Chapter 5

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I'm very sorry for the long wait, thank you for waiting patiently. I am open for comments from everyone, and thank you so much for everyone who voted on the last chapters!

"We're going to Qishan Wen clan"

Jiang Cheng looked over Wei Wuxian who was wearing different robes than the ones he had this morning. He no longer was wearing the red and black robes he came with but were now blue and black appearing similar to the Gusu Lan Sects robes. Feeling anger surge inside him he gripped his sword.

"Wait Jiang Cheng it's not what it looks like! The little bunny had done his business on top of my robes and Lan Zhan had spare clothes"

Taking a deep breath he loosened his grip upon noticing the white rabbit in his hand. "Fine. Now lets go" Without listening to his words he grabbed him and rode Sandu. Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen followed behind them.

" Wangji you appear to be in a good mood, Is it because Wei Wuxian woke up?"


"Then should I start calling him Saozi (sister-in-law)" Lan Xichen joked, noticing how his younger brother's face never changed yet his ears flushed red.

"Not Yet"

Halfway through the ride they stopped at Yungmeng where Jin Ling was waiting with a frown until he saw his uncles. "Uncle Wei!" Running up to him he stopped noticing Jiang Cheng was glaring at him.

Coming to a stop he respectfully bowed. " Sect leader Zewu-Jun, Hanguang-Jun"

"Young master Jin" They nodded back accepting his greeting before he hugged his uncle. "Uncle Wei, I heard you were heading to the Wen sect, can I come too?"

Before Wei Wuxian could respond Jiang Cheng interrupted. "No"

"Come on Jiang Cheng let him come"

Seeing Wei Wuxian giving him puppy eyes, Jin Ling followed, causing him to look away.
"Fine, tell Jiang Yanli you're coming" With a wide smile he ran to where his mother was.

Jiang Cheng left for a second and returned holding something in his hand. A silver mask with purple markings was handed to Wei Wuxian. "Wear this."

"Huh why?"

Jiang Cheng looked away, a pained expression formed on his face yet left as quickly as it came. "Wei-gongzi, during the time you disappeared many things happened that are hard to speak about but the mask will keep you safe" With a stiff nod he slipped on the mask making a mental note to ask the strange man what had happened during this time line.

The second Jin Ling arrived they left, this time Lan Wangji held onto Wei Wuxian making sure he was comfortable while discreetly rubbing gentle circles on his waist relieving some pain from their previous activities.

Nightless City, Wei Wuxian remembered the last time he had come here everyone was living a miserable life but now every villiger looked happier and content with their lives. Coming to an abrupt stop Wei Wuxian noticed a painting. It was of a man playing the flute yet the features weren't clear from where he stood before he was pulled away by Jin Ling telling him stories of his childhood. "And next thing you now I punched him in the nose because he said I looked like a girl"

"And he got punished by kneeling for 4 hours straight and a lecture from mother" Jiang Cheng finished a sharp glare was sent their way telling them to be quiet as they neared the Wens sect.

With a bow from one of the disciples they made their way inside where Wen Qing was talking to an elder man who was holding a medicine box.

"Sect Leader Wen I see you are doing well" With a bow they greeted her as she returned the greeting.

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