"Please come with us Y/N, it'll be fun" Eleanor pleaded, looking up from the dress she intended to wear that night. "Elli, I don't know. I don't really want to go out" you commented, flipping to another page of the magazine in your hands. "Just come with us, drink and be merry and welcome the New Year with your friends" she pleaded again, jumping on the bed while tossing a gold sparkly dress into your hands and you chuckled. "Fine" you huffed with a smile, crawling off the bed to begin the process of getting ready. "You look smashing" Louis commented, eyeing you with a grin before leaning in to press a warm kiss to your jaw "Absolutely smashing" he repeated, wrapping an arm around Eleanor's waist before leading the three of you from the apartment and to the waiting car. "Drink up" Andy tells you, passing you another drink. It's almost 11:30 and you've yet to spot Harry's curly hair and you take that as a sign to get completely smashed and enjoy yourself. You're in the process of laughing, tipping another drink back against your lips when you catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of your eye. He's smiling at Josh, turning to introduce her to him and you've suddenly forgotten how to breathe. Your lungs are struggling to catch much needed air and everything around you begins to spin and constrict inwards. Andy has his arm around you in an instant, ushering you towards the back of the crowd while shouting for Maz to locate Eleanor. "Just breathe love" he murmurs against your ear, blocking you from the crowd before he's shuffling you through a set of leather doors. "Get out" he demands loudly, pressing you back against a door as the waitresses in the room stumble down the hall and away from the scene. "It's alright, you're alright" he tries to assure you, hands on your shoulders but you can't see him; everything is blurred. "I'm here, I'm here" Eleanor rushes, pulling you into her arms to try and block you from the world, hoping her arms are strong enough to heal you. "He's here... with her" you stammer out, tears streaming down your cheeks at seeing Harry with Taylor. "Is she alright?" you hear Louis asking, pushing Eleanor's questioning hand away as he curls his hand around your neck. "We're leaving" he says, pulling you forward softly as the others file into the kitchen. "I punched him, it's fine. He deserved it" Louis assures Liam and you can't decide what you're more shocked at; Louis punching Harry or Harry bringing Taylor to the Funky Buddha.
You give yourself one last look, taking in the appearance of the pale pink dress against your tanned skin and sigh. You locate your gold heals with minimal difficulty and slip them on, pushing strands of curled hair over your shoulder and behind your ears. You find yourself standing in front of the door to your apartment ten minutes later, hand still posed on the doorknob but unable to twist it. This would be the first time you'll be seeing Liam in person since the breakup six months earlier. It wasn't a secret that you've moved on, the surfacing pictures of you with a red headed prince are proof of that. He's even moved on, pictures of him with an unknown blonde show him with a happy smile. But this, would be the first time that you would be in the same place as your ex and you aren't sure if that's something you could handle just yet. "So... he brought her" Eleanor mentions in passing, shuffling into the seat next to yours while handing you a fan that doubles as a wedding program. "Oh... he did?" you question quietly, smiling as Louis and the girls made their way up the aisle and Eleanor nodded. You spot him during the ceremony, glancing away from Jay and Dan saying their vows to find him in a row of seats in front of yours with a blonde at his side. Once the ceremony is over, you shoot out of your seat and hurry down the aisle into the house to hide. "You alright love?" Jay asks, shuffling into the bathroom you'd taken up residence in. "Fine... I just wasn't expecting him to bring her" you answer, chuckling softly when she'd reached up to wipe the tears from under your eyes. "Are you gonna be alright?" she questions, giving you a once over as you smile. "I'll be fine... just took me by surprise though" you assure her, taking a deep breath before leaving the sanctuary of the bathroom for the reception.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionI saw a lot of these on other sites and tumblr and I decided to add them for Wattpad readers :) some are inspired from tumblr and other sites and some are FROM tumblr (NOT ALL MINE!!!!!!!) and some are written by MOI. I try to write as much as I can...