Chapter 19

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“So all we know is that this Hu Feng is controlling someone so he can appear in front of us and he’s located in Burial Mounds with the ability to control all evil that is more evil than what I have done?” Xue Yang looked confused before throwing himself back into Xiao Xingchen who could only silently comfort him. “This is going to be a pain in the ass I already know it.”

“The reason he is worse than you is the fact that he can even control the dead without demonic cultivation, the only reason I was able to fully control it in my past life without it damaging me was because I didn’t have a golden core, not having a golden core is the main way of being able to use demonic cultivation without it corrupting you.”

Looking around he knew everyone was deep in thought thinking of ways to defeat Hu Feng.

“There’s something strange.” Wen Qing spoke out, grabbing their attention. “When you and Wen Ning went to assist the attack in our sect you returned with a piece of Yin metal but there were no pieces of Yin metal in the Wen sect.”

“Then they were set up? Someone had placed the Yin metal in Qishen Wen sect to have Wei Wuxian be taken over by demonic energy and go out of control-”

Nie cut off Lan Xichen finishing his sentence. “Yet they didn’t expect JianYu to help him control it and purify it.”

“Plus they wanted to use Wen Ning and Chifeng-Zun as their greatest weapons but once again I ruined their plans by not being the original Wei Ying.” The room went deathly still as everyone took everything in.

“But wasn’t the Yin metal destroyed by uncle Wei when he killed the Wen mistress?” 

“But you’re forgetting A-Ling, Hu Feng is the closest thing to the creation of Yin he can make anything he wants contain negative or demonic energy.”

Nie Huaisang wanted to hide and cry “We’re really at a disadvantage then.”

‘I think now would be a good time to tell you your other ability then.’ JianYu spoke with an awkward laugh.

“Ability? What other ability do I have besides white hair and purification? And why are you now just telling me JianYu!”


Everyone watched as Wei Wuxian talked with an annoyed look on his face before a smile formed on his face. “You’re a genius JianYu!”

With an excited smile he turned to face Lan Wangji who only raised his eyebrow at him. “Lan Zhan, pull out Wangji.” In seconds his guqin was set in front of Wei Wuxian who placed his hands above the wooden instrument and created the array that was pictured in his mind thanks to JianYu. He poured Yang energy into the array causing the strings to vibrate as the mark of the array formed on the guqin and disappeared. 

“Now play it.” Without a single word of complaint Lan Wangji placed himself where Wei Wuxian was and touched the guqin’s strings. A sudden surge of energy entered through his fingers before he played the song of clarity. The notes sounded the same yet when the tune was heard they felt as if all evil had been cleansed from their soul.

The array on the guqin glowed softly until the song ended stunning them. “If you use the seven string guqin during battle while infused with your spiritual energy you will be able to cleanse Yin energy quicker.”

“Uncle Wei can you do the same to swords.” Jin Ling was ready to hand his sword over along with Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi who had shining eyes waiting in anticipation.  “I can-”

“And who says you brats can come along.” Jiang Cheng glared at them along with Jin Zixuan who crossed his arms.

“We were the ones who rescued you old people in Burial Mounds.” With a soft snort Jiang Yanli tried to hide her laughter. “You know they’re not wrong.” With bright smiles they got in line and held out their swords towards Wei Wuxian who could only start placing the array on them.

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