to use Swords Dance increasing its attack power sharply. Hagane then called for a deadly Night Slash creating massive damage to Eevee who was now in the air from the knockback from Aegislash's attack. 

As Eevee was in the air Hagane decided for a hit calling for Flash Cannon hoping to end the fight. As Aegislash prepared for the shot Ash noticed something that Eevee was doing and said nothing. 

Aegislash then fired the beam, making Serena cover her eyes but Ash make a determined smile which Eevee reflected with a bright blue glow covering its entire body. As the glowing Pokemon landed on the battlefield some of the semi-liquid steel fused with the Pokemon. 

After the glowing stopped what used to be an Eevee was now covered in steel that shaped like armor with shiny glowing running over its shiny armor. As Ash was now looking at the Eeveelution then the smiled and ordered an attack.

 " Bladeon uses Sacred Sword," said Ash as Bladeon nodded and smiled. Bladeon then started to manipulate some of the steel from the battlefield creating a sword in its mouth and slashed at the Royal Sword Pokemon, hard. 

As Aegislash smacked into the wall creating a huge dust cloud as the Pokemon was not engraved into the walk and fainted. Hagane was at first in despair and shock but looked at his opponent and smiled. 

(Battle end)

"Well that was certainly a very interesting battle but you won fair and square," said Hagane hugging the young trainer with great strength while laughing. 

As Hagane gave the Gym badge to Ash Serena then came down and hugged Ash making his blush a bit was not noticed by anyone. Serena then again noticed what she was doing and blushed heavily and turned to congratulate Bladeon instead, trying to play it cool. 

But luck this time around was not having it as a little girl came and hugged Hagane and asked something that almost killed Ash and Serena. 

"Brother are they two together?" said the little girl named Arashi. Ash was coughing into his hand and Serena was now stuttering constantly. "Well no we are just friends," said Ash smiling and petting the little girl's head which made her smile. 

"I think we should leave for now I think we had enough," said Serena pulling Ash out with blinding speed. Leaving the brother and sister together, "Did I say something wrong?" said Arashi looking at his brother. 

"No, but I think you might have predicted the future again little sister" Hagane carried his little sister back to bed. "Come on let's bring you back to bed," said Hagane smiling as Arashi skipped into her bedroom.

(Pokedex Entry for Bladeon)

Bladeon the Guardian Eeveelution Pokemon, it is said that this Eeveelution was once a protector of ruins but due to its rivalry, it was a common Eeveelution for the royalty however slowly its population decreased due to its special evolution environment with the Eevee evolving with a semi-liquid. However, it is a bad choice for trainers that are new due to the complex battle style the Pokemon has.

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