Chapter 21

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"Alright let's get it straight you can't battle because your Ace Pokemon Srizor is lost," said Ash talking to the Bug-type Gym Leader, Bagu. 

"Yes I don't know what happened she just left," said Bagu crying because he is one of the youngest of the Capri Gym Leaders. "Well did you say anything that might hurt its feeling?" suggested Serena trying to Gym Leader. 

"I don't think so because she was being distant for some time but other than that I don't think I said anything that might hurt her," said Bagu trying to calm himself. During all this Maya was playing with Zorua and Sewaddle but saw what Ash and Serena were doing so she tried something, weird... 

Maya then approached Bagu touched his forehead and closed her eyes. While Bagu and Serena were confused Ash saw a tint of grey glow coming from Maya's fingertips. And just seeing the color from Maya's aura Ash felt huge despair and pain. 

Just from reading her aura, Ash hugged Maya who was trying to focus and let go of Bagu's forehead. "I think that Scizor is not mad at you but it might be a separate reason," said Maya who was placing her hands on her head with Zorua being concerned about her. 

"If she is not mad at me then why did she leave?" said Bagu having a bit of hope knowing his Pokemon is not mad at him. "Wait I think there might be a reason," said Ash looking at his Pokedex, and after a few seconds, he started to smile making everyone confused. 

"Well, it seems that all Scizor and Scyther are getting freaky today," said Ash making Bagu and Maya confused but Serene felt uncomfortable knowing the meaning. "What do you mean getting freaky?" asked Maya and Bagu making Ash now uncomfortable as well. 

"Erm... well you see...when a certain...time Pokemon... would find time to create...babies," said Ash trying to explain it as simple as possible not wanting to mention the Pidgeot and the Beedrill. "Well how do they make babies?" asked Maya and Bagu being to feel curious. 

Ash and Serena were now feeling like a tomato in a boiler as they were not comfortable explaining this, but after some thought from Ash and calming down he came out with a clever and easy answer. 

"How about when you get older I explain it to you," said Ash calming his nerves as Maya and Bagu pouted feeling their question being denied. 

After a while, Serena also calmed downed and turned the topic to something else. "Well, I guess the case is solved I guess we can calm down Scizors disappearance," said Serena making Maya and Bagu smile knowing the Pokemon is safe. 

"So do we want to reschedule the Gym battle?" asked Ash which made Bagu wave his hands rapidly. "No need I have another Ace Pokemon that could be Scizors substitute today," said Bagu smiling being in a topic he is familiar with, battles. "That's great should we get started," said Ash smiling being warmed by Bagu's personality. 

Bagu lead them into an area of the forest with many beautiful flowers and unique bug Pokemon who were very excited to see Bagu with them tackling and hugging him. Seeing the sight made Maya join in with Ash and Serena smiling that them. 

Then it hit Bagu and talked to the bug Pokemon who went on to trees watching from atop. 'It seems that is his ability, being able to communicate with bug-type Pokemon' though Ash smiled and admired the landscape.

"Well I think it would be best if we started this Gym battle," said Bagu filled with energy. "Alright, so what are the rules?" asked Ash remembering that from his recent if not all Gym Battles, he was just rushing in with no idea how many Pokemon the Gym Leader had. 

"Well three Pokemon per trainer substitution is not allowed," said Bagu holding up three-finger and smiling. Ash nodded and smiles releasing Lucario who was ready for the fight. Bagu then released his Pokemon Ribombee who started to dance and fly showing joy and happiness but when saw its opponent turned to be serious making Ash smile at Bagu and Ribombee.

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