Chapter 1

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(Photo credits to the original artist)

“Lan Zhan let go” Wei Ying smiled pittafly as Lan Zhan stubbornly rejected. “No” Before he could speak Jiang Cheng appeared, his eyes were red filled with rage and sorrow. He spoke no words as he jabbed his sword into the rock. ‘If the rock breaks Lan Zhan will fall too’ With the small amount of strength he had left he managed to pull his arm away falling to his end. “Wei Ying!”

Opening his eyes he was met with a blue and white themed room, the familiar scent of sandalwood lingered in the air and a familiar gaquin layed on the table. “Im in Gusu?” Confused he goes to open the door only for his hand to go through. Shocked, he pulls his hand back holding it to his chest. He wanted to go out but the fear that his hand went through it made him shake. 

‘Lan Zhan…’ Closing his eyes he walked forward and only opened them when he was outside. His smile lit up his face as he went to speak to one of the disciples that were walking around. ‘Do you know where Han-’ Before he could even finish his sentence they had walked right through him as they hadn’t seen him. With shaking legs he ran around trying to get their attention but none of them could see him. “I heard Hanguang-jun was being punished. Its all the yiling Patriarch fault”

His body froze as he heard the young ones talking amongst eachother.This time he didn’t stop as his body ran through people he needed to reach the familiar place where he had been punished once before.

There was Lan Zhan kneeling in front of Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen. Both looked disappointed while looking down at him. “For defending Wei Wuxian you will receive 33 lashes from the disciple whip” A gasp left his lips as the lashes rained down on lan wangji’s back staining the white robes red. ‘No! Stop! It's not his fault he shouldn’t be punished” Wei Ying tried reaching out to stop the whip but only failed miserably as he passed through it.

He kneeled in front of Lan Wangji and placed his hands on his cheeks as pitiful sobs spilled from his lips unheard by anyone. He cried, cried for all the lives that were lost, cried for his dear sister who saved him in exchange for her life, he cried for not being able to bear the pain Lan Zhan was bearing. He quietly watched and followed as Lan Xichen helped his brother to his room and cleaned his wounds. Lan Wangji had passed out from the pain yet there was only one thing that he said in his sleep.

“Wei Ying..don’t go”

Wei Ying felt his heart shatter each time his name was spoken it felt like he couldn’t breath and he wanted nothing more than to take his pain away. “Im sorry Lan Zhan..forgive this idiot”

Wei Ying had spent his time staying by Lan Wangji’s side, watching as he laid on the bed bearing the pain from the whip. ‘Where are you going..Lan Zhan you haven’t healed yet, you need more time to heal.’ His pleads fell to deaf ears as he followed Lan Zhan out of the room Bichen in his hand and Wangji on his back. 

Lan Wangji had walked to burial mountain, making Wei Ying remember something or someone as they entered.. “A-Yuan!” He rushed to the place he had hidden him tears sprung to his eyes as he saw the small figure slumped. Getting closer he heard his labored breathing. A sigh of relief left him and he cried. “I'm so sorry A-Yuan i'm glad you’re alive but i'm so sorry I left you here alone to the point you're sick.’

“Mo..mmy” His small hand reached out to touch Wei Ying, his small hand grabbed his, making him gasp.

‘Lan Zhan!’ Jumping up he ran to where Lan Wangji was. He tried touching him yet his hand slipped right through.

‘No, no, no’ He watched panicked as he started walking away from where A-Yuan. Running in front of him he cries and pleads for him to turn around. Reaching out he wishes he could grab him and pull him towards A-Yuan who was close to death.

“Lan Zhan!”

At that his ears perk up. “Wei Ying?”

Trying again he goes behind him yelling his name. “Lan Zhan please help!” This time Lan Wangji was able to see a faint image of Wei Wuxian pointing in a direction, his mouth was moving forming the words ‘please help’ before he disappeared and appeared a bit farther away. Without any hesitation he ran where his Wei Ying was pointing until he saw a small figure hidden away. 

‘Help him Lan Zhan...please’ 

Yet again he disappeared from his vision unknowing to him Wei Wuxian was still there..he was always there watching as Lan Zhan took the child in his arms and took him back to Cloud Recess where he had help from his older brother to nurse him back to health while he kneeled waiting for his uncle to give him his approval of adopting A-Yuan as his son.

‘A-Yuan, my little A-Yuan get better soon it breaks my heart seeing you like this.’ Wei Wuxian gently stroked his hair away from his face a soft smile lingering on his face only to jump as Lan Wangji staggered in and sat down where Wei Wuxian was and checked his temperature. Wei Ying sat on the floor, his arms were on the bed as his head rested in his arms silently watching Lan Wangji and A-Yuan. 

‘Lan Zhan I'm sure you will be a good father to my- our little A-Yuan’  Suddenly sleep had taken over his form which made him confused. In the time he had spent here he had never needed to sleep. ‘I guess this is it..A-Yuan, Lan Zhan take care’ Closing his eyes he fell into darkness.

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