Chapter 24

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"Alright let's get it over with," said Yami with an edgier and tomboy attitude towards the group as Ash, Serena, and Maya arrive back at the Dark Gym. During this Ash got a telepathic message from somewhere to replicate Yami's attitude. As such Ash was at first suspicious of the message but after confirming with Lucario he decided it was safe to it. 

"Very well the battle would be quick anyway," said Ash in a cocky way with his hair being released from his hat covering a bit of the front of his face making everyone shocked while Ash was screaming inside for doing something like this in front of everyone, mostly Serena. "Great but don't let your big mouth be the only action little kid," said Yami understanding why Ash was doing it.

 After that Yami then snapped her fingers with the area turned dark with little to no light being present in the area. After that, a bit of light shined on everyone present revealing a scared Serena gripping onto Ash as if her life depends on it. 

After the light showed Serena bolted off Ash and went to Maya with a face brighter than anything present with the exception of Ash. After that fiasco, Yami had a sigh and released her first Pokemon, an Umbreon. 

As Ash picked out Bladeon who had a look almost similar to an Absol with it using its liquid steel to form the iconic looks. After it looked at the battle it returned back to its normal way with its snickering as Umbreons face was priceless.

(Dark-type Gym Battle[Yami])

As the battle began Ash called for a Swords Dance, and Yami called for a Snarl weakening Bladeon's Sp. Attack lower than intended from the Swords Dance. After that Ash called for a Defensive Position making Bladeon tanky. 

After that Ash called for an Iron Defense, increasing its Defense greatly. Yami then called for a Crunch to attack Bladeon but with the stat boost it shrugged off the attack with also no harm. 

Ash then decided to put his plan into action with Bladeon changing forms as it became into Offensive mode it used Scared Sword. 

However, Yami called for a Foul Play catching Ash off-guard as both Pokemon hit each other in the center of the battlefield it causing a huge explosion with a huge dust cloud making Yami close her eyes. 

After the dust cloud dispersed there were two wounded Pokemon being fainted making Ash shocked but remembering that offensive Bladeon is quite vulnerable to damage. 

After that, both returned their Pokemon thanking them under their breath mostly Ash wanting to act edgy for the joke.

Yami then called out her next Pokemon that made Ash worried, a Tyranitar. Ash was about to choose Melmetal or Lucario but Lairon came out ready to fight making Ash at first a bit worried but seeing Lairon's determination, he trusted it to battle Tyranitar. 

As the battle began Yami immediately called for a Stone Edge, making Ash respond with Lairon using Iron Head as it began to ram down the Stone Edge until it made contact with Tyranitar knocking it a bit back. 

Right after that Yami gave the big move Earthquake making Lairon use Iron Defense to take up and tank the damage. As the battle went on Maya felt uncomfortable as she felt strong familiar energy from the area making her feel fear and paranoid. 

Seeing this Serena hugged the little girl making her feel better but Zorua had a better idea of keeping Maya occupied as she began to disguise herself to entertain the girl Sewaddle also came out and joined in to keep Maya occupied.

 Back to the battle as Lairon was a bit slower than Tyrantitar it slowly made the process to use Iron Defense to take the damage that Tyrantitar kept dishing out. 

However, it would soon become harder and more intense as Yami started to say something that scared Ash. 

"As the dark covers us, shall the time come as darkness consumes light, shall we experience Mega Evolution!' said Yami, making Tyranitar Mega Evolve into Mega Tyranitar making Ash worried but Lairon still felt determined to battle the beast. 

As the Mega Evolution process finished Ash immediately called for an Earthquake hoping it would tip the scales but it did not as Mega Tyranitar just shrugged it off with almost no damage.

 Ash felt as if it was over, as Yami called for a Fire Punch. 

As the firey fist got closer and closer Ash called for one last attack as he wanted to fight to the end. This determination would reach Lairon, remembering its experiences with Ash as the Fire Punch got close it started to glow blue. 

As it evolved it gave an intimidating shockwave knocking Mega Tyranitar back a bit as it continue to try and hit Lairon. After the glow finished there was now an intimidating Aggon standing there holding onto Mega Tyrantinar's fist. 

Right after the evolution, Ash licked up an Aura communication as he threw a bright stone at Aggron who caught it and smiled readily at the powerful and risky process. 

"Aggron would you respond to my soul and heart, should we experience Mega Evolution to surpass the challenges ahead of us!" shouted Ash, as Aggron started to roar giving out an intimidating aura as it started to Mega Evolve. As it finished there was now thought on everyone's mind. 

'The true challenge starts now'

Ash immediately called a Fire Punch to counter the one that Yami called. As the two beasts got in the middle their fist clashed making a firey explosion making both pushes a bit back. 

Ash then called an Earthquake, as Yami called Stone Edge as it crits making Aggron weak but the Earthquake made Mega Tyranitar unstable making it out of position. 

Ash saw the opportunity and called a Heavy Slam making Yami worried as she shouted desperately for Mega Tyrantinar to use Dragon Pulse. 

Mega Tyrantinat tried to but as Mega Aggron got the boost from its Iron Defences before it took the damage and responded with a Heavy Slam making Mega Tyrantinar revert to its form as it got knocked back from the force that Mega Aggron delivered making Yami concerned for Tyrantinar's health and the damage it would inflict in the battlefield. 

As Tyrantinar flew forward it was then caught by an unknown force as it floated in the air. After a while, it was gently released as the force dispersed Yami went to check on Tyrantitar.

(Battle End and Time Skip)

Everyone was now at the Pokemon center, as Yami got back Tyrantitar and Ash healed up his Pokemon. After that Ash received his Dark Badge and prompted apologized to Yami and Tyrantitar and excused himself which Maya and Serena followed.

Ash was now sitting on a bench outside the Pokemon Centre, as he stared into the setting sun as he thought about the previous battles. 

During this Serena and Maya were watching him from a distance, with Serena wanting to talk to Ash but Maya insisted on only doing so when he broke down. At first, Serena was hesitant as Ash felt as if he was thinking and regretting his decision, but she trusted Maya and she watched. 

As time got by Ash watched the sunset and thought about what led to that moment. As he was once a weak kid with no voice now someone who is really in the eyes of the Capri League. 

As he thought of that he then called out Serena and Maya who were sheepish from being caught. They then sat with Ash watching the night sky filled with stars and constellations. During this Ash then prepared an Aura Sword knowing of the figure watching them. 

"Alright, that's enough would you please explain who are you and why are you here," hiding the blade making it invisible so as to make not himself intimidating. "Alright you got me," said the figure stepping out making Ash and Serena shocked at who they were seeing...

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