Chapter 15

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"Well this is it," said Ash looking at the huge mountain before him as he hears loud stone cracking from atop. "Might as well right..." said Ash looking at the mountain before him but he then thought of a great idea for an easier trip up the Mountain. 

As Ash got out a pickaxe he got from the Pokemon center. As Ash started to scale the huge mountain, Eevee came out of its Pokeball and hopped around Ash, confusing him but then understood what Eevee wanted. 

"Okay you can accompany me Eevee," said Ash with a smile seeing Eevee's enthusiasm. "Eevio!" said Eevee happy to see its trainer agree to what it wants. 

After that Ash and Eevee started to traverse the large mountain for a certain time until they reached to top with Ash seeing two guys training by hitting rocks and bricks with their Pokemon doing the same.

 Ash was at first confused until he saw the obvious sign saying 'Bouller and Terra the hard-headed Gym idiots'. 

Ash resisted laughing seeing that the last line was not intended to be there. But a certain Pokemon was laughing itself off with Eevee laughing so hard it was rolling on the ground crying with laughter. 

This seems to get the two Gym Leaders' attention as they got to Ash was now picking up Eevee was now recovering from the laughter. "Well, well well who do we got here," said Bouller who was a tall and apposing man with sweat rolling down his huge muscles and grin pointing towards Ash. "Well a small challenger is the answer dear brother," said Terra who was nearly as identical to Bouller. 

"And let me say both of you are the Gym Leaders Terra and Bouller the Rock and Ground-type gym leaders," said Ash responding to the two men. "Why yes little guy, we are the Gym Leaders of the mountains," said Bouller with a confident smile but was hit by his brother Terra.

 "Don't be stupid don't you remember the other's warnings, this is one that they warned us about," said Terra who now seems more focused and serious as he looks at Ash who was prepared for the Gym Battle. 

"I think you came here for something right," said Terra holding up two badges. "Yes I came for a Gym Battle," said Ash looking serious as he is prepared for the battle. "Very well let me prepare the battlefield," said Terra as he signals Boulder to do something that made him smile.

 Ash was shocked as Terra and Bouller started to move the huge boulders revealing a battlefield filled with gravel and pebble basically creating a field full of Stealth Rock damaging all Pokemon.

 Ash started to think but he was cut short when Terra and Bouller released their Pokemon at the same time signaling that it was a double battle. Ash released Eevee and Lucario to counter the brothers Swampert and Gigalith.

(Rock and Ground Gym Battle[Bouller and Terra 'hard head idiots'])

As Ash released his Pokemon, Bouller immediately called Gigalith to use Stone Edge, and Terra called for Mud Bomb. 

Ash counters with Lucario using Aura Sphere to counter Mud Bomb and Eevee using Iron Tail on the ground to counter Stone Edge. After each move was canceled each other all Pokemon on the field took damage from the battlefield with Eevee taking the most damage. 

Ash seems to take notice of this and started for a quick end to battle otherwise not for long Lucario would have to take the fight in a 2 vs 1 fight. As Gigalith was ordered to use Sandstorm and Swampert using Rock Slide.

Ash saw the opportunity and started to use Sandstorm to his advantage. Ash ordered Lucario to carry Eevee and use Extremespeed while using aura to detect its opponents. 

As Ash plan was put into execution Lucario grabbed hold of Eevee and used its speed to evade the Rock Slide, as the Sandstorm settle in Lucario found its opponents and punched both Gigalith and Swampert with Power-Up Punch increasing its attack power, Eevee was ordered to use Iron Tail on both Pokemon dealing major to both Gym Leaders Pokemon.

 As the sequence ended Ash was dealing with a trade-off as both his Pokemon are not weak and tired from both the attack sequences there was now also hit with both the battlefield and the Sandstorm. 

Ash now sees the situation being harder as now not only does he need to deal with extreme environments, he would now also need to knock out both their Pokemon as fast as possible. So he called something very risky, Ash ordered Close Combat and Swift hoping that the moves are enough to knock out its opponent and it worked.

 As Lucario was boosted by the Power-Up Punches it was able to knock out Swampert with high damage and Eevee using swift having perfect accuracy was able to knock out Gigalith who was already on its last legs.

(Gym Battle ends)

As Terra and Bouller were not moving and looking down, Ash was a bit worried and curious what their reactions were to them losing the battle.

Ash's question was quickly answered and Terra was smiling and clapping in place while Bouller was smiling and wrapped its arm around Ash with his face that could define the word proud. 

After the interesting following events, Ash received his badge and went down the mountain. While Bouller and Terra waved him goodbye with a heart-filled laugh after Ash left, Terra and Bouller started to have a conversation or more over a bet as to whether or not Ash would be the next Capri Champion not knowing Ash is able to hear their conversation.

(Somewhere at Z Town)

"So this where he started his journey, well better find him before it is too late," said a blonde-haired girl. "Fennekin!" said the Fox Pokemon.

(A/N: Hi author here, this chapter took a while as I was thinking and rewriting a lot of things and thinking of future chapters for the 23 Challenges as slowly as more chapters get published there are more chances of being sidetracked so I'm always on my toes to look for any misleading parts but if there is one please leave a comment on it. And yes for a note for some of the hints I put in a few chapters Serena is joining Ash for future journeys and yes Amourshipping might be a possibility the only thing that is impossible is a Lemon as they are literally 10 years old in the current Region but they might be the chance my friends who read this story lock me in a bathroom while they write a lemon on this story but who knows. Anyways I hope you have a amazing day and see you next time)

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