Chapter 20

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"Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Sizhui can you three come help me." All three Lans nodded and followed behind Jiang Yanli to the kitchen. There were a few disciples placing ingredients on the table before they bowed to the four who had just entered the kitchen.

“Thank you, we’ll take it from here.” With a bow the young disciples left the kitchen, happy to be off duty for the time being.

“Ok, you three first we wash our hands before starting and make sure to roll up your sleeves. It's dangerous to have them swinging around fire.” With court nods they all followed her instructions, instantly remembering the recipe for her famous lotus pork rib soup, seeing as it was their partners favorite soup they felt the need to perfect the taste as close as they can to hers. “I know you two are trying to hide the fact that you two are dating my brothers.” The knife in Lan Wangji’s hand landed hard on the table and wedged itself on the wooden table shocking Lan Sizhui who could see the gleaming blade a few inches away from his hands.

Both grown men dropped to their knees as if they were being scolded. “We didn’t mean to hide it but seeing as I am the leader of our sect and A-Chen- Jiang Cheng is going to be the leader of your sect soon we felt it was inappropriate for us to say anything.”

With a soft sigh Jiang Yanli pulled both brothers to their feet and placed her hands over theirs. “Me teaching you the recipe was me accepting you two as my brother's partners, I won’t always be able to make them their favorite soup and passing the recipe to you two is a way for them to know that they have someone else to rely on besides their older sister.”

While the soup was cooking both Lan brothers made their way to awaken their partners leaving Sizhui to watch the fire while Jiang Yanli watched over the soup.

“A-Yuan, what do you think of A-Ling?” Jiang Yanli watched closely as a soft blush dusted his cheeks and his hands fidgeted anxiously with the tassel on his sword. “I think he’s very kind and funny.”

A light chuckle slipped from her lips as she heard his response. “This is the first time someone has called him kind and funny. Usually it’s ‘arrogant and rude’.”

“That’s a lie! He’s very kind and treats me kindly, they just don’t care to get close to him since he’s the next leader of the Lanling Jin clan.” After a few seconds he had realized what he said and the once soft blush turned into a deep blush that spread down to his neck.

“Then I hope he treats you well and you and Lan JingYi can continue being his friend in the future...maybe I can ask Hanguang-Jun and A-Ying to make you his wife.” Jiang Yanli could almost see the steam from how red his face was. Panicking he stood up and muttered an excuse to leave the kitchen to cool his warm face.

Soon after everyone had readied themselves and had the lotus root and pork rib soup for breakfast they set off on the boats to Burial Mounds. The Jiangs, Lans, Jins and Wei Wuxian sat in one boat while everyone else sat in the other boat. 

“I'm just saying that at least one person should sit on the other boat to make it even and I'm voting Jin Zixuan.” 

Lan Jingyi groaned “You know what senior Wei, I'm going to the other boat. This boat just makes me feel single.” With an annoyed face he sat himself next to Wen Ning who gave him lotus pods.

“...well that settles that, lets g-”

“Wait A-Cheng, Wei Ying come here.” Both brothers stepped out of the boat and stood in front of Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan. 

“Jiang Cheng make sure to stay safe and protect your sister and nephew.” Jiang Fengmian placed his hand on his shoulder, while giving a light squeeze he smiled proudly at his son.

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