Chapter 10

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Chifeng-Zun quietly patched up Wen Ning’s wounds while Wen Qing looked over both Jin Zixuan and Wei Wuxian grumbling to herself.

 ‘These idiots never learn and always end up hurting themselves and then I have to be the one to patch them up.’ 

“Wei Wuxian seems fine but it’s better to watch over him until he wakes up and Jin Ling feed this to him” Wen Qing casually tossed him a bag of herbs to help wake up sect leader Jin who had absorbed a small amount of resentful energy and passed out. In seconds of having the bitter herbs in his mouth he woke up hacking out the herbs from his mouth and bit back the bile in his throat. 

Yet before anyone could react they were ambushed by men wearing all black and had hidden their identities with black mist.

Yet one stood out against them all, he was holding a sword filled with demonic energy and another familiar one was at his waist.

“They have Wei Wuxian’s sword Subian!” Having drawn the man's attention Wen Qing unsheathed her sword ready to attack the man.

“Take Wei Wuxian” The man's voice came out harsh as if he had his vocal cords slashed. Hearing his words Lan Wangji held his beloved closer to his chest. 

Everyone one stood in front of the two holding their weapons ready to attack anyone who dared get closer to the two. 

Once the battle commenced Lan Wangji placed a barrier around Wei Wuxian and went to aid the others yet kept a close eye on him worrying if something would happen to him.

‘Wei Wuxian! Wei Ying! Uncle Wei open your eyes!’ -Everyone

As if hearing their words Wei Wuxian’s eyes opened. They were unaware of the fact the silver stone was no longer round but in the form of an amulet.

Spirits swarmed around Wei Wuxian as the Stygian Tiger Seal danced in front of him absorbing the demonic energy that had started surrounding everyone.

“Wei..Wei Wuxian?” The once silver eyes now a deep red color glanced over at Nie Huisang who was cowering behind a pillar but he paid no mind to him and focused his attention on the enemy. With swift nimble fingers he placed Chenqing to his lips playing a bone chilling melody that disturbed the corpses of the dead.

“Yes! Keep playing Wei Wuxian, make the dead rise once again!” The man's croaking voice rang out drawing the attention to Wei Wuxian who although was moving was still  unconscious. His body looked as if he was controlled by something else, Yet before he could truly make the corpses rise  his body froze and his aura changed to another familiar one.

“JianYu, i've heard of you from the master, he still has that scar you left on him.” Although the man's face couldn’t be seen there was an evident smirk in the way he spoke.

JianYu clenched his fits wanting nothing more than to remove the man from existence.

With a powerful blast of spiritual energy the man barely had time to dodge the attack and ended up clashing swords with Lan Xichen.

 “I do apologize but I can’t let you go any further” The smile on his face was anything but kind, Lan Xichen knew they were starting to get tired and wouldn’t last a long time yet he also knew that the enemy was getting exhausted quicker than them.

During this time JianYu helped aid Wei Wuxian to control the demonic energy from the amulet. 

In his last life Wei Wuxian was able to control most of the power yet had it destroyed knowing he would be used as a weapon and JianYu had no plan on letting that happen again. 

The silver stone was a trap, they had known Wei Wuxian would try to purify it and unconsciously turn into the amulet that had ruined the poor boy's previous life.

With a deep breath he relied on the barrier set by Lan Wangji to protect Wei Wuxians body as he focused all his attention on the amulet. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to stop it’s creation he did his best to stop the flow of demonic energy by using Wei Wuxians golden core.  Although he knew Wei Wuxian wouldn’t get affected he couldn't help but fearing it could have an affect.

Once he made sure everything was fine he forced Wei Wuxian up using up his energy.

‘What in the hell is happening?’ Looking around he noticed that they were being attacked in Yunmeng. Without hesitating he placed Chenqing to his lips unaware of the Stygian Tiger Seal that was under his control. 

The sound of Wei Wuxian’s  flute grabbed everyone's attention yet the most eye-catching thing was the two small boys cloaked in red and black robes glaring deeply at the enemy.

In seconds those boys disappeared and reappeared attacking everyone who their master didn’t care about until they were running away or dropped dead on the ground. 

The man holding Subian clenched his teeth knowing he wouldn’t be able to defeat them even with the demonic sword and retreated with regret.

Slowly the melody of the flute died away and the two boys once again returned to Wei Wuxians side, completely unaffected by Lan Wangjis barrier meaning they had no malice intention towards Wei Wuxian.

“Is no one going to talk about those two boys by Senior Wei!!” Lan Jingyi shouted only to earn a look from Lan Sizhui which caused him to instantly shut his mouth.

Confused, Wei Wuxian looked around confused only to notice two pairs of red eyes looking up at him. “Wow...who are you?” 

Jiang Cheng, Wen Qing and Jin Zixuan faced palmed at Wei Wuxians idiotic self. “You’re joking, they literally appeared in front of you and saved our asses and you just now notice them!?” Jiang Cheng wanted to smack some sense into his adopted brother but was stopped by Lan Wangji’s barrier.

“Young master Wei I believe you have some explaining to do.” Lan Xichen pulled back Jiang Cheng before the barrier could do any damage.

“I would if I even knew what was going on myself.”

Everyone, I apologise I felt unsatisfied with this chapter and am not really happy with it but I did my best to keep writing for you.
Also I really love everyone's comments they make me smile and keep me motivated to keep writing so I'm very grateful towards everyone!

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