#41: You Find Out The Gender Of Your Baby

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"Lou, I'm really nervous. What if it's not a boy?" You ask. Lou's always wanted another Tomlinson boy. But what if he was a she? "It'll be fine, I'll love her just the same." He smiles, taking your hand as you wait for the technician to tell you whether your child was a boy or girl. "Looks to me, Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson, like you're going to be welcoming a little boy!" You squeeze his hand, your worries vanishing, and noticed he's staring at the ultrasound screen, saying,"Hi Tommy."


As Harry and you walk up to your sister's house, you spot a pink balloon in the window, and immeadiately get suspicious. It was supposed to be a small family get together, but when you opened the door, you knew exactly what it was. "Happy Baby Reveal Party!" All of your friends and family are there, holding a variety of pink items. "So, it's a girl, then?"Harry asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. You smiled, tears in your eyes, and nod.


You and Liam decided to wait until the birth of your child to find out the gender. You were shaking with nerves, and also pain, as you pushed your first child out of your body. "It's a, a boy!" Liam screeched, kissing your forehead, then running into the hallway into the group of waiting boys,"It's a boy!" All the guys piled into the room to see the new James Payne.


"Ugh!" Niall groaned as your mother slowly cut into your baby cake,"The anticipation is killing me, not to mention the fact that I'm starving." Whichever color the cake was dyed symbolized what the gender was of your baby, and only your mother knew. Your mom handed Niall the first slice, and you watched his face light up. He showed you the pink cake, and screamed with his mouth full,"We're having a girl!"


You and Zayn smiled, sitting in the cool doctor's office, waiting on the results of your ultrasound. You two both wanted a girl, and tried everything in your power to have one. The only bad thing was that you couldn't decide on a name, Aleeyah or Nadiya. The doctor came in, smiling,"Mr. and Mrs. Malik, our technician made a mistake, you're having twin girls!" You smiled, and Zayn whispered in your ear,"Nadiya and Aleeyah!" He squeezed your hand in reassurance.

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