Chapter 45

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As the sun rose to reveal a bright day, we see a trainer waking up from bed and preparing for a new day. As he exits the room he notices an item with a note in front of the room he was staying in. 


Hello, Challenger Ash, this is from the Capri League and we are extremely proud to present you the Trophy of Memories an artifact given to those who have defeated the 23 challenges. We hope you have a safe journey on your next adventure.

From: Feza

As Ash stored the artifact in his traveling bag as he then went to the Pokemon center's lobby to find Serena, Maya, and Feza. Right out of the gate Serena hugged Ash while Feza and Maya were at the side watching the interaction. 

"Well I don't like to disturb a cute moment but I would like to inform you of some information," said Feza clearing out the two blushing trainers. 

"Firstly thank you for your efforts in the league Ash you define what it means to be a Pokemon Trainer. Secondly, this is a reward for your efforts," said Feza as he transferred funds to Ash's trainer account that could last a lifetime. 

"And finally a personal gift to you Ash, this..." said Feza as he snapped his fingers transporting the whole crew to Z town. "And please take care on the rest of your journey, as I would temporarily be out of the Capri League due to the events across your own and my journey. 

And I hope we would meet again for another refined battle, goodbye," said Feza as he and Maya waved goodbye. After that farewell, Ash and Serena were now in front of the Ketchum Residence Ash was feeling nostalgic while Serena was panicking inside her own head. 

As Ash opened the door he was greeted by a surprise party with Delia, Professor Seri, Dean, Avi, and Zoe. "Surprise Ash..." said every one to only notice a smiling Ash and a terrified Serena who did not predict the event despite her psychic abilities. After the whole fiasco, everyone celebrated Ash's journey but not after some questions from Delia.

"So Ash it seems that you reunited with Serena," said Delia with a sinister smile making Ash blush lightly but hid it. "Did you reveal your feelings to her during your journey Ash?" asked Delia who enjoyed embarrassing her child due to the fact Ash was adorable when he was embarrassed.

 And Serena can definitely say the same about Delia's ideology. "All jokes aside what are you planning next Ash?" asked Delia catching everyone's ears. 

"Well I was thinking about traveling to other regions and experiencing what the region has to give and making memories along the way," said Ash making everyone smile, especially Serena and Delia. 

"Well you better get packing for your next trip Ash because don't wait for everyone," said Professor Seri giving him and Serena both international tickets. "It's a gift from me for your accomplishments Ash and I hope you have an amazing journey to where ever you go," said Professor Seri as she exited the party with Dean, Avi, and Zoe who wanted to pursue their dreams. 

(A/N: Well that's 23 challenges, the story that was made as a joke to a fully written story with terrible story segments. But hey I enjoyed writing the story with my friends, especially Panyrtf who is definitely the one to suffer with us disrupting his work on Comics but hey at least he gave ideas to push us forward. And I think I might troll him to write the next fanfiction but who knows. I just wish that I could connect more with my friends to create one hell of a memory. And I also hope to see you in the next story. Goodbye for now.)

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