Extra Part 1

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“I think it would be best if we all head to bed now.” A deep yawn came out of Wen Ning causing everyone to yawn also. 
Tonight was strange, everyone felt strangely drowsy as soon as the sun began to set..
 Lan Sizhui grabbed onto Jin Ling who was struggling to keep his eyes open and was swaying on the spot.
With only small groans of agreements everyone slipped into their designated rooms in Lotus Pier. 
Wei Wuxian was the only one who found it strange that even he felt as if he could fall into a deep sleep as soon as he climbs into his husbands arms.
Lan Wangji watched as Wei Wuxian lazely took off his outer robes, he didn’t want to admit it but for the first time in his life he craved to just sleep than actually to hold his lover. With heavy strides Wei Wuxian landed into the open arms of his partner.
“Lan Zhan...forgive me for one..night.” As if sleep called both of their names they were asleep as soon as their eyes closed.
 Yet everyone was experiencing the same strange sleepiness.

“Wei Ying...Wei Wuxian!” With a gasp Wei Wuxian opened his eyes and noticed how Jiang Cheng was not so softly slapping his arm to wake him up.
“Ow! Jiang Cheng?” 
“Finally you woke up I was getting worried that I was the only one here.” Noticing the worry in his eyes Wei Wuxian looked around and noticed how he was under a white flowered tree that he had never seen before.
 “Where are we? Are we dead! I knew that strange sleepiness wasn’t normal. Tch now we’re all dead.”
“Oh shut up, I’m pretty sure we’re not dead...but I just don’t know where or why we’re here.” Dusting himself off Wei Wuxian turned to his left just to go in a general direction while hoping for the best stopped suddenly.
“Son of a- why the hell did you stop?” Rubbing his nose Jiang Cheng opened his tearing eyes to notice that Wei Wuxian’s arm was pointing to the right.
“..I think we need to go this way.” 
Not wanting to question his brother Jiang Cheng just followed him until they spotted everyone else standing together.
Nie Huaisang was speaking with Wen Qing while Nie Mingjue was speaking with Wen Ning. 
Jiang Yanli and the Lan Brothers were having another conversation besides them. Lan Jingyi, Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling were arguing about who knows what again while Madam Yu, Jiang Fengming and Lan Qiren were slightly farther away from everyone else.

Yet as soon as they spotted the two brothers they gulped and quietly walked towards them while avoiding their questioning eyes.
“Look I’ll be honest...I didn’t do anything this time.”

“Of course you didn’t because we brought you all here.” JianYu appeared before them, a gentle smile graced his red lips as his gaze landed on Wei Wuxian who couldn’t help the sudden urge of running into the arms of his father. 
As if knowing what he wanted JianYu gave a small nod that had Wei Wuxian running into his fathers arms and unknowingly letting go of his mortal form and changed into his immortal body.
Wide eyed everyone watched as the little boy was picked up by JianYu who mumbled soft words to him. 

“Any time he returns here he returns to his original body, the Wei Wuxian you saw was pretty much an illusion in this world.” Hu Feng appeared behind them, shocking them and without hesitation they surrounded JianYu and...Wei Wuxian? From him.
“What are you doing here.” Jin Ling spoke with so much venom in his tone he shocked Wei Wuxian.
“Wait, Wait everyone..he’s not bad.” If it had not been for Wei Wuxian being in a child's body they would have ignored his words but they couldn’t help stopping their hostile aura in fear that Wei Wuxian’s mind had also become that of a child’s and they would have scared him.

With a sigh from JianYu, Hu Feng stood behind him while they were all lead to an open pavilion that was surrounded by a crystal clear lake.
“Please take a seat.”
“Not trying to be rude...but why and how are we here?” Lan Jingyi spoke up from his seat.
Hu Feng tried to grab the small Wei Wuxian and ended up receiving a glare from his Wife. With a defeated look he decided to instead braid his hair, which was luckily allowed.

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