Chapter 9

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After having cleaned up both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian headed over to where everyone was waiting for them to eat dinner. There was an empty seat besides Jiang Cheng and another by Wen Qin, both looked at Wei Wuxian wondering which seat he would pick. Before he could make a choice Lan Wangji looked at his brother and without words he stood up and took the seat besides Jiang Cheng and dragged Wei Wuxian to the now 2 empty seats.

“Um now that everyone is here let's eat.” Nie Huaisang was oblivious to the tension in the room and had the food served.

Both Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian couldn't help the smile that formed onto their lips as they noticed the few dishes that were different from the rest. The vibrant red colors in the food had them drooling before the plates were served.

The smell of the spices had the Lans besides them sweat drop at the thought of eating those dishes yet Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng ate them as if it was their last meal. 

In no time everyone had finished eating and were quietly chatting when JianYu’s voice rang in Wei Wuxian’s head.

‘Something strange is happening in the sects, be careful’ Confused Wei Wuxian told Lan Wangji JianYu’s strange message before messages arrived to the clan leaders and Jiang Cheng.

“Lan sect is being attacked by fierce corpses”

“Lanling Jin sect is  being attacked by unknown people whose faces are covered by black smoke.”

“The townspeople in Yunmeng have all fallen ill and are acting strange.”

“Wen sect is clouded with resentful energy”

Before anyone could speak again a young disciple came in panting and panicked. “Chifeng-Zun there has been a sudden attack by fierce corpses.” The young boy had almost forgotten to bow to everyone before he spoke.

“How many are there?”

“More than 500” 

With a nod everyone divided themselves,

 Jin Zixuan and Jin Ling headed to aid their sect while Chifeng-Zun went out with the disciple.

“Lan Wangji, I think it would be best if you and Lan Xichen went to your sect, Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng will go to Yunmeng since she is a doctor and Wen Ning and I will dispel the demonic energy in Qishan Wen.” A look of disapproval went through Lan Wangji’s eyes, he wanted to stay Wei Wuxians side.

With a small smile he placed his hand on Lan Wangji’s head. “I will be fine, trust me. We will meet up after everything is over in Yunmeng.” Reluctantly he nodded before mounting his sword and leaving with his brother while everyone else left on their mission.

In Qishan Wen Sect-

Landing was a lot harder for Wen Ning, since the resentful energy blocked their vision. “W-Wei Gongzi where did you go?” Shaking Wen Ning felt around trying to find Wei Wuxian only to shriek as Wei Wuxian himself poked him.

The sound of Wei Wuxian’s laughter was the only thing that could be heard around them. With a small smile Wen Ning couldn’t help laughing along, Wei Wuxians laugh had always made anyone feel like laughing along.

Yet their moment didn’t last long before a blade passed between them making them go serious.

“Wen Ning looks like we’re not alone”

Wen Ning grabbed his sword as Wei Wuxian placed Chenqing to his lips and the soft melody of cleansing could be heard. Yet the thick resentful energy wouldn’t lessen. Wen Ning glanced back confused at Wei Wuxian as he blocked the blades from hitting them.

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