Chapter 43

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"Well it is just this challenge then Feza," said Ash to himself as he pushed open the door to see the area was completely dark with only some dim light directing his path. 

Ash followed it to softly hear a piece of music Ash was first confused but he complied and he followed slowly he now hears what seems to be a violin and piano duet.

Ash was, of course, confused so he continued his path but then he stops as the dim lights fade out and a bright light shined onto him. 

He covers his eyes from the sudden flash but after a while, he opens his eyes to see a guitar. Ash being confused picked it up to only a piece of paper with musical notes.

 As he played the first chords the entire stadium then lit up with the crowd watching making Ash feel a bit embarrassed. But what really caught his eye was two people standing opposite of him. 

The first is a woman with black hair, blue eyes, and in a white uniform who seems to be on a piano. The second person seems to be a man with white hair but with a tint of yellow at the front, black eyes, and in a black uniform holding a violin.

"It seems that you are the second one to face us," said the woman. Who seems to have a kind smile. 

"I said that the previous person did not count Aiden..." said the man towards the woman who puffed her mouth. "Well it seems that someone is salty," said Aiden with a smug look to only be greeted by a death stare from the man making her shut up. 

"Sorry for that, my name is Anderson and that is my older sister Aiden..." said Anderson with a sigh. "No, it's okay," said Ash carefully placing down the guitar. 

"Why are you putting down the guitar?" asked Aiden. "Well, I don't know what to do with it really?" said Ash being truthful. "How do we tell him..." said Aiden to only a receive a sigh from her brother. 

"Hey, challenger. You need to use that guitar for the challenge," said Anderson boldly making Ash more confused. "You want me to use the guitar for the challenge?" asked Ash to confirm that he was not hearing wrong. 

"Yes, but can choose to not," said Aiden responding to Ash in a happy tone having her eye color change to bright yellow. "Excuse my sister but this would be a 3 vs 6 battle format in a double battle style," said Anderson as he revealed his Pokemon being a Kricketune. "Oh yeah to clarify each of us has three Pokemon while you can use 6 okay," said Aiden as she revealed her Pokemon to be Chimecho. Ash then chose his pick with them being Hisuian Goodra and Bladeon. 

(Battle Challenge [Aiden and Anderson]

As the battle started the duo immediately started to play music with Kricketune using taunt while Chimecho used Thunderwave.

 Ash tried to order the Goodra to use Ice beam and Bladeon to use Sacred Sword but they could not pick up the order from the music so they only dodged the Thunder Wave to prevent paralysis. 

Ash tried Aura Communication and it seems to be effective in making him be calm at him able to do something. He then called for the previous moves making Bladeon rush in for the move while Goodra stood still and fired the Ice Beam. 

Anderson then narrowed his eyes and Kricketune then used Sticky Web on Ash's side of the field making Goodra be in it. To only be hit by Bladeon's Sacred Sword dealing massive damage. 

Aiden then called for a Psychic throwing Bladeon towards Goodra who missed the Ice Beam on Chimecho. Ash then ordered a Flash Cannon and a Sludge Bomb. Immediately Bladeon fired his Flash Cannon towards Kricketune who dodged and retaliated with an Endeavor making both Bladeon and Kricketune faint.

After that Goodra's Sludge Bomb landed on Chimecho dealing massive damage while leaving a nasty poison effect on it.

Ash then called forward Gallade who was affected by the Sticky Web. Anderson then silently revealed his next Pokemon Chatot. Right out of the gate Ash called for a Psycho Cut and Flamethrower. 

Chimecho used Recover while Chatot used Boomburst. While Chimecho tries to heal it was then hit by Flamethrower knocking it out while Chatot dodged Psycho Cut and used Boomburst on Gallade dealing damage. 

Aiden saying nothing then revealed her next Pokemon being Oricorio-Sensu. Immediately Oricorio used Calm mind while Chatot covered by using Heat Wave which knocks out Goodra. Ash call out Aggron as he ordered for an Earthquake and a Psychic knocking Oricorio and Chatot out of the park as Gallade's Psychic forced both Pokemon onto the ground receiving full damage towards Earthquake. Ash then took deep breaths from using too much aura for a long time.

And to his shock and dismay, he finds both of his Pokemon knocked out with Oricorio and Chatot with them using Destiny Bond leaving everything in one last match. 

As the situation could not get more intense the siblings then started to change the music into a much darker one with their previous playing in a Major Classical style to a Minor filled ambient music-making Ash feel more nervous and tense. 

As the duo then revealed their final Pokemon with Anderson having an Alteria and to Ash's dismay Aiden has a Meloetta. "Well I now understand how no one has reached the Champion..." said Ash catching his breath and calling forth Melmetal and Lucario who were ready for the fight.

And immediately Anderson and Ash Mega Evolved Lucario and Alteria. Right after Ash called for a Double Iron Bash and an Aura Dance. 

Mega Altaria and Meloetta dodged Double Iron Bash and used Dragon Dance while Meloetta used Shadow Ball on Lucario hopeful to cancel Aura Dance but it failed as Mega Lucario pulled off the move and dodged it. Ash then ordered a Thunderbolt and Aura Sphere. 

Mega Altaria countered using Fire Blast on Melmetal as a trade for Thunderbolt hitting it, while Lucario used Aura Sphere towards Meloetta who dodged it and retaliated with a Focus Blast hitting Mega Lucario. 

As time with the Pokemon constant trading hits, this went on as the crowd was watching with silence as the music got gradually louder and louder as if there was a hidden meaning towards it. 

Ash now sees the situation with Meloetta still having a lot of stamina while Mega Altaria has a lot of health while Mega Lucario was running low on steam while Melmetal has taken a lot of damage. Ash then waited for the siblings to go first and told his Pokemon about his plan, with them accepted. 

As Anderson went in for the finish with Alteria using Return, Ash then called for his plan with Mega Lucario using Counter knocking Mega Alteria out. Anderson then returned his Pokemon and stopped playing his violin. Aiden seeing this then stopped playing her piano and stood up with her now calling out the moves knocking Mega Lucario as she called for a Psychic making Lucario faint. 

"Shall we now end this..." said Aiden as Meloetta went in for a Hyper Beam firing towards Melmetal who blocked it with its fist desperately to defend itself. Ash seeing this then called for Melmetal to have the Soul Bond with Melmetal agreeing. 

As they bonded Meloetta was still firing its Hyper Beam but it progress fully became weaker. The last thing Meloetta saw was a pair of steel pair of hands knocking her out.

(Battle Challenge End...)

As the battle ended the crowd cheered to finally have a challenger able to challenge the Champion. While this happened Ash then fell down with him gripping his own weight to only see a smiling Serena holding him up. As this happened Aiden and Anderson then smiled to see Ash's strength. 

"Well you can't win all of them," said Aiden making Anderson sweat profusely. "How about that bet little bro," said Aiden with a smile.

"Fine, but only after the challenger finishes his fight with Feza alright," said Anderson. "Great, would you like another bet," said Aiden to only see a pissed-off, Anderson, chasing her. "Huh, they are still the same huh?" said Feza watching from the galleries.

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